Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 338: Start siege

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"Your dear brother has surrendered, Randall, how do you feel?"

Faced with Richard’s question, Randal was filled with mixed feelings. To be honest, he actually wanted to get his father and younger brother up by himself, but after all, he couldn’t do it because of his old age. Dy Ragnall has gone to see the Mother of Seven Hundred Gods, and his younger brother Ragnall has also become Charles's prisoner.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, you have eliminated another enemy and won a great victory." Landauer said bitterly. After all, the Principality of Rogel is his homeland. Now the homeland is destroyed, even if he now belongs to Wins. Kingdom, but still feel a trace of heartache.

"This is all the credit of Charles. I just did some trivial work." Richard said modestly. He saw Randall's mood swings in his eyes, and he thought about it or decided not to let him in advance. The news of becoming the new Grand Duke Roger told him that after the Kingdom of Meganis was wiped out, the whole thing would be revealed, giving Randall a big surprise.

Hearing that, Randall did not answer the conversation. To be precise, he didn't know how to answer. He could only be silent. Richard saw that he didn't speak, smiled slightly, and turned to look at the devastated man in Miglenborg. From the city wall, the voice floated over and passed into Randall's ears: "Wait for tomorrow, tomorrow we can take Miglenborg."

"So fast?" Randall was startled, and he secretly said in his heart, but Richard seemed to be able to sense what he was thinking, and then said: "Randall, you don't seem to have seen the power of the dynamite bag, so tomorrow I will Let you see it and open your eyes."

This is true. Since Landauer joined, the First Army has been bombarding the city with artillery and never used explosive packs. Therefore, Landauer’s concept of gunpowder only stays in the use of artillery and guns. The level of preparation.

Hearing what Richard said, Randall was also interested. He suppressed the urge to question and waited for the siege to arrive the next day.

The next day, the siege began.

Today, as always, the weather is good. The warm sun shines on the soldiers of the First Corps, giving people a warm feeling. This kind of weather is best to stay at home and lie on a comfortable bed. In a room with light leaking windows, feeling the warm sun basking on your body, you can enjoy it with your eyes closed, very comfortable-instead of standing here, preparing to participate in a fierce siege.

"Soldiers, there is a good weather today, which is also a good sign. I hope that the sun can purify the evil in Miglenborg, so that we can take the city without any effort."

"Hahaha..." The soldiers couldn't help laughing as they listened to Richard's jokes, and the tension before the battle was much reduced.

"But!" Richard suddenly raised his voice and turned his words: "This is impossible. The evil in Miglenborg has been deeply rooted and can only be purified with the sword and sword in our hands! My dear soldier We, God and the Virgin want us to purify the evil in the world, how can we live up to their expectations?

So please take up courage, take up your shield, draw out your sword, and fight for the glory of Christ under the banner of God! "

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"God is watching us!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"When the power of God destroys the city wall, it is when our army is showing its might!"

As soon as Richard's voice fell, a heavy-armed sergeant squadron selected in advance rushed out of the army. They carried a large amount of explosives, arranged in a tight phalanx and rushed towards the city wall. In order to cover them, several civilian archer battalions and civilian crossbowmen battalions all stepped out of the army and fired at the defenders on the city wall. The eighteen artillery guns also roared again. However, because most of the gunpowder was taken to fill explosive packs, Today's transmission frequency is much sparser than yesterday.

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!"

On the city wall, the officers roared loudly from time to time, and the archers in the army tried desperately to shoot with their bows in an attempt to stop the heavy sergeant brigade approaching the city wall, although they did not know that the other party did not carry any siege equipment and approached the city wall. What can be done.

The clanging sound kept on the shields raised by the heavily armed sergeants, but they were basically bounced behind the shields. Only a few of them could penetrate the shields and threaten the soldiers underneath. Among them, there were few unlucky bugs. The arrow that pierced the shield hit the hand holding the shield, and the palm of his hand was directly penetrated, blood gushing out, bleeding on his face, he immediately screamed in pain.

The arrows of the defenders were so weak, but the first legion’s crossbowmen performed extremely powerfully. The dominant crossbowmen shot rounds of arrows at the defenders on the city wall that could almost cover the sky. , The black arrow rain drew arcs in the air, and then covered the entire city wall. The soldiers who could not dodge were shot into hedgehogs immediately and fell to the ground without a word.

Their tragedy frightened the soldiers hiding around, and no one wanted to be shot as a hedgehog. Therefore, they could only continue to hide behind the wall and shiver, and try to curl up their bodies to avoid tricky angles. The arrow happened to hit himself. In addition to the fear of arrow rain, the roar from time to time also makes their hearts shudder~www.readwn.com~ Every time a cannonball hits the city wall, it seems to hit their atrium, making their hearts follow the city wall. Shaking violently.

Roberto, who happened to be standing in the tower, looked worriedly at the embarrassment of his soldiers, sighed, and could only turn around and walk down the city wall. In his opinion, the city wall could hardly be guarded, and he was scared by this. The soldiers can only be caught with their hands. Fortunately, there is an army under the wall. If the wall is blasted down, he will personally lead the army to plug the gap in the wall!

I just don't know what happened to Catlin who was staying in the city. She was responsible for mobilizing the civilians in the city to fight against Winster's army. There is no news yet. Robert thought to himself.

At this time, Catlin was besieged by the remaining Winster soldiers in the city. Seeing that the army outside the city was launching an offensive, they couldn't sit and wait, so they all together looked for opportunities to help the army. Their opportunity came soon. , Katrin and a few soldiers just passed by their hiding place. These Winster soldiers rushed out of the hiding place and attacked Katrin in an attempt to capture the king first.

But they didn’t get a hit. They didn’t have enough energy for a long time. They had no time to attack and kill a hapless guard. Katelyn and the other guards reacted and drew their swords to fight back. They were killed several times at once. Personally, they complained so much that they actually kicked the iron plate!

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