Rise Of The Fallen

Chapter 17 - 16

Read the author note below, there are very important questions. 

I'm sorry for the quality, I was in hurry writing this.

Enjoy the chapter! 


In a city that has just been conquered, Razjeel was sitting in a chair, sipping fresh made coffee. Just a few minutes ago they had their next meeting to talk about their situation. Conquering a city is one thing, but securing it and keeping it stable is another. They had to do something with all those citizens who's state was simply speaking, tragic.

Soldiers helped them by giving food and medicines increasing the body's resistance to diseases. Seeing conditions that they were living in, the outbreak of the pandemic was the last thing Razjeel would wish for at the moment. They had to put already sick citizens separated from the others, putting them in specially designated districts. 

Securing the walls, issuing food rations and taking care of sick people, all tasks were hard and equally important. The only job that soldiers did with reluctance, was getting rid of the corpses. Every single corpse of Rebels was moved outside the city, to the place where Byron's army was defeated. There, they dig a giant pit where they throw all the corpses, thousands of bodies. Then, they set it on fire, as to not feed local beasts and to not lure something more dangerous closer to the city. Saying that the small was awful was an understatement.

"Out of 22 385 soldiers, we have even twenty thousand left. We also can't move forward without leaving some soldiers as a garrison. I hope reinforcements from the capital will arrive soon." Said Razjeel aloud, leaning back at his seat.

"Also, I didn't receive any news from the west. I just hope that the brainless fuċker didn't do anything funny. *Sip* Can you tell me how the citizens are?" He turned to look at Raynare, who was standing quietly beside him, drowned in her own thoughts.

Hearing a sudden question, she quickly answered. "Yes, my Lord. When we entered the city, they were in a dire state. Starved and thirsty they managed to attack Rebels from inside, though. At first they were scared because they didn't know what we'd do to them. When they received food, medicines and normal accommodations, apparently they were forced to live in the slums after the majority of citizens were taken away, so what we did was enough to gain their favor and respect. In summary, the situation slowly becomes stable, but still, it'll be good if capital starts "reanimation" of the city as fast as possible, or else when the rest of the citizens will be back, they are going to face starvation again." At the end of her speech, a small yawn escaped her mouth. She quickly covered her mouth and with a red face, she hoped Razjeel didn't notice that.

" Did you just yawn?" But he noticed.

She looked away, too embarrassed to meet his eyes.

"N-no... Y-yes. I'm sorry."

"For what? Don't be silly. It probably was your first bigger battle, so it's normal you're tired. That reminds me, you did pretty well back then. You have fine control over Holy Energy, despite being Low-class, with no offense. That's why I want to inform you that next week you will start proper training." Said Razjeel looking at her.

" What training?" Asked the curious girl, tilting her head slightly, what Razjeel found cute.

"Simple training increases your overall capabilities, from raw body strength to Holy Energy manipulation and reserves, ending with strategic and quick thinking skills during combat. If everything goes well, you would gain the next two or three pairs of wings in a matter of a few months." He took last sip of coffee, emptying the cup.

Raynare couldn't believe what she heard. She tried for many years to become more powerful, but all her efforts were futile. She just couldn't make any progress. Maybe her way of training was bad, maybe she fought too weak opponents, she didn't know. After years she became just tired and out of her frustration, she became vicious and petty. After she Fell, that turned into pure cruelty she bestowed on those weaker than her. Of course, the near death experience she had only two months ago, shook her to her core, triggering changes in her mindset. And now, she received an opportunity to finally become stronger.

"Are you serious, my Lord?" She hesitantly asked, thinking he could just be making fun of her.

"Of course I'm. Hmmm? You're not interested?"

"I'm, I'm!! It's just..." Reply came almost instantly, she wanted to say something more, but words stuck in her throat.

Razjeel didn't say anything and just waited for her to finish.

"It's... Thank you." She, for the first time since Razjeel met her, smiled so sweetly, that he couldn't help, but open his eyes wider.

"I'm not talking it's bad, I definitely like it, but if you keep smiling like that I may fall for you, you know?" Said Razjeel with a teasing smile.

Perplexed girl tucked her silky hair behind her ear and began to gaze around the room to avoid looking in his eyes, as she was sure she wouldn't be able to take her eyes off them.

"P-please, stop, my Lord." She managed to say in a quiet voice, trying to sound calm and decisively, contrary to her fast beating heart.

In the same time, as Razjeel was about to tease her a little more, doors to the room opened, revealing Baraqiel in his armour. He walked at a fast pace and stopped in front of Razjeel, bowing slightly. Blush on the attractive maid's face and slightly dissatisfied expression of his Lord didn't go unnoticed by him. 'Did I interrupt in something?'

"Something happened?" Asked Razjeel in a slightly bad mood. Contrary to him, Raynare felt relief, because she would probably have burned from embarrassment if he kept teasing her. Still, a small part of her felt disappointment.

"Ah, yes!" Waking up from his stupor Baraqiel continued speaking. "Two thousand soldiers from the capital just arrived. With them, food supplies for both us and the needs of citizens. If divided evenly, it'll last for a week for both parties. Also, fifteen pharmacists are going to set up a temporary hospital till the city stands up on its own feet and plague will be fully cured."

"Oh, that's great! But leave half of our supplies here. We won't need them anyway." Ordered Razjeel.

"Heh? Why is that, my Lord? They'll come a handful during the next days of battles. " Asked stupefied Baraqiel.

"What days? We will end this war today, I'm already bored with it." He rolled his eyes and stood up. "Pass on to other Commanders that we're leaving in 40 minutes."


"So, how long will it take to arrive there?" asked Razjeel looking at Baraqiel on his side.

"If we keep our pace, then in a few minutes. When we pass that hill we'll see the city." responded a middle-aged man, pointing at the hill in front.

They were currently flying toward the last city in Rebel's possession, Harenfrost. Unfortunately, it was the hardest one to conquer, giving way only to the capital. It was two hours since they left the previous city and were on the move non-stop since then. Soldiers suddenly became nervous, knowing that they will fight the last and decisive battle, at the same time being the most important one.

Even in Dorian, the feeling of uncertainty and doubt in his abilities as a Division Commander, crawled into his heart. He was afraid that he would make a mistake, leading to the downfall of the whole operation.

Seeing the worried expression on Dorian's face, it was surprisingly Kael who spoke to him.

"Kid, relax. I can more or less guess what you think about and it would be better for you to stop. If you keep panicking about making mistakes, then you will make them for sure." Said Kael, with his always stoic expression.

Surprised, Dorian blinked a few times, before smiling wryly. He didn't expect that it would be Kael who would try to cheer him up. He thought that they were in bad relations since the quarrel a few days ago during the Commanders meeting.

"Ha? Speak for yourself, I'm as calm as a wagon full of Tibetan monks.... But thanks."

Little talks were present among the soldiers, in an attempt to release the tension. As they were nearing the high hill, Razjeel suddenly stopped his conversation with Raynare and snapped his head upwards.

He flew higher above his army, in insane speed and swung his hand from left to right just above his head, creating a massive arc of green flames. All soldiers felt unimaginable heat despite being several dozens meters away. They were stupefied at first, but then they noticed shiny objects falling in some places. Taking closer they realized what happened. Volley of Light Weapons was flying at them, but thanks to Razjeel's immediate reaction they avoided being skewered.

"Fly lower!! Keep your guard up!! Enemy knows we're here!" shouted Razjeel feeling multiple presence behind the hill.

Realizing that the enemy set an ambush on them, all chatters stopped. Following Razjeel's orders, they lowered their fly height, some deciding to just land on the ground. Just as the first soldier was about to touch the ground, he felt a strong pull on his armor around the neck. In the next second he was thrown a few meters higher and a loud scream spread through the valley.

"Don't touch the ground!! Everyone get higher! " Shouted Kael, as it was him who threw the soldier upwards. Fallens were confused, first they had to fly lower now higher, what the hell? Nonetheless, they still followed the orders.

Seeing that no one was close to the ground, Kael summoned a long silver lance via Magic Circle. He threw it on the ground and nothing happened for a few seconds.

Suddenly, a deafening explosion consumed an area of two hundred meters. Cold sweat covered the backs of the soldiers that wanted to land there previously.

Noticing a not-so-hard-to-miss explosion, Razjeel clicked his tongue. 'It seems like they won't wait quietly behind the walls.' He once again destroyed the incoming attack with his flames. Deciding to see what is behind the hill, he powerfully swung his wings, creating gushes of winds that had enough force to shook soldiers below, including Raynare.

In the blink of the eye, he arrived at the height of the clouds from where he could see miles ahead. In the distance, he saw Harenfrost covered by a bright glow in the shape of the sphere, guessing it had to be the earlier mentioned barrier. Looking closer to the hill, he found something which made him click his tongue a second time.

Raynare and Baraqiel were at the front of 1st and 2nd Division respectively, watching Razjeel descend from the sky.

"Pass the order: Take the positions on the hill, right now! Form the Line formation at the place!" Quickly ordered Razjeel and without waiting for the response, flew toward the hill.

"What is happening?" Asked Raynare.

"We will see." Responded Baraqiel and did what he was told to, with Raynare following suit.

When they arrived at the hill's peak, which turned out to be a flat piece of land. Five Divisions took their positions with the 1st Division at the center. Looking below, Baraqiel took a deep breath.

Between the city and the hill, on rocky ground, a massive crowd made of tens of thousands people was slowly marching. Baraqiel could feel gazes directed to them, making him feel uneasy. Raynare paled slightly at the sight.

"Just how many-"

"100 000. They moved all their remaining forces." Razjeel interrupted her. He looked at his own soldiers, and found them sweating slightly. Some even created their Light Weapons already. He opened his mouth and began speaking, loudly enough for everyone to hear him.

"What are you nervous for? If each one of you kills 5 of them, then there is nothing to worry about. Or are you trying to tell me that you aren't capable of that? I'm so disappointed that I want to cry." Ended Razjeel with mocking snort.

Seeing their Commander with such a relaxed attitude, they somehow become little calmer. Some even laughed to relieve the tension and shouted to him, reminding him that he promised to treat drinks to them after the war.

Watching them getting less stressed out, he stood next to Raynare.

"Be careful, if you met someone too strong, just back off. It would be a shame to the world to lose such a beauty." He said loudly enough for only her to hear and winked at her. She snapped his head at him with wide open eyes. 'I can't believe he said that in such a serious moment!'

"But seriously. Don't push yourself, this battle is not a joke." he said this time dead serious. Why was he caring for her so much? Maybe because he saw untouched potential in her? Maybe he started to grow attached to her? Since he ended up in Grigori she was by his side practically every day. Or maybe it was just his whim? He wasn't even sure himself.

"Okay... I will." Replied Raynare, feeling the seriousness of the situation. In response he just nodded and moved towards Baraqiel and signaled for other Commanders to come closer.

"They are moving at a steady pace which is surprising because I thought they would rush on us like crazy dogs. I also didn't expect them to come to us." Began Razjeel.

"That's probably because of Jadalbaot. The man at the front, with bluish hair and dark blue armor, it's him. He is different from other Rebels, he is quite smart. He probably wanted to crush us before we unite with western army." Said Solan.

"It would be great if they could arrive in time. Why are they getting late anyway? I heard from people from the capital that they reported they captured the city shortly after us." Complained Dorian. 

'If it's because of Kokabiel, I swear I'll rip off his balls and force him to play table-tennis with them against his boyfriend.'

"Anyway, does anyone know how strong is he, that Jadalbaot? And I'm not talking about his class as a Cadre, but his actual combat power." Asked Razjeel, looking between four Fallens.

"I heard rumors that he is as powerful as General Baraqiel. But I'm not sure, it's just a rumor in the end." Shrugged Dorian.

"Unfortunately the rumors are underrated. We may be in the same class, but he is close to Azazel in terms of power. That was one of the reasons Azazel didn't attack Rebels recklessly." Explained Baraqiel.

"So, what is the plan, my Lord?" Asked Kael, making everyone look at Razjeel.

"Haaaa... It's nothing complicated. Baraqiel, you will take command over my Division, you will also be responsible for range attacks as your Holy Lightning is perfect for that. Do not aim, just hit as many as you can." Baraqiel nodded. "Rest of you will use range attacks, but when they get close, engage in close combat. Baraqiel will be shooting at the Rebels at the back, while you will take care of the front. Also try to pick the strongest one in their army and eliminate them first." Speaking slowly to make sure they can remember everything, he continued."If something unexpected happens, act accordingly to the situation, everything clear?"

"Yes, my Lord. But what about Jadalbaot?" Asked Kael.

"I will take care of him at the side. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be back to help you." Said casually Razjeel. Even stoic Kael was inwardly surprised, seeing how casually he said that. Fighting someone of Jadalbaot's caliber is no joke. For them, at least.

"Okay, get ready. They're getting closer."

All Commanders moved towards their respective Division, giving out specific orders. Everyone prepared their weapons to either throw it or to slice their enemy. The tension in the air raised slowly, as the Rebels got closer and closer. After a few minutes that felt like hours, it began.

"Fire!!" Shouted Razjeel, throwing two meters long green spear made of compressed fire. He decided to attack first to destroy a possible barrier, because he doubted that such a great army would be left vulnerable to range attacks. 



And as if to confirm his ȧssumptions, noise of breaking glass spread through the area, followed by the loud explosion and screams of people. His spear managed to break through the barrier and land in the center of the Rebels army, killing a few thousand of them.

Both parties were stunned seeing that. What they witnessed was just too unbelievable. Single attack managed to take over thousands of lives. 'Just how powerful he is?!' all of them thought. Grigori soldiers were thankful that they didn't join Rebels. Just thinking about facing such an opponent sends shivers down their spines.

"Are you deaf, idiots?! I said FIRE!!!" Angry shouts of Razjeel brought them back to reality.



Powerful lightning, accompanied by thousands of projectiles descended on the battlefield, again taking the lives of many people. But the Rebels didn't just wait to get killed. They send their own volley of various Light Weapons. Seeing the sky getting covered by tens of thousands of projectiles, Grigori soldiers gulped in fear, especially after seeing giant Lance among them.

Baraqiel shot his Lightning in hope to destroy them, but still there was just too much of them. Just when they were about to fall on their heads, a stream of green flames was shot to the sky, devouring everything, including giant Lance. Soldier once again thanked for Razjeel presence and was marveled by power he wield.

Putting down his hand, Razjeel noticed that one Rebel flew higher than others and was going in his direction, alone. Razjeel decided to meet him, so he unfurled his wings and flew towards him.

Standing in front of him, one hundred meters away, was no one other than Jaldabaoth. For a few moments neither of them spoke, nor moved. They were just quietly observing each other. Razjeel didn't find him oppressive despite being clad in armor and in fact he was facing someone at the peak Cadre level. Man with long bluish hair spoke first.

"So you are the Main Commander. You are an unexpected phenomenon, I can't let you live. I'm sorry, but you have to die today, otherwise everything will be lost... " His deep voice reached Razjeel ears, making him raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's me. Pleasure to meet you. Sorry to sadden you, but I'm pretty attached to my life, so I have to decline." Said Razjeel, mockingly.

Being mocked, Jaldabaot frowned and tried to suffocate him with his Holy Energy. But he got an unexpected result.

" Stoop~ It tickles." Chuckled Razjeel, but next moment he released his killing intent. Jaldabaot's body stiffened, refusing to move. He felt like he was suffocating, the world started losing its colors. The feeling of dread invaded his heart.

"Now, let's move aside." Razjeel suddenly appeared next to Jaldabaot, startling him. He then grabbed him by face and threw few hundreds meters away from the battlefield, disappearing from his place the next moment.

Observing soldiers and Rebels were stunned momentarily, but soon after they returned to killing each other.



Near the mountain side, a  blue meteorite fell to the ground, creating a wide crater that could fit two school busses parked one after another. But what appeared to be a meteorite wasn't a meteor, but Jaldabaot.

He blinked a few times trying to understand what happened, but suddenly he snapped his head up.

He found black-haired man wearing a cloak in the same color and green eyes staring at him. He was floating in the air using his two jet black wings, that were much bigger than normal Fallen wings. Green flames gushed out of his palm, forming cross shaped spear, that glowed from time to time.

"Now, let's end this war, shall we?"


Author note (3828 words without it) :

1. Do you like the fact that MC have green colored flames or do you prefer something like purple-black? I choose green because it's rarely used to describe flames.

2. In dialogs, you prefer  "..."  or for example   Razjeel: ....?

3. Would you hate me if I try to add Serafall to his girls? It will be my one and only FF of DxD, I want MC to have relationships with girls at least from each of Three Factions, and few authors gave her place of the love interest, and.... I just love her.... 

Of course I will make a realistic reason for her sister complex.

Info: he's not in love with Raynare (yet), he just likes teasing her and for her is something new, men always ŀusted only after her body so it's the first time when someone genuinely flirted with her and wants to do something for her. I think xD

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