Rise Of The Fallen

Chapter 19 - 18




"Ouch!! Why are you always hitting me there!?" Complained Raynare while rubbing her buŧŧ. She looked at Razjeel with visible annoyance. She was wearing a black boots along with tight leather pants in the same color and white shirt with silver protectors on her forearms. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail. 

Razjeel on the other side, has black loose pants and dark blue T-shirt. He was standing behind Raynare with hands on his hɨps. Seeing her rubbing her buŧŧ and the looks she gave him, he could only sigh.

"Ehhh, listen, it's not like I'm enjoying it-" Raynare looked at him with a frown "Okay, maybe a little, but this is also tiring for me, you know? You know exactly where I would hit and you still can't dodge or block it."

"I know! But it's still hard!" She said facing him. "You're too fast so it's useless whether I know or not."

"Yes, yes. Stop whining. Now, one more time and we're done for today. Go all out or you will do extra training tomorrow. " He said ignoring her complaints, well, it's not the first time.

Raynare took a deep breath to calm herself down. In the next moment, three pairs of black wings appeared on her back along with a jagged spear in her hand. Taking the battle stance, she observed Razjeel for a moment before she lunged at him with thrust. 

Razjeel casually twisted his body, avoiding the thrust with ease. He extended his hand and poked her side with index finger.

"If this would be a real fight, you would be cut in half. Don't put all your strength in a single attack if you're not confident to hit the mark, see? Because of that you can't react in time." He said calmly. 

She flinched and tried to cut him horizontally, but again, all she slashed was an air. Razjeel was already above her and flicked her forehead.

" Again. Don't expect to hit every time, think of possibilities, plan ahead. "

"Ngh..." Small groan escaped her mouth. Raynare decided to increase the distance between them and try to take him down with ranged attacks. She flew back 50 meters and threw her spear toward Razjeel to distract him.

The spears hit the ground, creating clouds of dust. She was staring intently in the place where Razjeel should be, but when the dust settled down, she noticed he wasn't even there. She looked around in panic but she couldn't find him. He disappeared without a trace!


"Ouch!! Again!?" She was startled at first, but when she felt the burning pain where her back ends, she was angry. Turning around she saw Razjeel, with his wings unfurled and hands in pockets.

"Yep. You let your guard down during a fight, you didn't see my body or me getting hit, but you ȧssumed that you made it. You were just asking to get killed. Never, EVER, let your guard down until you see your enemy corpse." Said Razjeel giving her a lecture.

"But why do you keep slapping my ȧss?! It's sėxuȧŀ harassment!" Shouted angry Raynare.

"First, I told you at the beginning, you are free to leave anytime you want. Second, the best way to motivate yourself is either to endure the pain, which we both know you don't like, or by the humiliation. I can punch you if you want to instead." Said seriously Razjeel. "And third, the feeling is nice and I still remember when you mȯȧnėd back then~ " Teasing smile formed on his face.

"I told you to forget about that!! And I didn't mȯȧn!! Just shut up!!!" She furiously screamed with red face from embarrassment and anger. She sent a wave of fast kicks and punches, but Razjeel was smiling at her while effortlessly avoiding every of her attack, annoying her even more.

"Hahahah, okay okay, it's enough. Let's go back and eat something." Said Razjeel while walking towards the exit.

"Hmpf!" Raynare just snorted and walked past him.

"Hey! Wait for me!" But his loud voice fell deaf on her ears. 'Oho, she's mad again.' Thought Razjeel while looking at her figure from behind.

It has been a month and half since the Civil War ended. The situation in the north stabilized faster than expected, due to bigger efforts of the citizens. They slowly began to function like a proper nation.

Razjeel also started Raynare personal training, as he announced earlier. They trained six days a week. In the morning, when her mind was still fresh, she had theory lessons, after breakfast of course. It was mostly about reading different  books on subjects like strategy and tactics or skills that can be used in battle. Even simple things like etiquette of different factions or political situations of the world. Why? Because in Razjeel's mind, knowledge is the key to victory. Also someday it may be useful.

Then, after lunch, the proper training begins. In the first few days he showed her basic exercises to strengthen her body, nothing special, just simple running without supporting herself with Holy Energy, etc. After a week or so, the only time he accompanied her was during training her Holy Energy reserves and control, and of course sparring at the end of each day.

He was pleased when she gained additional two pairs of wings. It turned out that she was at the brink of break through to the next power level, all she needed was just a small push. Three weeks later she broke through again, gaining her 3rd pair of wings. You just can't imagine how happy she was back then, she felt that 2 months of exhausting training were worth it.

Why 2 months? Because Razjeel squeezed out "few" coins from "stingy" Tamiel to once again build obelisks formation in the training hall. This time he used tougher materials, steel as a base with Star Silver mixed in, which is commonly known as a great Magic/Energy conductor. He also used weaker transcriptions to not overload the formation and thanks to that the obelisks will last longer, a year or so according to Razjeel's ȧssumptions. To put it simpler, if the last formation had x3 boost, this one has around x2.

During that time both Razjeel and Raynare grew closer to each other. She was more open than before, to the point where she openly calls him an idiot, or tells him to shut up, or sometimes even try to tease him, but... Well, that always backfires on her, and it's she who becomes flustered instead of him.

Of course he didn't spend 24/7 with her, he got important things to do. Now, when he becomes the leader of Grigori he has to watch over many things. It all happened a few days ago. The Community of Fallen Angels, when they heard that Azazel resigned from the General Governor position, went into uproar. They knew Azazel and they knew he was trying his best to be a good leader, even more, he was the one who created Grigori and gave them a place to live in the world, so news of sudden resignation upset them.  How could they follow an unknown man?! But when Azazel introduced Razjeel to them, telling them who he really was, they all were shocked.

Razjeel gave a speech about his responsibilities, how it was because of him that the concept of "Fallen Angel" was created. He promised that he will do his best to keep them safe, make them able to walk around the world with their heads held high, and that they can proudly say "I am a Fallen Angel". It was soldiers that first kneeled and swore his loyalty to him, all of them (except certain read-eyed Cadre) did that without any hesitation. Normal citizens soon followed after them, deciding to put their future in his hands.

The news of the new leader of Grigori, spread through the supernatural world. Some of the stronger factions didn't pay attention to it, for them it was just one pawn replacing another, but some still delved into the matter.

The Devil's Region, Lilith

Inside the elegant office, four people sit around the round table, facing each other. Handsome red-haired man was holding a letter in one of his hands. He sighed quietly and leaned in his armchair.

"As the letter says, something is happening within Grigori. First, an unknown Fallen Angel appeared in Kuoh and endangered my sister" dangerous glint passed through his eyes "then, Fallens closed their borders for the entire month and in just two days they achieved an overwhelming victory over Rebels. And now, a month later, Azazel willingly resigned from being a leader. What do you think about this all?" Asked looking at three other people in the room.

"It's suspicious, no matter how I look at this. Normally, Azazel would just stay inside his office and only act if necessary, he would never start a war. Not after the Great War." Said Green haired man with glasses. "We should be more careful from now on. We don't know what to expect from Grigori, also I suggest to look closer to the matter of that Fallen who's your sister founded 2 months ago, Sirzechs." He looked at Sirzechs.

"They found him in the place where that strange storm had taken place. Do you think he's somehow connected to it, Ajuka?" Asked Sirzechs with a serious expression. This matter included his sister, he won't let anyone hurt her.

"I'm sure in 70%. From what they said, all lightning hits the same exact place, with each being stronger than the previous one. But only he was found in the place, so the conclusion is obvious."

"I see, I'll send my peerage to investigate it closely, but it's 2 months already. Don't expect anything great. What about you, Falbium?" Sirzechs asked the bald man on his left.

"Hmm... I think the new leader of Grigori is something we should be aware of. If the Intel I gathered is true, then it was him who led their forces in their Civil War. The fact that they won against a 4 or 5 times bigger army and in only two days is truly admirable. I could do the same, but probably not in 2 days if I wanted to have as least casualties as them." Admitted Falbium.

"Anoo, I think we should get to know him. We don't know who he is, what he is as a person, what are his goals and what kind of politics he uses, is it like peace focused on inner-development or aggressive focused on expanding territory through the wars. He is a one, big mystery~!" Said a beautiful girl, with black hair tied in two twin tails and blue eyes.

"That's true. It would be good to have an insight on him and the situation in Grigori. Can you do it Serafall?" Asked Sirzechs the beautiful girl.

"Of course Sirzechs-chan! But I wonder if they respond to our legation like last time. Maybe I should go myself? Oh, by the way, what is his name?" Asked Serafall, tilting her head.

"His name is..."


Heaven, the 6th Heaven "Zebel", Michael Office.

In a bright room, filled with nice decorations mostly white and gold in color, a single man was sitting behind the brown desk. He has a handsome face, with long blonde hair and green eyes.

In his hands was a letter from Heaven's Intel, which he angrily clenched, his eyes were wide open. He started mumbling to himself which was completely unlike him. 

He glanced again at the certain part of the letter.

"Azazel resigned as General Governor of Grigori. His place took an unknown man with the name Razjeel, there is none data on him [...]." 

"That's impossible... There's no way that he... It... It must be Azazel's stupid joke... Yes, that has to be it..." He looked at the ceiling and closed his eyes slowly, drowning in his own thoughts.. A distant memory appeared in his head, the day when First Angel had Fallen.

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