Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 308: Conquer Ramirez

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"When the nobles of the Palace of Misotene were still arguing about who should be the new king, when the citizens of Akiki and the'hillies' in their eyes shivered under the bombardment of the catapult, No one noticed that the soldiers defending the city opened the gates, allowing the Winster army outside the city to enter the city smoothly, and the Ramirez Kingdom, which had ruled this land for hundreds of years, was finally destroyed.—— "History of the Kingdom of Ramirez"


Everything went so smoothly. When the terms of surrender were negotiated, the soldiers guarding the city wall opened the gates and welcomed the Winster army holding high the yellow double-headed eagle flag on the black background to enter the city, under the leadership of Toola Gris. , The heavily armed Danish soldiers filed in and quickly took control of the city gate and the city wall. Then, they marched along the street to the depths of the city. The city of Yakik was shrouded in darkness, which was moving fast on the street. How conspicuous the fire dragon is.

The residents living on both sides of the street were directly awakened by the news. They cursed and got up and got out of bed. When they reached the window, they opened a gap. They just wanted to shout at the outside, but they saw the soldiers holding the flag of the enemy country. He immediately swallowed the curse that was so frightened that he closed the window tightly within a few seconds, climbed back to the bed, and did it all in one go.

In the Misotene Palace, the guard soldiers who watched the night spotted the very conspicuous "fire dragon" on the street. The soldiers of the Guards rushed up the palace wall in a hurry and entered the fighting position, but after they saw the fire dragons, they were so frightened that they fell into an ice cave—the enemy's army had all come in, and it was them. How can these hundreds of soldiers hold the palace?

Therefore, regardless of the obstacles of the nobles, the Imperial Guard consciously opened the palace gate and surrendered to the Winster army who had rushed here.

On July 6, 1115 in the continental calendar, the city of Yakik fell completely, and at the same time, the partial division commanded by the three Seplins marched forward, taking the defensive and empty Ramirez territory into the bag and conquering Ramirez. The Kingdom of Sri Lanka is just around the corner.

On July 13, the last castle still resisting was breached, and the kingdom of Ramirez was destroyed.


The news of the demise of the kingdom of Ramirez quickly spread across the country with the courier’s footsteps and was sent to Richard. Looking at the battle report written by Toola Gris, Richard couldn’t help but laugh. Everyone in front of everyone praised Toola Gris without hesitation, and personally wrote a letter to the great hero who successively conquered the kingdoms of Delj and Ramirez. In the letter, Richard promised to canonize Toola Gris as Duke of Delj in the Palace of Ippolito after the war, the first duke in the history of the kingdom.

Regardless of how Toola Gris would react after receiving this letter, in the west, those countries that were at war with Richard received news of the destruction of the kingdom of Ramirez. They all felt bad. Originally, Ramirez The Sri Lankans can also help attract part of the Winster troops in the east and relieve their pressure, but now that allies in the east and north have been wiped out, Richard can transfer the army to the western front to cooperate with him in the westward march. .

As a result, the remaining seven countries once again frequently sent envoys to contact. They also sent people to Slade, the capital of the Kingdom of Swacci, to invite King Titos to join the coalition again, but the king directly refused. In desperation, they Can only seek help from other countries, but the messengers sent out were either directly rejected, or they found reasons to decline. No country was willing to join their coalition forces and drip into the muddy waters.

It’s no wonder that the prestige of the Kingdom of Winster has spread throughout the entire Valdasia peninsula. Countries are very jealous of this, and they are unwilling to go to war with the powerful Winsters, but they don’t want to see the Winsters sitting big. Although he would not directly participate in the war, he still secretly sent money and food to the participating countries. Although the latter was not satisfied, he could only choose to accept it.

However, the support money is not useless. Under the negotiation of the rulers of various countries, in addition to mobilizing their own troops, they also pooled a large sum of money to hire several well-known companies on and off the island through mercenary merchants. The mercenary group didn’t know how wild the mercenary merchant’s path was. It was able to hire a small tribe of the Khigu barbarian that crossed the northern border. This tribe bypassed the holy Kuyavian Empire and headed south to the Vadasya Peninsula. , Accept the command of the coalition forces.

Speaking of the Khibone Barbarians, they have a lot of origin. It is said that they are from a continent called Dogeiro in the far west. They ruled on that continent hundreds of years ago and invaded their native southern China. The German Empire, the ancient empire that was stronger than the Holy Kuyavian Empire fell apart in an instant, and could only survive in the south, but why they crossed the ocean to this continent has always been an unknown mystery. Some people say that they are in their homeland. After being hit hard, they were forced to flee here. Some people say that they unified the Continent of Dogro and came to this continent only to open up a colony.

But in any case, the fierceness of the Qibones still shocked the natives of this continent. In order to defend against the invasion of the Qibones~www.readwn.com~ the Holy Kuyavian Empire mobilized most of the materials and united with several others. The country built a Great Wall in the north, but it was of no use. Because of the internal problems of some countries, the Great Wall did not completely block the pace of the Qibon people. They could still forcefully break into the gap in the Great Wall and raged south.

Now, the mercenary merchant has a tribe of wedge bones with vast magical powers. Although the coalition countries know the greedy nature and untrustworthiness of the barbarians, in order to defeat the Winsters, they still attract wolves into the room and recruit this group. tribe. Their heart is like a mirror, they can defeat the Winsters, everything is easy to say, as long as the benefits are enough, these annoying barbarians can leave, and no matter how bad they are, they can take root in the land of the Winsters; But if they lose the battle, the untrustworthy boners are likely to bite them back and swing the butcher knife at the former employer.


Richard knew nothing about this. In order to stabilize the newly conquered Kingdom of Ramirez, he asked Toola Gris to stand still and deter the forces that were about to move in the city of Yakik, while he and Magnu The reinforcements brought by Sri Lanka converge, raise rations, sharpen the knife and prepare for the westward march at any time.

His first goal was the Kingdom of Gosland, which bordered the Pravia region. This country had deployed most of its knights and troops before. When the coalition forces were defeated, the domestic defense force became weak. It is best to pinch persimmons.

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