Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 309: 1 year later

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"They are beasts, they are demons from hell. They are good at riding horses and traversing the wide plains. They are good at fighting and can easily tear apart the body of a heavy infantry. No one knows why they left the Continent of Dogro. Crossing the oceans to come here, perhaps, it is the almighty **** to punish the impious us.——Gerhard Husi (deputy commander of the Guardian Army of the Holy Kuyawi Empire, survivor of the defeat of the'Blood Valley'


Ta Ta Ta-

The Principality of Fayr, Rasfield, the front line of the army of the Kingdom of Winster.

Darkness envelops the whole land. Outside the stronghold, you can barely see your fingers. Inside the stronghold, only the torches held by the soldiers and the braziers scattered everywhere emit a faint light. These lights are only enough to illuminate a small area nearby. But it is better than nothing.

The war has been going on for a year. In just one year, the First Army led by Richard drove away wolves, conquered large tracts of land in the Gosland Kingdom and forced it to go to the King and become the King of Winster. Attached.

After the defeat of the Kingdom of Gosland, fearing that the fate of the former would fall upon him, the Principality of Nata and the Principality of Fayal joined Richard’s alliance together against the remaining four-nation coalition led by the Principality of Rogel.

The Principality of Fayre and the Principality of Nata also ushered in the garrison of the Kingdom of Winster. Richard ordered the army to deploy defenses on the front lines of the two countries and cooperate with the two countries’ military to establish stronghold defenses. He himself led the troops. The main force broke into the kingdom of Meganis and opened up a new battlefield.

The Angar stronghold is one of a large number of strongholds established behind the border between the Principality of Fayr and the Kingdom of Dera. It was built next to a creek, in which was stationed a heavy-armed sergeant company, as well as Feir servants recruited nearby.

Forgot to say that one year has passed since the war lasted. During this year, Richard recruited many spear militias, spear sergeants, and heavy sergeants companies from various places, and these companies arrived on the front lines. After that, they were all assigned to the bases of blockbuster films. Since they were not included in the corps, they will not continue to serve like the standing army after the war, but will be sent home-because they have been recruited again, so Richard will recruit them next time. At that time, you don’t need to spend money, you only need to pay military pay.

Keke, it's far away.

From time to time, I heard the footsteps of the patrol team walking. This sound was very harsh in the silent night, not only that, but also the clanging sound of the collision between the armor and the armor.

Relian Heyman, the commander of the Angar stronghold and the company commander of the spear sergeant who is stationed here, is standing on the tower beside the gate, looking at the endless darkness outside the stronghold, but can't help it. Think of his hometown.

Lelian is not a German. To be precise, he is not even an empire. He is a little noble born and raised in this world, and one of the first low-class nobles in the Kingdom of Lavana to believe in Christianity.

"When will this **** war be over!" Lei Lian cursed in a low voice. It has been half a year since he came to the front line from the manor in his hometown in response to enlistment. During these half a year, he can see it almost every day. The enemy's wandering horses wandered on the border plains, and occasionally dark arrows shot in from the outside, shooting one or two unsuspecting soldiers.

"Company Captain Leilian, it's really cold to stand guard this day." A man walked into the tower and he looked at Lei Lien, who was wearing plain clothes, leaning against the wall, said.

"This is not my post." Relian replied. He didn't see who he was, but he could tell from his voice. The opponent was the company's deputy commander Dias. "I just want to know what happened there." He Pointing to the darkness in the distance, he added.

"What can happen, it is undoubtedly that the Delaman's wanderers are moving at night again." The deputy commander said, he patted Lelian on the shoulder, and said helplessly: "Our army is conquering the Kingdom of Meganis with His Majesty the King. , So that I can't solve those annoying flies, I can only watch them dangling in front of my eyes."

"All this will change." Relian replied, as if to convince himself: "We have defeated seven enemies. It is only a matter of time before we defeat the remaining four enemies."

"I hope so." The deputy commander shrugged, walked to Lelian's side, looked outside, and said: "You go to bed first, I'll keep an eye on it for you."

"Yeah." Relian nodded, and walked past the deputy commander out of the tower, and then walked down the stairs to the ground. There were still some soldiers in the stronghold who were not sleeping. They gathered around the brazier to keep warm, or carefully wiped their weapons and shields.

"Good evening, sir."


Having dealt with two soldiers who passed by, Lei Lian went straight to his camp. The temperature dropped in the night in late November, and he had to cover an extra blanket of animal skins to keep him warm.

In a blink of an eye, several hours passed. In addition to the soldiers on duty in the stronghold, they were still holding their posts, and everyone else fell asleep. The deputy commander Dias walked on the fence, patrolling the situation of the guard, the outside of the stronghold was still pitch black, and his fingers could not be seen, only the occasional bird's call.

Walking on the fence, Dias only felt a urge to pee. He frowned slightly, and stood on the wall a few steps, untied his belt, revealed the trick, peeed against the bottom, and was here. At that time, a figure with a disheveled hair suddenly rushed out of the darkness. He pierced his spear with a low growl, and actually pierced Dias' crotch directly. Blood spewed out, and Dias screamed and fell off the wall.

At the same time ~www.readwn.com~, the soldiers standing guard were all headshot by arrows shot in the dark, and fell down before they could make a sound. One of the soldiers reacted quickly and immediately ran to the brass bell to ring, but before he picked up the hammer, an arrow pierced his head from behind. The soldier died on the spot, stained with blood from the wound. The bronze bell was red.

But someone rang the warning bell. When the bell was struck, the soldiers who were immersed in their dreamland woke up immediately. Relian took the lead to pick up the sword on the table and rush out of the camp. He just When I rushed out, I saw several barbarians with disheveled hair crawling in along the wall, roaring and jumping off the wall, fighting against the soldiers who had rushed out of the camp.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Relian roared loudly, and as his voice sounded, more and more soldiers rushed out of the camp with weapons to fight the sudden barbarians.


The fence was already occupied by barbarian archers, who used their bows to draw arrows and shot Winster soldiers with the light of the brazier. A soldier had just rushed out of the camp and was shot in the throat with an arrow before he even touched the enemy. The whole person fell to the ground. Blood continued to gush out and soon dyed his clothes red. The soldier was unwilling to cover his wound and wanted to continue. Going forward, but still failed.

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