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When King Nicholas II of Pravia was brought by the soldiers, the old king was still maintaining his last dignity, but Richard was not ready to give him face, he sat on the horseback of a war horse , Looking down at the old king with the gaze of a winner, said: "King Nickles, I am very happy to see you again, especially in this situation."

"Richard, you won. You captured me again. I have nothing to say." The old king said stiffly. The first time he was taken directly into the capital and became a prisoner, he was not convinced. Not very convinced, but he also admitted his weakness, to be precise, he recognized Richard's strength-after all, Richard dignifiedly defeated the main force of the coalition.

However, Richard did not care whether he was convinced, he saw Richard sneer and said: "King Nickles, I gave you the opportunity before and agreed to sign a contract when our army is superior. It gives you peace of mind to fight against the Rusinos. But you still choose to entangle other countries to fight me, which is really disappointing."

"Needless to say." King Nickles waved his hand and said: "Richard, you win this time. You are free to choose how to deal with us. You don't have to waste time with useless words here."

"You are right, King Nickles, I really don't need to waste time with you in empty words." Richard nodded, he moved his neck and said, "So, in order to avoid Pula The Kingdom of Via violated the contract again and started war. I decided to bring the Kingdom of Pravia under my rule."

"What?" King Nichols was shocked and said quickly: "No, you can't do this! My nobles and people will not agree to it!"

"I won't bother you about this, King Nickles--no, I should be called Lord Nickles Pravia from now on?" The smile on Richard's face was inconvenient, and his smile was in the other's eyes, but It's more evil than the devil's smile.

When it was about to come true, Nickles immediately panicked. He swallowed and said in a quick tone: "Richard, no, your Majesty Richard, as long as you keep my throne, I am willing to surrender forever. You, together with my children and grandchildren, will be your most loyal vassals!"

"It's late, Nicholas Pravia, it's too late." Richard shook his head pretendingly and said regretfully, "Besides, I have never heard of a king becoming a vassal of another king. , This is not in compliance with the rules. (In ck2, I don’t seem to have seen such a thing. I don’t know if there is a precedent in reality.


Hearing this, Nicholas was stagnant, standing still unable to speak, and taking advantage of this moment, Richard waved his hand and said to the soldiers behind the old king: "Take our predecessor Nicholas. Your Excellency, take it, and his family, all back to Nord City."

"Yes, Your Majesty Caesar." Several soldiers replied, and then left with Nicholas's arms and took a few steps. The old king suddenly became sober, struggling violently, trying to break free from the **** of the soldiers, but this year he How could more than half a hundred bodies compare to two strong soldiers, they were taken away forcibly.

Unable to break free, Nichols had only one mouth left to move. He only listened to him cursing Richard loudly in disregard of his image, exhausting the most vicious language, but Richard was not at all annoyed. The killing power of the curse of the method is too small.

After King Nickles left, another man was escorted by the soldiers. When he approached him, he saw an unfamiliar face. When Richard was puzzled, the other man opened his mouth and introduced himself: "Respect. King Tchad, I am Titos Axman, King of the Kingdom of Swačić. You have defeated me and I am willing to surrender to you."

"King Swačić?" Richard was taken aback. He just wanted to ask why the opponent appeared in Suken City and was captured by himself, but he quickly realized that there seemed to be the Kingdom of Swačić among the participating states, so he Nodded, and said: "King Axman, I accept your surrender. According to the "Noble Law" you will get enough preferential treatment. As long as your country sends a ransom, you will be free immediately."

"Then please let me write a letter and ask for the ransom to be paid to my palace chief." King Titos said flatly, not embarrassing the matter of becoming a prisoner, no wonder, in the eyes of these nobles It is common sense to surrender if you fail to fight.

However, King Titos’s calm face quickly changed, because he saw Prince Randall of the Rogle Principality behind Richard. He met the latter several times in the army and treated him. Naturally leave an impression.

"His Royal Highness Prince Randall? Why are you here?" He asked suspiciously.

"Uh..." Randall looked a little embarrassed when he was recognized by the former commander. He scratched his head, thought about it, or told the truth, and said: "Your Majesty King Titos, I am now His Majesty Richard's. The lieutenant."

"What? You surrendered to the Winsters?" King Titos was taken aback. He didn't know what happened in the Duchy of Rogel. In his eyes, Landauer was still the first heir to the Duchy of Rogel.

"Yes, Your Majesty King Titos, this matter is a bit of a long story..."

As Randall said, he told King Titos about his experience. Anyway, he has already taken refuge in Richard. There is no need to hide this kind of thing~www.readwn.com~ It just so happens to make more. People know his father's evil deeds.

"So that's it." After hearing the young prince's account, King Titos nodded. He was a little bit hesitant, but still said: "Prince Randall, I hope you won't be bothered by the decision you made. Feeling regretful."

"I will, Your Majesty."

Then, King Titos also left here under the **** of the soldiers. After a while, the report of the siege was completed and handed to Richard.

Due to the cover of artillery and long-range troops, the enemy guarding the city basically did not have much resistance, and was defeated by the high-spirited soldiers of the First Legion. They either took off their armor and fled into a labyrinth-like alley, or surrendered on their knees. Therefore, the loss of the First Corps was almost negligible. They exchanged more than 800 corpses and nearly 2,000 prisoners for the casualties of nearly a hundred soldiers. Among them, a large number of the nobles of the Pravia Kingdom and others participated in the war. The army's nobles of the country, although these nobles cannot be thrown into the pit like ordinary captives, they can still bring Richard a huge ransom.

In addition, the soldiers also found a large amount of wealth brought by the royal family in their escape in the warehouse of the City Lord’s Mansion in Suken City. Although the wealth is not clear, its value is expected to be higher than 50,000 silver coins.

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