Rise Of The Fallen

Chapter 1 - Prologue

Long, long time ago, there was nothing and everything, evill and good lived together, endless variety of Energy collide with each other in immesurable space. There was only one word you could describe this... Chaos... Pure chaos itself. Something which was everything, yet you can't say what exactly.

Chaos was first thing in existence, nobody know what was before or even if something ever was before. You must think, 'The first must been Void because... Well, because it's Void', but we don't know that and propably we never will.

It was never told when exactly, but someday from Chaos different being started to emerge. They were different from each other, some had strange shape. They were compound of different animals we know now, for example one had the head of octopus with countless tentacles, its eyes where those of a frecious beast but had a glint of inteligence. On its back were two giant wings like that of a bat but little ragged, with holes in some places. Its hands ended with absurdly sharp claws. This being itself was three hundred meters tall but in the vast space it looked tiny. But not all of them looked so 'savage', no. There were also ones with faces and bodies which today only Gods could have, and compared to the them, Gods will look like averge peoples in your eyes. From handsome men to extremely beautifull women, from those in forms of kids to those in form of eldery.

They looked different but they all had one common thing. They all had the power of Chaos! They could manipulate Chaos, create Chaos, they were the manifestation of Chaos themselves!!

Many of them preferred to isolate from their 'kind'. Some of them started to experiment with their power. They started to create realms after realms, planet after planet. But despite that they didn't like their own kin, they did felt lonely in all those realms alone.

It was then, when the first 'Old Gods' have been created. From blood and essence of their creators, they were formed as the citizens of realms and planets. They took different forms, most were similar to theirs Creators, some looked like monstrous Beast, others looked like tall and mighty Giants, there were also those who looked like powerful and pride Dragons. They looked different but they were loving their Creators just like child love parents.

'Old Gods' inherited powers from Creators. Many received power of Void, Holy and Demonic energy, power of Elements, some could manipulate Time and Space, others could manipulate Fate to some degree, but only a handful wielded power of Chaos.

Chaos was the hardest energy to control and that wasn't without the reason. You have to get strong body, mind and unbreakable will to control it. Chaos was untamed energy, it influenced minds and souls of those who possess it, without proper control you lose yourself, in your mind was only one thing... Destruction.

And then those of the 'Old Gods' who possess Chaos couldn't bear the power of their Creators and were slowly becoming mindless.  They started to kill other 'Old Gods' and destroy cities. Later they were named 'Mad Gods'. It was then when the first war in Multivers started.

The war lasted for thousands of years, every realm and planet suffered from the results of the war. But even after thousands of years and fact that 'Mad Gods' were only a handful, many of the 'Old Gods' died, many lose their loved ones and many planet vanished. Power of the 'Mad Gods' was more intimidating than those of 'Old Gods', in the end Chaos is the most powerful energy because it's origin of everything. Everywhere 'Mad Gods' appeard Chaos started to influence living creatures changing them to frecious, mindless beast and planets started to decaying. Chaos which 'Mad Gods' emitted were uncontrollable and threaten the realms to collapse.

When 'Old Gods' started to lose hope, finally the Creators took an action and destroyed 'Mad Gods' and from cores of their souls, they made an artifacts which contained the uncontrollable Chaos. You may ask 'Why the Creators didn't took an action earlier? They could easy defeat 'Mad Gods' at the beginning of the war'. Well, its because they wanted to see if the 'Old Gods' could take care of themselves relying only on each other. And they felt disappointed.

When they destroyed 'Mad Gods' and gathered all remaining Chaos in artifacts, they all gathered and decide to hide them in realms but not destroy them because they can become useful. They all left their own universes, but they never returned. The reason why was never written in any of the Ancients Scrolls. Before they left, they created Laws which takes care of universes in their absence. The Laws forbidden travel from universe to universe and forbidden other minor things.

It was time when the First War in Multiverse ended and the 'Ancients Ones' disappeared forever.

Again countless years passed.

'Old Gods' were in conflict again but this time they didn't fight to survive, but because of a common reason in almost every war. They were fighting for the authority.

When their Creators dissapeared, they didn't know what to do. They never thought that their 'Parents' will left them. They needed someone to lead them, but why should they let someone lead them when they could lead others?

And with that, war for the power started. 'Old Gods' started to form Alliances, Unions, Kingdom's, Factions and some more powerful were fighting on their own.

In certain Universe three factions had the biggest forces but were in impass. They were faction which resides in Realm called Heaven, Underworld and Earth. The first one included mainly 'Old Gods' with affinity towards Holy energy, they had enough of war and wanted to end it but they know if they wanted to end war they have to defeat others. Next was faction in Underworld. They were the main cause of impass in the war because they mainly used opposite energy to the Holy Energy, the Demonic Energy. The Third located in Earth are Humans, they prayed to different 'Old Gods' and give them sacrifices in different forms, in exchange they are protected. But why protect so delicate creatures, with limited life span, around 120 years which for the 'Old Gods' its just a moment? Because of very strange phenomenon they accidentally found... Humans have LIMITLESS POTENTIAL!! If they can overcome their limited lifespan, they can become very strong 'pawns' in 'Old Gods' armies. But if they had limitless potential, can't they possibly become more powerful than 'Old Gods'? Of course not. The Laws which 'Ancient Ones' created forbidden possibility to become more powerful than 'Chilidrens' of Creators. Above 'Old Gods' only 'Ancient Ones' can stand and Laws cannot tolerate those who tried to replace theirs Creators.

Impass lasted for many years. Too many.

Factions started to prepare to "all out" battle to finally get a winner.

Every being had participated in battle, their survival depended on it. Main battlefield was Earth so as you can guess, humans had the biggest casualties, their kind almost got extinct and their realm almost got destroyed. Lot of more proud 'Old Gods' when they were defeated, made suicide attack, their pride didn't allow them to kneel to anyone . Of course some of them survived but they were to much injured, they knew they didn't have much time. Some of them created descendants to control their realms in their place, mostly they were just copy of themselves but much more weaker. Some regretted what have they done so they use last remainings of their Divinity and Life Essence to repair the most damaged realms and resurrected as much beings as they could. Majority focus on humans and their realm becous they had suffer the most from the war. Of course any resurrection can't be made without costs. What will be the meaning of Death if anyone can just resurrect themselves? Resurected people lost their ability to naturally use any energy, they still can use it but it requests much more effort, most of them can't even awaken their power in their entire lifetime, and they also lose all their memories about supernatural world, maybe result of somekind trauma. Those who survived the war decide to protect others from shadows because they didn't want to again bring them to this brutal and cruel world.

About Heaven and Underworld. Only theirs leaders survived but they were greatly injured, practically dying. In Underworld, Xeanosh split all his Demonic Energy in four, even parts. He created four descendants and command them to just live as they want but forbidden them to do things which can directly or indirectly threaten universe to destroy. He also instilled in them a reluctance toward those with possession of Holly Energy and residents of Heaven. Xeanosh named them Four Great Satans, the new leaders of Underworld. Satans decide to repopulate Underworld, so slowly from the lost souls they found wandering in realms, they created new race, the Devils. They looked like humans but they had wings like those of bats and tail with tip in shape of arrow. When they got more powerful they gained another pair of wings, and so on. This helped recognize those who were powerful from common devils. All devils had affinity to Demonic Energy and some of them got extra powers like destruction or worthlessness. Of course if they mainly used Demonic Energy, their weakness was of course Holy Energy.

Four Great Satans formed hierarchy similar to that of nobles. Devils established 72 pillars which contained all Devil's clans like Amon, Bael, Marax and Agares.

Urion, the leader of Heaven, after he saw the results of war, swore that he will do everything to protect peace in universe, but he knew he can't do it personally anymore. He created one descendant which inherited Holy energy and Power of Creation. Before he fade away, Urion command his descendant to protect peace in the universe at any cost and when he can he should help Humans in their need, as a recompense for suffering their war brought.

Descendant of Urion knew he can't do that alone, so with power of creation he created his 'children'. They looked like humans but All of them had white eagle-like wings, and above their heads, bright halos were floating representing affinity to their 'Light Element'. Number of wings which they possessed increased with grow of their power, similar to Devils. They can use Holy Energy, 'Light Element' and some of them awakened different power like holy-lighting or Flame of Purification. He called them Angels.

Angles instead of creating clans, formed Chores with Seraphs closest to their 'Father' and most powerful.

Both sides decide they wouldn't fight openly anymore and instead they will tried to convince humans to either side peacefully. Of course sometimes things go out of control, so "small" clashes happened and Humans which survive previous supernatural war sometimes takes part in them. Mostly against Devils but some of them attacked Angels to. They literally attack every supernatural being 'To protect humanity from Evil'. They even killed normal peoples which had contact with supernatural world but weren't members of theirs ȧssociations.

Mission of Chores was clear, 'Help Humans in the time they need it, but without direct interaction with them'. They were also forbidden to form any emotional relationship between them and Humans. Majority, prider angels, thought it's because humans are lower beings compared to them and they help them because their 'Father' is merciful towards them. All this to maintain status Quo between Heaven and Underworld. Seraphs were responsible for make sure, that none of Angels disobey commands from their Father. But what if one of them is the one who disobey orders?


Teritory of Humans, Tell Qaramel, Main city on the East

Great walls, high towers made of marble, gates with engraved images of ancestors greats deeds. A plethora of family houses, merchants stalls and other different types of buildings. Wide alleys with peoples walking to do their common, daily things, childrens running after cat or dog with happy smiles and parents who are shouting angrily at their childrens to not hurt themselves but in the end, they just shook their heads and smile lovingly them. Fishermen who just back safe from catch and are welcome by their friends and family. Taverns full of travelers who are telling stories of mysterious places in the world and stories of their great deeds, full of heroism and bravery (mostly fake). This big image of happiness were daily in this big town... yeah.... 'were'...

Majority of once great walls and imposing towers now lie on the ground totally destroyed. City once full of happy chatting and singing of citizens, now if filled with screams of agony and crying of childrens and some ȧduŀts. Almost all of the buildings are caught in the strange fire. It's light green colored flame but what people didn't notice is that the some flames are literally burning metals and rocks in mere seconds. It's already dark so whole city is seen from really far thanks to green light from flames.

In center of the city was main square where all festivilas and celebrations were holds. It was around 10.000 square meters big, with beautiful trees, somehow they were green all the time in the year. In the center of square big, ancient like tree was growing. It had beautiful shade of white with purple leaves. The tradition tell that this is place where all weedings should be taken, when couple which confess to each other and their feelings turns out to be pure, leaves on the tree will change colors to light pink, it's a common story in the whole city.

Currently the square is a center of eruption of green flames. The trees are burned to the ground but this doesn't stop flame from spreading wider in the square. On the ground you can see many piles of ashes with some parts of burned clothes. Every one pile was once a human. There were different sizes of piles, the smaller one clearly meant that even childrens weren't spared.

In front of the 'Ancient tree' a figure is kneeling with his head down. From his posture we can see that he is clearly a man with deep black hair. He wear a strange white and green, sleeveless robe. But the oddest thing is a big pair of wings with feathers in pitch black color. On his right side is the two handed sword, with sharp black blade with strange runes which are glowing with red light. The whole blade is embraced with deep green colored flames.

On his knees a beautiful women is currently laying. She got bright blonde, straight hair with some strands of white. Her skin is really pale, she got red marks around her wrists and ankles and also her simple white dress is covered with dried blood. Her body is currently not moving. She would seems like she is sleeping if not her deeply sliced throat and open, lifeless eyes. Her face has an expression of fear and helplessness.

The duo of man and woman are currently in the center of green flames, but strangely it doesn't affect them in any way, it's more like it try to embrace them to protect.

Suddenly, behind still kneeling man, a bright golden light shine and second later 99 Angels with shining armors and swords are floating, with multiple pair of wings behind them. In front of them stand otherworldly handsome, tall man. He has white hair and calm golden eyes. He wear a golden robes but its doesn't hide his perfect body.

In the same moment when 'guests' appeared, flames seems like they are going to rage because of their presence. Some of Seraphs snorted arrogantly at incoming flames and stepped forward releasing their Holy Energy only to find themselves already burning. They started screaming painfully and to the shock of everyone, they can't put flames down. Rest of Seraph stand in the same place, without a single clue what to do. White-haired man slightly open his eyes wide in surprise because he knew what this green fire meant and how dangerous it was. Some more experienced Angels calm down fast and started to place a barrier around them. Only when all Seraphs support barrier with their energy, flame finally stop but lot of cracks started to appear. Then white-haired man send some of his Divinity to support barier and helped still burning Seraphs which gained looks full of worship and total respect from Angels. Yes, this man is a descendant of Urion and current Lord of Heaven, God himself.

After flames bȧrėly died down, everyone were shocked, these who were burned by this strange flames had nasty burned marks all of their body, even wings weren't spared but what horrified them was that that flame was put down but they cannot heal their wounds, only when God with his Divinity do a thing about it, the wounds started to heal slowly.

Seraph1: My Lord! Please, let us take care of this. We can't let you dirt your hands with that lowly insect!!

Seraph2: Yes Lord!! That "thing" is not even worth it to be in the same place with you!! If it weren't because of this filthy surprise attack "it" will be already annihilated!!!

God: ... Silence...

Just like he said, all of them shut their mouth and kept glaring at the black-haired man.

Then, man with black wings carefully put aside death women, and close her eyes with his hand, whispering something. He stand up and and slowly turn to the 'guests'. He still has his head low with his hairs covering his eyes and is mumbling something louder and louder.

???: ...u...ised...me...

???: You lied to me...

???: You promised me.

???: You said she was safe!!


As man begin to speak louder, flames surrounding them starts to burning with much more force. At the last sentence he rise his head to look at Seraphs and God. His handsome face can rivals that of God, if not because of traces of blood tears. When he looked at them, Seraphs took a step or two back, even God flinch for a moment. Through the bangs of his hairs, two glowing crimson eyes with slit pupils are starring at them. Eyes full of absolute hatred.

Barrier surrounding them starts to crack slowly in some places as flames attack more violently than earlier.

God narrowed his eyes and unleash his Divinity making flames went out in radius of 50 meters, but rest of flames bȧrėly shook and keep burning more intense as if they were mad for sudden attack.

Man with black wings stretched out his right hand and suddenly a two handed sword appeared in his palm, still wrapped in flames. He looked at God and roared


Then he rushed at God with terrifying speed, ground can't hold sudden force and crack in radius of 5 meters. He appear in front of God and slashed downwards verticaly. Angels gasped because none of them were able to notice his movements. They only know he didn't teleport because of cracked ground.

God rise his left hand and manifest spear made of pure Light mixed with his Divinity and blocked sword attack making huge shockwave that blast away all surrounding buildings.

Angels gulped thinking what would happen if they were to block that attack, hah, they weren't even sure if they were able to react in time.

Some recover from shock and smirked seeing that 'Their Father' blocked attack easily.

Seraph1: Pffft..Hahah!! Y-you are nothing in front of Lord!! Stop acting all mighty and receive your punishment!!

Handsome young angel with long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes said coldly without taking his eyes from clashing figures.

Seraph1: Huh??.. Why are you saying this Michael?

Azazel: Look closely at where 'Old man' is standing and his hands, moron..

Next spoke another handsome teen with black hair and golden bangs. He also was still looking at the two men.

Rest of Angels also paid closer attention to clashing figures and saw that God's arms are trembling slightly and he is sinking deeper into the ground. Also heat from sword started to making red marks on God's hands.


They weren't even talking anymore, just staring at black haired man with pale faces and fear.. They can't be blamed!! For them, 'Father' is perfect being, the strongest, the wisest. He is The strongest person they could ever imagine and actually someone can stand against him! One Angel managed to calm himself and shouted to his Brothers.

Seraph3: It's a chance! Attack him from the sides before he back off!!

The one who shouted this, along with 2 other angels rush at his left side and tried to attack him with their Holy Swords.

Azazel: Stop, you idiots!!

Black haired man just glance at them once and point his left arm in their direction and spoke.

???: Ignition

Suddenly from his arm stream of green flames emerged and covered three angels but it didn't stop there and continued to devour everything on it's path until it reached mountains outside city walls.

There weren't any scream, any noise.. Those 'brave angels' just perished in instant.

God used this moment to tilt his spear, making sword slide and slash the ground. He spin around and hit his opponent with blunt end of spear to the ribs.

Black angel was sent through the buildings with cracking sound. After a second he flew from debris and attack again this time horizontally. Place where he was hit was swallen and he has some blood on his mouth. God again blocked his strike but his opponent used momentum from rebound and attack again with greater power. God back off quickly and thrust his spear, piercing man's shoulder.

He gritt his teeth and grab spear, in the same moment he move forward making spear pierc through him. When he was close enough, he swing his sword at God but he let go of his weapon and retreat few steps.

He stood calmly watching as his opponent took out spear from his shoulder and then he felt something hot flowing from his ċhėst. There was small cut from which gold blood started flowing.


Black haired man was shouting at God while shedding tears of blood


God remain silent while watching calmly at man in front. Seeing calmness from God, black-winged man was furious.

He knew there weren't any chance for killing him and left unscathed. But he didn't care anymore. He gather all green flames around him, which combined with black wings and red eyes give him terrifying appearance.

Flames started to burn higher and become hotter melting everything around. Angels cannot breathe anymore so they fleed several hundreds meters from town, but still they felt like they were going to get roasted. Whole world started to tremble.

Behind man, flames started to make shape of huge pillar which towered over the city, and then the man spoke again. His voice was mixture of different voices, giving goosebumps to those who listened.

???: #$/@$&)#% [email protected]=$%)(@+

God, first time since he ascended in the mortal realm, had shocked expression. He knew this spell, he knew how dreadfull this spell is, he knew the costs of this spell. Spell which should be banned and forgotten eons ago. There was no time, God made decision.

God: Come and serve me, Excalibur!

In a flash of gold light, beautiful two handed sword emerged. It's give a intimidating aura and released huge amount of Holy Energy. Blade was silver colored and looked like it could cut through everything without effort.

When black-haired man's spell almost reached it's climax, God gathered huge amount of his Divinity into his sword. He sent powerful slash towards man.

Detecting danger coming towards him, he has to stop gathering Energy and performed his own slash which looked like crescent moon made of green flames. Both attacks collided with each other making unbelievable explosion which erased whole city and several hundreds meters of area around it.

When dust settled down, Seraphs saw black haired man kneeling on the ground with big cut across his ċhėst. Blood was flowing non-stop from the wound making small puddle beneath the man. He was almost dead with his heart beating weaker and weaker.

Angels had look of relief and were proud that their 'Father' take care of the whole situation. All regained their previous, arrogant demeanor, except few that still looked rather worried for that man.

Finally the saw the silhouette of God and they all gasped in shock. God was standing on the ground with the help of Excalibur. His whole clothes were ragged, with missing pieces in some places. But what shocked them was that, that from his mouth gold blood was dripping on the floor and he was slightly trembling.

But what Angels didn't notice, is that, that the man and God were still maintaining eye contact. God's eyes looked calm as always but were slightly narrowed. Black man's eyes were still red and full of anger directed toward the God. He started talking louder and louder, sometimes coughing blood.

???: You think *cough*... This is the end? *inhale* *cough cough* I won't stop... Until you die! Even if I have to die... *cough* even if I have to sacrifice everything... I won't stop until you die by my hands!!

He shouted at last sentence and raised from his knees. He grabbed tightly his sword and let blood slowly dripped until its reached the blade. Sword started to realesing powerful black and green aura that made ground tremble. It seemed like sword wake-up from his long slumber. Strange tattoo formed on man's right arm and his wound started to healing.

God closed his eyes and gripped his fists tightly, looked like he decided something. He appeared in front of the man in a fraction of seconds and pierced his ċhėst, straight through the heart.

Man gasped and he felt blood gathering in his mouth. He tried to swing his sword but didn't found any strength in his body, letting sword slip from his hands.

God: Razjeel... Angel of Secrets and Love, the first one to be born, guardian of Lost Realms, through the sins you committed and deaths you caused, I hereby sentence you for the banishment from Heaven and... Exile to Purgatory!!

Through his entire speech, black clouds with red lightnings started to gathering above them. God take out Excalibur from Razjeel's ċhėst who then collapsed back to his knees. Suddenly, black chains wrapped around Razjeel's arms and waist keeping him in place. They emitted black gas-like aura, suċkɨnġ any energy in the air. Red lightning struck behind him and moment later twenty meters tall and 8 meters wide gate emerged from the ground. Gate was pitch black with purple colored strange runes angraved all over. It's gave an ominous feeling to the Angels sending shivers through their's spines. Some of them heard about this Gate but didn't belive its actually exist.

Gate started to opening, and when it was full opened, another chains wrapped around Razjeel, pulling him inside the open gate. Inside the gate was nothing but pure darkness. Cries of suffering and despair could be heard escaping through open gate, making all Angels pale and wondering what have to be done to make that kind of screams.

Razjeel didn't even try to resist. He knew the best it would be pointless. Instead of this he said something to God, what only the two of them could hear. God shots his eyes wide open but couldn't ask a question because gate closed and disappeared in the ground.

All Angels rushed to the God and kneeled before him. All of them with filled with excitement and pride, except few who gritted their's theets and fists.

Seraph1: My Lord!! We are really blessed to saw you taking care of that tras-

God: Silence! Take care of this mess now!

He the disappeared in gold portal leaving shocked angels behind. Never in theirs lives they saw their's Lord angry, and to this extent that he shouted. They could only do what was told and kept quiet.

That was the day when city Tell Qaramel disappeared from the cards of history and first Angel to be created, was the first to rebelled against the God. Later, after many years, everyone in Heaven treated this like some kind of Myth, Legend. It's become a story to warning new created Angels to always stay loyal to the God. But still, few lived long enough to knew this all wasn't just a story. Angel Razjeel, Angel of Secrets and Love, the guardian of Lost Realms, was labeled as 'First Fallen' the greatest traitor in Heaven's history.

Everyone, for almost 7 000 years, thought he was dead... Until today.....

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