Rise Of The Fallen

Chapter 18 - 17

In this chapter sometimes I address Jadalbaot by name, sometimes by Rebel. Also author note below. 



"Now, let's end this war, shall we?"

Razjeel lunged at Jaldabaoth, thrusting his spear forward. Quickly reacting, Jaldabaot summoned his own weapon, golden Lance, and deflected Razjeel's attack to the side. Seeing his exposed side, he tried to slash it, but Razjeel casually blocked it using the opposite end of his spear. Sparks flew in the air from the weapons clash. 

"Hoo? Quite fast reaction you have." Razjeel smiled. He tilted his spear, making Jaldabaot's Lance slide to the ground. In the next moment, Jadalbaot felt powerful kick on the side of his head, making him fly like a rag doll.

'What was that?!' Thought startled Rebel. He regained balance and looked at Razjeel with a wary look. He had to blink a few times because of the pain he felt, it was like someone smashed a warhammer on his head!

But when he blinked last time, Razjeel suddenly appeared just in front of him. Charging his Lance with Light Element, he slashed horizontally creating a wide arc of Holy Energy. Thinking he got him, he breathed sigh of relief, but a familiar voice reached his ears from behind.

"*Whistle* not bad, not bad." Commented Razjeel, leaning on his spear while watching the devastated area. He was totally unscathed. 

Jaldabaot turned abruptly and took several steps back. He grinded his teeth in anger. He understood that Razjeel was just toying with him.

"Take it seriously!! Stop underestimating me!!" Shouted Jadalbaot.

"You want me to get serious?" Asked Razjeel with raised eyebrows. He sighed and took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Atmosphere suddenly became tense and heavy. "But you know..." he looked at him indifferently and in a green flash he appeared by Rebel's side. "...you are just too weak." 

Jadalbaot widened his eyes in shock. He wanted to swing his arm but he couldn't, he couldn't even feel it. Looking slightly below he saw a protruding stump, he was missing his arm from the elbow and below. Only then, the feeling of pain reached his head.

" Graaaah!!!" Jadalbaot jumped back and flew in the air. 'When?! How?! I didn't even blinked, he just appeared there!!!' he thought in disbelief. 

He extended his remaining arm and pointed it towards where Razjeel was standing, observing him calmly. Tens of Magic Circles appeared above him, with one bigger in front of his palm. In the next moment, multiple projectiles flew at extreme speed towards Razjeel, followed by Giant Golden Lance.

Razjeel just stood there and extended his own hand. The same number of green spears appeared above him, like out of thin air, and flew towards projectiles sent by Jadalbaot with even greater speed. 'Without Magic Circle...?' Thought stupefied Rebel. 







One after another, missiles sent by Jadalbaot were destroyed in the air, leaving the Giant Lance alone. Razjeel's spears stopped mid air and disappeared, with only a few remaining that were flying to counter the Lance. As both attacks were about to collide, smirk appeared on Jadalbaot's face.

Giant Lance, just before Razjeel's spears crashed with it, exploded in multiple smaller Lances that lunged at Razjeel.


All projectiles fell on the ground, creating a thick cloud of the dust that obscured Jadalbaot's view. He relaxed a bit when he didn't feel Razjeel's presence thinking he had killed him. Looking at his missing arm he sighed, feeling tired. Just when he was about to fly back to his army, he noticed a green light shining through the dust. But that light was coming closer at him.


Massive stream of green flames passed by Jadalbaot, who bȧrėly dodged it, and kept flying hundreds of meters behind him. Despite the fact that he avoided direct hit, his armor melted almost instantly and the side of his face got burned by the heat of the flames. 

"Aaaagh!!" Screamed Rebel, covering the burned side of his face with his remaining arm. Because of the pain he felt and received shock, he fell on the ground, roughly landing on his knees.

Hearing incoming footsteps he looked ahead and started shivering at the sight. He saw a man dressed in black with hair and big wings on his back in the same color, covered by a thick layer of green fire. In his mind, the green spear in man's hand turned into scythe.

"Ha.. Hahaha... Hahahahahahahahahaha!!" Small chuckle turned into crazy laughter. Jadalbaot smiled wickedly. It was the first time he shivered at someone sight! "I've never been so angry this much in my entire life! I'll make you feel the same pain as me!" He screamed, taking the fear he felt by anger. 

Suddenly, a long snake-like tentacle embraced Jadalbaot. "I didn't want to use it, because it's only one-time-use, but I underestimated you. Now! Kneel in the presence of God!!!" Holy Energy with a slight amount of Divinity started violently crushing the ground around Jadalbaot, covering him in some kind of golden and purple aura. His arm regenerated but in the form of a golden copy of the original arm. He dashed at Razjeel with incredible speed, destroying the landscape on his way. 

'Oho, the kid lost it. Also this snake... Isn't it...?' Thought Razjeel, still calmly walking. Feeling that Jadalbaot was in a kind of berserk state, he shook his head helplessly.

Jadalbaoth appeared above Razjeel, performing an axe kick.



Loud noise of explosions scattered around the area. Jadalbaot's kick was so powerful that a web-like crack appeared on the ground, in a radius of one hundred meters. Seeing that, Jadalbaoth was in ecstasy.

"Ahahahahahaha!! You see this?! I have the power of God in me!! Are you scared now?! Hahaha haha!!" he turned toward Razjeel with a wicked smile.

Razjeel, who avoided the previous attack, was standing two meters away from Jadalbaot looking at him strangely.

"Yes! Yeees! I see the fear in your eyes!" Still coated in golden-purple aura, he launched himself at Razjeel with raised arm.

Razjeel covered his own arm in his flames and sent his fist toward Jadalbaot. 'What a fool!!' Thought Rebel. Both fists collided with each other. 


Just as Jadalbaot expected, the noise of breaking bones spread through the area. Smell of burning flesh filled the surrounding. 'Burning flesh?' he then saw something unexpected. He saw his arm bent in two places. It was his arm that broke!! Razjeel's arm was completely fine, still covered by green flames that were burning both Jadalbaot's skin and flesh, and Holy Energy mixed with Divinity surrounding him.


The flames started devouring Jadalbaot's arm along with his aura, like cotton set on fire. Jumping back in shock, forgetting about the pain of the broken arm, he tried to extinguish the flames, but no matter what he did, he couldn't. He directed his Energy towards them, but contrary to his expectation, they started burning even more fiercely. Suddenly, the fire grew and spread on his whole body, burning him mercilessly. He started rolling on the ground, burning like a green torch. 

"Aaaahhhh!! Hiaaaa!! What is this?!! Stooooop!! Please!! Raaagh!!" Screaming in pain, Jadalbaot felt he is becoming weak. His Holy and the Divine energy from the snake, was burned to the nothingness. The primal feeling that every living being feel when it's live is in danger, fear, invaded his heart.

Razjeel snapped his fingers and flames died down instantly. Burned body of Jadalbaot was lying there, motionless. It was sure that he didn't die only because of his moving ċhėst, signaling that he was breathing, yet. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak, he couldn't even feel his own body, all he had was one remaining eye, staring at the sky.

Razjeel walked slowly towards Jadalbaot's body, stomping on his ċhėst with his foot. Silent mȯȧn escaped and burned Rebel mouth. He saw Razjeel looking in his eye.

"Where is your God-like power now? The one you were so proud of? I didn't look at you with fear, it was disgust. You were using someone else's strength and you were proud of it. You are pathetic." Said Razjeel coldly.

"Who...A...re...Yo...u..." Weak voice traveled to Razjeel's ears.

"I'm the oldest one of you, I'm... You know, it doesn't matter. You will die anyway." Shrugged Razjeel. He summoned a two-handed green sword into his hand.

'So... This is my end... Fuck...'


Razjeel was flying leisurely toward the battlefield, drowned in his own thoughts.

'That was Ophis blessing, I'm sure about it. But where the hell did he get that? No, Ophis is the only one who can grant it, so she had to do it herself. But what was their relation?' When he got closer to the battlefield, he realized that it's coming to an end. He noticed a new army in familiar black armors and certain red-eyed fuċker killing Rebels left and right. The battlefield changes its place from hill, to the space between the hill and the city. 

'It seems they made it in time. They don't need my help anyway.' he thought and flew towards the sole boulder, sitting at it. He once again  lost himself in thought. 'If Ophis is involved, that complicates things. I won't be able to really stop her, even that bastard avoided her like fire. But if she is still like I remember her, then it should be okay.' He looked at the side, because he felt someone was approaching him. Soon after Raynare descended from the sky.

Taking closer, he noticed that her previously white dress was smeared with blood. She also staggered slightly while landing. He moved quickly and holded her before she fell. When he got closer he saw that her right shoulder was wrapped in the bandages and her face was slightly pale.

"Hey, hey, you okay? Sit down." Said Razjeel in concern.

"I'm fine..." she tried to stand on her own but almost immediately she lost her balance.

"Yeah, like fish in the water." Said sarcastically Razjeel. "Sit here" He took her in his arms and put her on the boulder he was sitting previously. "Now, what happened?" Asked, sitting next to her.

With the pink face she got after Razjeel took her in his arms, she gathered her thoughts and answered as clearly as she could.

"I was wounded by the High-class, but Commander Solan helped me. Later when I fought I forgot about the wound and lost too much blood, probably-"

"It's obvious this is the reason!" Interrupted her Razjeel with furrowed eyebrows.

"Y-yes, it is." said perplexed Raynare at his sudden, angry interruption. "Later the rest of Divisions arrived and immediately charged at Rebels. They didn't expect a thing, also their Jadalbaot wasn't with them, so the command chain collapsed, they just fought like a mad crowd. Our Divisions retreated to rest, focusing on range attacks, only Commanders were left at the front along with Western Divisions. They are all waiting now in front of the city but they can't go through the barrier. They asked four your ȧssistance, my Lord." Whole speech drained her from any energy she had left.

"I see..." He stood up and jumped from the boulder to the ground. Raynare wanted to stand up and follow him, but.

"And where do you think you are going, sit in your place." He looked at her through his shoulder. She sat down again hesitantly and just looked at him walking for a few more seconds.

Standing around 20 meters away from her, he summoned his characteristical Spear. There was nothing for a second, but suddenly his body exploded in green flames, the same was with his Spear. Wave of energy scattered around some of the rocks, even Raynare felt like something wanted to push her. He directed all flames into the spear, making it longer and giving it darker color. Taking a throwing position, he took a step forward, and threw the spear, aiming at the top of the barrier.

Soldiers below were tracing "green shooting star" with their eyes, until it hit it's target.



Although it was a day, the world was lightened by a sudden green glow, blinding for a few seconds those who were directly looking at it. The wave of emerald flames spread through the barrier, devouring it until it collapsed, then, they disappeared without a trace.

Baraqiel was first to wake up from the stupor.

"All units! Chaaargee!!!"

"RAAAAH!!" Screamed all soldiers enthusiastically. Only Kokabiel scowled, but at the end, also charged at the city.

Back to Razjeel, he was looking at the charging soldiers and sighed. "How enthusiastic youngsters are nowadays."

"E-ehm, shouldn't we also go, my Lord?" Confused Raynare asked.

"For what? It's handful of Rebels in the city, with at most two Cadre. Besides, you can't even walk on your own. So we will wait here." Said Razjeel sitting next to her.

"We? You're not going?"

"Nope. Why? You don't like me having around? You know I'm sėnsɨtɨvė, right?" He said acting like what she said actually hurt him.

"N-no, I mean, I... I don't dislike you... Having around..." said bashfully young girl. Probably she would be tomato red right now, but because she lost some blood, her face was just pink.

"That makes me happy..." Said Razjeel and took her by her chin gently. She flinched and widened her eyes in startle. He smiled slightly and leaned forward, looking in her violet eyes. He heard her heart beating faster and faster. She closed her eyes but didn't resist, he found her pink face pretty adorable.


"Oww! W-why?!" asked confused Raynare, rubbing her forehead. Razjeel lowered his hand.

"I told you to not push yourself and retreat if something happens, but you didn't listen to me. This is punishment. Who would cook for me if something happened to you, ha? Think about others a little, geez" He said casually with an annoyed expression. "What? You expected something else? What a naughty girl you are~" Teased Razjeel.

"N-n-no! No! I didn't!" Said in high voice Raynare, she was embarrassed so much! She wanted to dig a hole and hid in it! "... Idiot..." she said quietly, but Razjeel heard it clearly. He just smiled wryly and decided to ignore it.

He was looking at the horizon, at the burning city and the mountains with peaks hidden within the clouds in the background. Pretty romantic. Razjeel felt something on his shoulder and saw Raynare leaning her head on him, dead asleep. She was dead tired after the battle and bickering with Razjeel exhausted her completely.

Cold wind passed through the area, brushing past them. Raynare shivered unconsciously. Razjeel sighed helplessly and embraced her using his wing. Being in that situation, against his will, certain memories flow into his mind. Memories of the times like that, with her... He could just smile sadly. 

"*Sigh* It is past now."


Two days later, evening. Grigori's capital, meeting hall.

"So, I guess it's all over now." Said Azazel looking around. "Why you didn't let me go with you? I was bored as hell!!" Complains childishly Fallen.

"Hm? Penemue, I think I saw some papers to sign in his office, right?" Asked Razjeel.

"W-what are you talking about?! I signed everything! And You even weren't in my office!" Shouted Azazel frantically, pointing his finger. 

"I think so too, my Lord. We may find another stack or two-"

"You too against me, Penemue?! I was just joking, joking!! I just missed you, dear older brother!" Said Azazel with a beaming smile.

'What a lazy bum' shook his head Razjeel.

"Back to the point, how is it looking?" Asked Razjeel five Fallen Angels around the familiar table, in the familiar hall.

"We have a few problems to face currently. One being the civilians. For a week I think, the economy will stop, they aren't in the condition to work. Also repairing cities, fortresses, along with costs of importing food from other factions, adding debt we had to pay by the end of the month for the training hall and compensations we have to pay to the families of dead soldiers... *Sigh* our income is going to be negative, really negative." sighed tiredly Tamiel. He spent the last few days counting their costs and saying he almost fainted seeing the results is understatement.

" Can we go straight by the end of the month?" Asked Razjeel.

Tamiel looked through some papers, wrote some things only to erase it, and write it once again after adding another factor.

"We can. Barely though. I still suggest raising the taxes momentarily." Said Tamiel seriously.

"As I said earlier, we can't. People will be upset, don't even mention the people in the north. They don't even have anything to pay for. If you plan to start the next Rebellion, then you're on the right track." Said annoyed Penemue. They discussed this matter a few times already, but he kept sticking to it like fly to the shit.

" Leave the taxes alone. If by the end of the month the situation will be the same, then we have no choice. Speaking of citizens, how are they, Penemue?" He spoke to the only woman at the meeting.

"That  depends. At the south, people are delighted, changing the law and making it equal to anyone actually makes them feel safer and more important, more appreciated. This translates into the efficiency of their work, which increases our revenues." She took another paper and started reading. "For the north, they live in insecurity. They don't know what will happen to them, as some of them think we will deem them as Rebels and get rid of them. The same rumor spread across the whole north, causing turbulent moods. I think we should ȧssure them that we will not abandon them and help them to stand on their own feet." Ended Penemue, taking a sip of water from the glass.

"That was expected. But we will make everything to help them, they are the victims here, by their own wish, but still victims. Great work, Penemue. Tamiel, allocate funds in the first category to rebuild the north. If we want to  earn, the whole faction must function properly. The worst situation now is going to be getting into debt with another faction, we have to avoid that. " Ordered Razjeel.

"Thank you, my Lord." Thanked Penemue.

"As you wish, my Lord." Said Tamiel, glad that his new Lord understands and is interested in matters of Grigori, especially economy.

"Baraqiel, what on your side?"

"*Ekhem* From 50 000 soldiers we have now 37 235 soldiers left, adding forces stationed inside the capital, we have 63 235 soldiers in total. Thanks to that we had won doomed to failure war, people volunteered themselves enthusiastically. Also stories about the new powerful Commander, you my Lord, that contributed the most to our victory, killing Jadalbaot and hundreds of enemies spread around the citizens. You become something that attracts people to join the military. Of course we don't take everyone, as you said we only take Mid-class and higher." Said Baraqiel with clear respect in the voice, and he sounded slightly happy that there was so many wanting to join the army.

" Good. That will make the more determined people work harder to achieve something, actually increasing the overall battle capabilities of Grigori as a faction, both civilians and soldiers. Anything about the Rebels?"

"Nothing. People organized the real manhunt on them. They managed to catch and capture everyone hiding and if some remained, they don't possess the ability to become a threat to us." Responded army General.

"That's good, later if everything becomes stable, pay the one directly responsible for capturing them. Also I would like for you to capture every single one in hiding. It's better to not risk and sleep soundly." Explained Razjeel.

"Right away, my Lord." Bowed Baraqiel.

"Shemhazai, the situation outside the borders? Something interesting happened?" He addressed the man responsible for foreign affairs.

"Everything is normal, despite strange movements of Egyptian Pantheon. They took strangely aggressive politics, openly declaring war to Greek Gods. Fortunately we don't have any connections, contracts or provisions with any of the mentioned factions. Also, Youkai's civil war is about to break out. East is becoming more and more daring, taking West's territories and making boulders demands. The West is a peace oriented faction, so we should try and make alliance with them." Shemhazai presented the situation.

" Hmmm.... Take a closer look at the West faction and see if someone isn't making a move upon them. Because of our bad reputation we are in need of allies and we have to recover our image starting from something. It will be good to cooperate with them, but we have to act carefully. Anything else?"

" Hmmm.... The Devils tried to infiltrate our borders but we captured their spies and sent them back unscathed, to not create international ruckus. They even sent official legation and asked about the sudden close of borders, but we excused ourselves by taking care of our internal affairs and we "politely" asking to not meddle with it. Also there was a scandal between two Devil families. Apparently, House Phenex and Gremory were about to be united by the marriage of the heirs, Riser Phenex and Rias Gremory, but pawn from Rias's peerage, Issei Hyoudo, interrupted the wedding ceremony by challenging groom to a duel. He won and broke the wedding by escaping with the bride. Things got complicated when it turned out that he is wielder of Sacred Gear- Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet, commonly known as Boosted Gear, one of Thirteen Longinus. Aside from that there is nothing." Finished Shemhazai.

"Why do I think I know that kid and girl? Doesn't matter. Devils affairs." muttered Razjeel. "So anything else?" He asked everyone and Azazel spoked.

"Actually, yes. I prepared my resignation as a Governor General. You can now officially and publicly become our leader. We are all happy to serve you!" Smiled Azazel, completely not bothered by losing his position as the leader.

"Just be honest and admit that you are happy to get rid of all that paperwork and focus on your research hobby." Sighed Razjeel.

"Don't know what you are talking about." Shamelessly refused Azazel.

Small chuckles escaped everyone's mouths.


Author note:

For these who forget.

Azazel- now in charge of the research department. 

Penemue- internal affairs of the faction 

Shemhazai- foreign affairs of the faction.

Baraqiel- in charge of the army, main General.

Tamiel- in charge of economy department

Info: Again, The thing with Raynare isn't actually a romance, it's just me learning how to write a good romance between the characters because I've never written any. It's also a base for possible love interest and I think I'm making it pretty good  about Razjeel's personality and his relationship with Raynare, I think if it's going like that for some time, then that is quite possible for them to develop feelings for each other, don't you think? Write in comments.

Also don't worry, slowly we're reaching the point when MC will meet Angels and the whole thing about his revenge, I can't say anymore, spoilers, but I think some of you pretty much guessed how it will look like.

If you have any questions, just ask them, I will try to ask them all. And reminder, don't compare things to the original story from now on. It will make your reading more comfortable.

I thank you for those who read it so far, you are awesome!! Take care everyone!!

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