Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 295: I don't know what

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On May 20, 1115 in the continental calendar, one week after the city of Suken was captured, the city finally recovered from the turmoil of the change of ownership and returned to tranquility. It is not suitable to say that it is tranquil, because of the warmth passing by the streets from time to time. The Steward patrol caused tension and anxiety among the residents of the city.

Not only that, the royal family was captured, the kingdom was destroyed, and the news that the only remaining earl of the kingdom declared independence was also stimulating their nerves. They were afraid that the new ruler would mobilize them and send them to the battlefield to attack and become independent. Hagenson collar.

However, Richard did not act as they thought. He did not bother to drive civilians as cannon fodder, but after leaving a brigade as a garrison, he led the army to conquer the independent Hagenson collar. Before the expedition, Richard also received a battle report from Nord City. This battle report was sent by Temporary Regent Stephanie, and it stated the results of Toola Gris's battle in the Kingdom of Delj.

After reading this report, Richard was very happy. He did not immediately reward Toola Gris. Instead, he asked the messenger to return to Nord City with his orders and let Toola Gris stabilize Del. After the order in the Japanese region, he went south to support Maximilian.

Yes, it is to support Maximilian. Although our Count Maximilian relied on reinforcements mobilized in the Lavana region to repel the Ramirez army, his army also suffered heavy losses and was unable to win the pursuit. He could only continue to defend the city of Luven and wait for the new Reinforcements.

It was a tragic war. Except for Lu Wenling's troops, which were systematically produced soldiers with stronger combat effectiveness, both armies were conscripts of this era. The two armies fought on the plain outside the city of Luwen. The plain was only a few hundred meters away from the ancient battlefield where Richard defeated Ramirez a few years ago. Although this is just a coincidence, we still have to feel God’s naughty .

In this war, the Maximilian infantry was repelled because of the disadvantage of the number, but they returned to the battlefield under the loud encouragement of the nobles and the stimulation of personal involvement in the battlefield, and re-stabilized the shaky front. At the same time, the knights on both sides were also in battle. The Lavannes, who had always had an advantage over the Ramirez in cavalry, once again gained the upper hand. What's more, they were assisted by the elite early general guards under the command of Count Maximilian. , Soon defeated the enemy, and quickly returned to help, before the infantry front completely collapsed, launched a charge on the Ramirez infantry in the fierce battle.

This tactic, Richard used with sophistication, was also learned by Maximilian, and he barely defeated the army of the Kingdom of Ramirez-embarrassingly speaking, he died under the charge of cavalry in the post-war statistics. Only a few, more kills were produced in the infantry fighting, and the cavalry only played a role in attacking the enemy's morale.

It is worth mentioning that Maximilian’s systematic army played a very important role in the battle. Although the frontal defense line composed of spear militias retreated again and again, they have barely maintained a state of being undefeated, even on the two wings. The friendly forces of the retreat on a large scale, they still insist on fighting, because the buff given to them by the system prevents them from being easily defeated.

The defeat also affected the morale of the army of the Kingdom of Ramirez. Some members of the army had also experienced the war a few years ago. After they withdrew to Abadran, they carefully recollected and discovered that every time they met with Ravana The kingdom's war will not be won. They have almost lost consecutive battles. Except for this time, Lord Abadlan surrendered, they have never won any victory.

Since its birth, this idea spread like a plague in the army, and quickly spread throughout the army. The soldiers were shaken. Although they did not believe it, it was true. Some pessimists even directly asserted: the Ravana people With the protection of the gods, we will never be able to defeat them.

Are the Ravana really protected by the gods? The answer is obviously wrong. It is not so much the protection of the gods, but rather the protection of Richard, the protection of the system owned by Richard, if there is no participation of the soldiers produced by the system, who wins and loses is unknown. ——At least in the case of Ramirez's stable advantage, Lawana's side will undoubtedly lose.


Turning his gaze back to the capital, Noord, under the **** of a chain cavalry brigade, the royal family of Pravia and all the nobles who were captured in the cities of Tus and Suken were taken here. For safety reasons, Stephen Ni ordered the Janissaries to respond and bring all the captured nobles to the Palace of Ippolito. Arriving at the palace, all the nobles except the Pravia royal family will receive the preferential treatment they deserve. They will not be released until their country or family sends a ransom, but the Pravia royal family does not have this treatment. Nicholas II The whole family will be sent to Gabefelta and spend the rest of their lives in that towering tower-this is also a decision made by Richard, he decided to detain Gabefelta as a political prisoner ( The place where the royal family was conquered is like the Tower of London in England.

The person in charge of the **** was also Richard’s lieutenant Magnus. This loyal former Janissary Army commander’s mission was not only to **** the captured nobles, but also to recruit new troops and bring them to Richard who was still fighting on the front lines. There is vitality.

This is also a helpless move~www.readwn.com~ The combatable forces of the First Army are actually already somewhat stretched. The internal arms of the Legion are out of balance. The long-range arms and cavalry surpass the melee infantry, which is the main force, which is fatal. , Because Richard has always used the tactics of melee infantry to resist the line, stick to the enemy, and weaken the enemy by long-range firepower output. After the cavalry solves the enemy's cavalry, they will backcharge the enemy infantry, and the battle will be determined. But now, the melee infantry has been consumed a lot after continuous battles. If it is not replenished, Richard can only let the fragile archers and crossbowmen draw their swords to kill (bei) the enemy (sha) after a few rounds of output. .

Magnus didn’t know how many soldiers he could recruit. Although the heavy sergeants that Richard had brought to Kuban were trained into several companies, these companies were like a drop in the bucket and could not meet the gap of the First Army. . So Magnus can only focus on the Teutonic Knights in Buckburg and those native Winster residents who have not been conscripted.

Although the regular knights of the Teutonic Knights are distributed throughout the kingdom, there are still many knights and knight attendants in its base camp, Buckburg, as well as newly recruited Knessite troops, so when Magnus returned to Norman The German city sent people to Fort Buck and asked the Teutonic Knights to provide troops to participate in Richard's war against the heretics. This reason was almost invulnerable to religious organizations such as the Teutonic Knights. After the messenger sent the order, The deputy commander and the council of the Knights only discussed it for a while, and then agreed to Magnus' request.

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