Rise Of The Fallen

Chapter 2 - 1

Kuoh Town, Japan

It was night, around two hours to midnight. Most of citizens were in their's houses so, except main streets, most of streets were empty. At one of smaller streets, young teenage boy was walking down the road, lighten by street poles, with bike next to him. He wore black trousers and jacket. Under jacket he has red t-shirt. His eyes were light brown just like his spike hairs.

???: Damn... I didn't thought that being a Devil I will have to work so hard *sigh* at least I can take a closer look at President Rias heavenly bȯȯbs hehe hehe.

His first tired face turned into perverted one, with creepy smile and drool on the side of his mouth. Suddenly a loud sound of thunders booming in the sky interrupted his thoughts. He looked up and saw that sky is filled with dark clouds.

???: Strange... They didn't said anything about storm in the next few days. Huh, maybe it's just normal, quick storm and will fastly pass by.

He shrugged his shoulder and before he could take another step, the sky was lighten by green lightnings with accompanied by even louder than before thunders.

???: Whoaa!! Okay that's little strange. I have never heard of green lightnings! Better hurry up.

And again, before he could resuming his journey, black clouds filled whole sky. If not because of light poles whole area would turned into total darkness.



???: AAAAAAH! What the hell?!

Green lightnings started to struck at the ground. It would be nothing strange if they weren't striking continuously and at the same spot!

???: That's defenitly not normal!!! I have to contact President!!

He took out his phone and made a call. After two seconds someone picked up.

Rias: Issei?! Are you alright?? We saw that strange lightnings struck the place you are close to!

Issei: I'm okay, President!! But something is off! The lightnings are hitting the same spot for around 2 minutes non stop!! And they are more powerful each strike!!

Rias: Listen Issei! Stay where you are and wait for us!! We all are coming to check this!!

What teenager, now known as Issei, said was true. Lightnings becoming more powerful each strike making loud, almost deafening sound. The city government decided to cut of the electricity in the town to not risk any accidents. All citizens began to panic, scared of sudden storm.

Suddenly next to Issei appeared bright magic circle from which four figures emerged. Three girls and one boy.

The boy is a handsome young man with short blond hair, blue eyes and a mole underneath his left eye. His clothes are the same like those of Issei, but instead of red t-shirt, he has white shirt.

Two of the girls are around the same height. One is a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair was tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place.

Second girl was a beautiful young woman with white skin, blue eyes and a buxom figure. Her most distinctive feature was her long, beautiful crimson hair, that reaches down to her thɨġhs with a single hair strand sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face

And the third girl who was the lowest of them all. She was a petite girl with white hair and gold eyes. The front of her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead, while the back has a short bob cut. She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her head. They all have common thing, all of them are Devils.

Issei turned towards them and shouted, despite being one meter away, to the red haired girl.

Issei: President!! What's going on here!?

Rias: I don't know either!! It's strange! We have to get a better look on where exactly those lightnings keep striking!!!

Rias: Thank you Akeno. Now, lets take a better look.

They started to getting closer and discovered that center of the whole commotion is at the building place. Though they can't saw what lightnings took as theirs target as the light they emmit is to blinding to look at.

Rias: What on Great Satan's is hap-

Before she could end what she was saying, a loud howl was heard through the whole town. After that more and more howls and screams could be heard. They were full of pain and despair. It's sounds like thousands of peoples have been burning alive. They were heard even through the barrier and made all of them turn pale and began to shiver in fear. Those howls sounds inhuman.

Issei: W-wh-what the h-hell is happening?!

Noone answered him as they all didn't know and were to shaken to even think of answer. Suddenly they heard sound different from the howls of pain.


That was shout full of anger that made all of those screams instantly died down. That powerful roar was accompanied by suffocating pressure that shook the whole town and shattered the barrier. All of them dropped to their's knees and felt like they would pass out. But after the moment whole incident ended like it would never happened. Clouds disappeared from the sky revealing full moon.

Whole group started to breathing deeply, trying to calm theirs furiously beating hearts. Black haired girl wiped sweat from her forehead and asked Rias.

Rias: I don't know either Akeno, this is first time I-

Issei: Look there!!

Rias was interrupted by Issei who pointed at something with his finger. They looked at building place and saw man kneeling on the ground. He wore strange white and green, sleeveless, ragged robe. His jet black hairs were merging with darkness of the night.

The group of Devils looked cautiously at the man. Rias motioned to the rest to prepare to fight. They took their's stances and Rias stepped in the front of the group.

Rias: Who are you?? Be aware that you crossed the territory of Devils of the Gremory house! I ask again, who or what ar-

She stopped mid sentence when man suddenly lifted his head and looked at her in the eyes. What she saw froze her in her spot. She saw two, glowing red eyes with vertical pupils starring right at her. She unconsciously took two steps backwards and wanted to scream but felt something in her throat preventing any sound from coming out. She felt like primal predator was staring at her, his prey. She felt something she, as the Gremory princess, never felt before... The overwhelming fear.

When she felt like going to cry, black haired man lost focus in his eyes and fell on the ground losing consciousness. Rias breathed sigh of relief and she took few seconds to regain her composure.

Yuuto: President... What are we going to do with him? He clearly has something to do with that storm and he seems to be dangerous.

Rias started to think of possibilities. First she think of killing him since he seemed to be really dangerous. But she started to hesitate. She didn't know who is he and what is he doing here. Is he someone important? Is he got something to do with that storm? What were those screams? And that look in his eyes.... No, to many questions to be answered. She can't risk to kill someone important from other faction, it could lead to another war.

Rias: Restrain him and take him to the Occult Research Club, inform Sona about the situation. We have to know what's happened here.

Issei: A-Are you sure, President? He may hurt us.

He asked with tone full of worry and with a little bit of fear.

Rias: It's okay, Issei. I would never let someone hurt my dear servants.

She responded with smile, crossing her arms under her breaths making them look bigger than usual. Issei made goofy face and drooled thinking 'Oppai!'. Seeing his reaction and guessing hisnthoughts she smirked, but the white haired girl looked coldly at him and said with disgust

Koneko: Pervert...

Akeno: Ara Ara, Koneko-chan can you help me with our 'guest'?

Koneko nodded and helped restraining black haired man. Suddenly Yuuto said loudly while jumping from the small building.

Yuuto: President! Group of Fallens and propably Exorcists are coming here from east and north!

Rias: Hmph! We don't have time for them. They should be grateful we let them live today. Stay closer, we returning now.


Occult Research Club (ORC in the future)

Razjeel opened his eyes. His sight started to adapting to the current level of light ine the room. 'Wait. A Room?!' he said internally shocked. 'I see. So I made it. I finally broke out from that cursed place'. He wanted to celebrate but this wasn't the best situation to. When his eyes finally adapted, he looked around. His eyes allow him to look clearly in the complete darkness.

What he saw was a wood-paneled room with Victorian-style couches and chairs along the walls. One side is set up to be able to be used as a bath, and a large magic circle. He was currently restrained in magical handcuffs attached to the wall. 'Hmm... Magic restraining handcuffs with enchantment to paralyze when making sudden movements. Not bad but still...'. He closed his eyes and suddenly green flames bursted from his hands devouring whole handcuffs without any sound. 'Much better. Now where am I?'. He thought while massaging his wrists. He tried to take a look around the room more closely but suddenly the door was opened and beautiful, black haired woman stepped inside the room.

Razjeel instantly rushed towards her pinning her on the wall with his leg between her's and forearm on her throat.


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