Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 337: Rogel's Principality collapsed

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"This is really a terrible enemy."

Seeing the mess on the city wall, the broken pieces of human body, and the wounded soldiers who screamed while covering their wounds, Robert couldn't help but sigh.

It's no wonder that he sighed with such emotion that he had received such a big blow, but he didn't even see the opponent's face. He could only see a flash of fire, accompanied by a deafening loud noise, and then they were attacked. This kind of attack does not distinguish the target. Sometimes the city wall is attacked and a deep pit is smashed, and sometimes the soldiers on the city wall are attacked. As long as they come into contact with the solid iron ball, they will suffer serious damage. Or maybe the buildings in the city were affected, smashed through the load-bearing wall and then collapsed, burying all the civilians inside.

And this so-called "witchcraft" was also cracked by Robert. He ordered people to find the black spots that flew into the city and show them to all soldiers. The black spots were heavy solid iron **** because they hit many things. For this reason, the shape of the iron ball has changed, and it has some blood stains on it.

Seeing this iron ball, Robert’s first reaction was that it was launched by a catapult, but he quickly rejected this idea because the movement caused by the launch was not something that a catapult could make. What should this be? A new type of weapon, and more powerful than a trebuchet. After all, a trebuchet can’t directly smash a deep hole on the surface of a solid city wall—not only that, but after a few hours of bombardment, there has been a crack on the surface of the city wall. I don't doubt, if I were bombarded for a few hours, it would really be smashed.

In addition to worries about the city walls, morale issues also made him worried. The soldiers have been shaken by the military spirit of the new weapon. If the arrows are attacked, it is good to say that they can hide behind the wall or in the tower. Save your life, but this kind of solid iron ball can directly smash through battlements and towers. With bad luck, there is only a dead end wherever you hide.

"Oh!" He couldn't help sighing, let a few officers take charge of the city wall, and then turned and walked down the city wall to the barracks. The streets are full of rubbish, there are many building fragments, and occasionally a few craters can be seen, and there is a black solid iron ball on the side.

Soon, he walked into the barracks. The barracks were also affected. An iron ball smashed through an arrow tower, causing the soldiers standing guard above to be buried directly under the rubble. When he was dragged out of the rubble by other soldiers At that time, there was no breath, so I could only put it on the side. When he saw Katrin, the other party frowned and listened to the quartermaster's report. Seeing Robert came in, he signaled the quartermaster to pause and step back first.

"How is it? That thunder after another makes me feel very uneasy." She asked, she didn't go up the city wall, so in her opinion, the roar of the artillery after another is equivalent to thunder.

"It's not good, it should be a new weapon of the Winsters." Robert said, pulling a chair away and sitting on it. "The morale of the soldiers is greatly affected. They are all afraid of standing on the wall. I am the next dead person."

"We have to do something." Catlin said, "Just now the quartermaster also reported to me that eight buildings in the city were attacked and collapsed, and the residents inside were buried. Now only nine bodies have been dug up."

Upon hearing this, Robert gave a wry smile, spread his hands, and said helplessly: "I can do nothing."

"You go to gather the army, and the residents, let me talk to them." Katrin said, she touched the mark in her throat and made up her mind: "In the name of the mother of seven hundred gods, we want to defend the kingdom. capital."

"Yes." Robert replied, then got up and walked outside the house. Half an hour later, in addition to the necessary sentries, the soldiers were all gathered on the square in front of the palace. After hearing the news, the residents who were hiding at home also walked out of their homes and walked towards the square.

The news spread quickly. In just over an hour, the square was crowded with crowds. Looking around, it was full of black and crushed human heads. Robert looked at all of this and felt a little uneasy. If the enemies outside the city use the mystery at this time The new weapon attack, a few iron **** down, here will become a **** on earth.

Fortunately, the artillery outside the city had already emptied the gunpowder, so he could only turn off the fire and rest, and wait until tomorrow to continue the shelling. His worries were completely groundless. But at this moment, Catlin, who was completely clothed, walked up to the high platform accompanied by two guards. She looked at the crowd of people on the square and was surprised but did not show it. She took a deep breath and brewed. After a while, he spoke.

"The inhabitants of Miglenborg, the children of the Mother of the Seven Hundred Gods, as you can see, I am the marshal of the kingdom, Katrin, and also the messenger sent by the Mother of the Seven Hundred Gods. I believe many of you have already I have heard of my deeds, and I also know my record of defeating the Winsters at Lake Ronnie, all of which are attributed to the great mother of the seven hundred gods."

Her voice is not very loud, but dozens of loud-speaking soldiers help to transmit the sound so that the people in the square can hear her.

"Under my leadership, we defeated the mighty Winster army, protected His Royal Highness Prince Tragel in Malafa, and broke the legend of the invincibility of the Winster people. But now, in order to protect us, we have lost and recovered. In order to protect the devout believers of the Mother of Gods, we were surrounded by Winster's army and received crazy revenge!"

"Look at the ruins! This is the crime committed by the evil Winsters~www.readwn.com~ Under the ruins, there are so many innocent civilians buried. This is just the beginning. We don't know yet. How many people will die under the atrocities of the Winsters. Can you watch your relatives and friends die, and watch the walls of Miglenborg be broken?"

"No!" someone shouted, and he opened his head, which quickly aroused more people's sympathy.

"Then, in the name of the Mother of Seven Hundred Gods, I implore you, in order to defend our royal capital, in order to defend our relatives and friends, muster the courage to fight the evil Winster pagans together!"


Richard did not know what happened in the city. At this time, he had just received military information from the west. To be precise, the military information was a good news. The army led by the military commander Charles captured the capital of the Rogel Principality. In the city of Gus, the little king Ragnar who hastily succeeded to the throne was dragged by his court regent to surrender to Winster's army, and the Principality of Rogel officially perished.

This good news was also known to Randall for the first time. It was funny. Not long after Randall arrived in Bennett, he was taken back to Miglenborg by Richard. He didn’t know that he was watching. Where I used to escape in embarrassment, what thoughts would I have in my heart...

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