Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 171: Protector Richard

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Listening to Stephanie's words, Richard and the nobles showed formulaic smiles on their faces.

Then, according to the process, the new king Stephanie should appoint new cabinet members next. The palace chief standing aside was holding a roll of parchment in his hand and a quill in his other hand, and said loudly: The co-lord of the Ravana people, in the name of His Majesty the Supreme King, announces the appointment of cabinet members!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Stephanie spoke, but her eyes were on Richard: "During the reign of King Lawrence, Richard, Earl of Cuban, led the kingdom army to meet the invasion of the Ramirez kingdom, and finally won Victory and conquered the city of Abadran. After the war, I resolutely led my army back to the country and fought the rebels. If it were not for the resistance of Earl Cuban to the death, I am afraid I would not be able to stand here as the new king. So, Ira The sacred and inviolable power of King Wana, I gave Richard Stuart the Cork, Sauron, Mumba, and Abadran to Richard Stuart, and I appoint him as Duke of Cuban and Guardian of Lavana. Duke of the country!"


The appointment of Stephanie shocked the audience, and everyone was in an uproar. No one could have thought that Stephanie would give Richard such a reward. Even Richard himself was surprised, but he quickly reacted and remembered the previous one. The surprise Stephanie said at the back of the court, the surprise she wanted to say was this.

Against the gazes of everyone's discussion, Richard took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said: "Your Majesty, swear in the honor of the Stuart family, I will defend your rule to the death and become yours. The sword fights for you, becomes your shield to guard your territory, is loyal to you, and will never betray."

Listening to Richard's oath, Stephanie smiled from the bottom of her heart. She then continued to appoint other candidates for the cabinet, but Richard did not listen. His mind was completely attracted by the sudden sound of the system prompt.

[You have taken the next step in the struggle for hegemony and become a powerful duke. There are even more important earls below the level of the duke. Therefore, you should divide the country in your hand in time to avoid the control exceeding the upper limit. The relations with the country deteriorated.

The upper limit of the territories has been opened, the current upper limit: 5/3 (exceeding the upper limit will cause the dissatisfaction of other nobles and the fear of the king, and even affect the loyalty of the generals)

The prestige system is now open. You can obtain suitable generals by consuming prestige. At the same time, your prestige will affect the upper limit of your territories, and the low prestige will also affect the loyalty of the generals-current prestige: 3000 (prestige less than 1000 will be Be punished, reputation can be obtained through war, creating a new duchy, becoming a king, etc.)]

Looking at the system more and more like Zombie Fengyun 2, Richard was a little helpless. The upper limit of the territorial jurisdiction was obviously plagiarizing the neighboring Zombie Fengyun 2, and the reputation system, more or less also had the shadow of the next door.

If it exceeds the upper limit of the territorial jurisdiction, it will reduce the loyalty of the generals. Richard also expressed his understanding after a careful thought. After all, his generals cannot always use love to generate electricity. Everyone wants to become a nobleman in the field, let alone control the military power. The nobles.

As for how to divide the generals, Richard already has a draft. After the coronation ceremony is over, he will immediately go to divide the extra kingdom out. If the lord of Abadran remembers correctly, it seems that it has been Was under house arrest in Richard's army.

When the session of appointing cabinet members was over, Stephanie led the cabinet members including Richard out of the palace along the red carpet. They surrounded the beautiful new king out of Trizi Palace and met with the long-awaited gathering outside. Representatives of civilians crowded together.

These civilian representatives came from all parts of the kingdom. They came here to hear the King’s usual comforting words. After the meeting with the civilian representatives, under Richard’s auspices, all the guests moved to the campus inside the palace wall. They Looking at the strangely dressed matchlock pikemen in the eyes of people of this era who accompanied them, they made pointing and arguing sounds from time to time.

"Everyone, I believe you are very curious about these soldiers wearing weird costumes and holding weirdly shaped weapons." After entering the school, Richard standing next to Stephanie said to the guests, and then received their affirmation. Response.

Richard gave a chuckle, pointed at the arquebuses who were swiftly marching in line, and said, "They are equipped with newly developed weapons of our army. These weapons can shoot through infantry armor at a hundred paces away. If it is a salvo, It can also cause more casualties to the enemy."


Everyone took a breath, and could shoot through the enemy's armor a hundred paces away, even a more powerful crossbow machine could not do it.

Seeing them shocked, Richard still smiled, summoned Sandro, the arquebus commander in the queue, and ordered the tall officer: "Sandro, let the soldiers Shoot a volley of targets in the distance to show our guests the power of matchlocks."

"Yes, Your Highness!" In front of outsiders, Sandro did not call His Majesty, but stepped down to call His Highness. This highness was in the ears of others and would only be considered the Prince of Winster Kingdom.

With Richard's order, everyone found a row of armored scarecrows placed a hundred steps away. These people were the targets of the matchlock gunners.

Sandro, who was ordered, turned and returned to the arquebus who had completed the array. These arquebuses did not list the dense arrays. They were separated by half a meter from each other. They did not dare to huddle together. After the arquebus was shot, the arquebus would meet. Because of the recoil of the shooting, if it falls on a comrade-in-arms around him and ignites the gunpowder canister hanging on his body, it would be a tragedy.


Sandro shouted loudly. He slowly pulled out the saber around his waist~www.readwn.com~ and raised it high. Following his order, the soldiers blessed the matchstick on the hook at the same time, blowing in small mouths. With the burning matchstick, while aiming at the target a hundred paces away.


As soon as Sandro’s voice fell, the matchlock gunmen in a three-line array pulled the trigger together. With the trigger, the metal hook pushed into the fire door. The matchlock ignited the black powder and just listened to a series of crackling gunshots. The arquebuses were surrounded by white gunpowder, and the series of gunshots surprised everyone.

When the choking gunpowder dissipated, the target a hundred paces away appeared in the sight of everyone. Following their sight, the row of scarecrows was beaten to pieces, and many blacks appeared on the armor. The small hole reveals the scorched straw inside.


The guests looked at the armors that were pierced from a long distance, and couldn't help but imagine the scene when the object being shot was not a scarecrow but a human soldier, but they didn't dare to think about it anymore after only thinking about the general scene.

Seeing everyone behaving like this, Richard smiled with satisfaction. What he wanted was this kind of effect. Properly showing his muscles would help some conceited people to put away his bold ideas in time.

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