Rise Of The Fallen

Chapter 20 - 19

Note at the end, please read it if you can. Now, enjoy the chap!


"Hmm... So? What do you think about it?" Asked Razjeel taping on the table.

"It's obvious. The news spread about our new leader, so they sent her to 'test the waters'. They want to know what kind of man you are, my Lord." Said Shemhazai.

"But to think they would send one of the 'Great Satans'. They want to intimidate me?" The ridicule was clearly audible in his voice.

"Nah. We turned down their last emissary, so she probably wanted to make sure you won't refuse to meet her. And I guess she was curious about you? Perhaps." Said Azazel playing some kind of game on his phone. Unknowingly to him, his ȧssumptions were on spot.

" What kind of person she is? One of that arrogant young Devils that think they have all world under their feet because of their name or funny positions?" Asked Razjeel with raised eyebrow. "If yes, then refuse the meeting. I don't want to waste my time."

"No, you don't have to worry." He puts the phone on the table. "She's not like that. She is quite an amusing and interesting character. You'll see for yourself anyway." Azazel shrugged and put his head on the table. He was bored already, but he was behaving as best as he could. He doesn't want to upset Razjeel like last time. Shivers went through his body at the mere memory of that moment.

"I see. By the way, Penemue?" He looked at the purple haired woman.

"You're fired." Said casually Razjeel.

Her mouth and eyes widen noticeably in shock, even her glasses slipped to the tip of her nose. Only after a few moments she managed to speak.

"W-why? I did... something wrong?"

"No, you did your job perfectly."

"Then why?"

"Because you're already taking care of the development department of the whole faction. You being also my secretary is just wasting your time. Raynare will take over your responsibilities, just show her what she needs to do." Razjeel was quite amused at her reaction.

"Oh... I... I see. I will take care of that. And thank you, my Lord." She said feeling relieved. For a moment she thought that she would lose her position and place.

"Also, you can help certain people in the Research Department if you want to. In your free time of course." He smiled playfully and winked at her, making her blush. Baraqiel and Shemhazai smiled, Tamiel smirked and the man in question complained with closed eyes.

"Yeaah, that would be great if you could come from time to time. The paperwork is killing me! You all will see, I'll be the first person in the universe that would be killed because of paperwork!" His hate towards that was so deep that even Razjeel blinked a few times in surprise, before smiling wryly. On the other side Penemue send him a glare but he either didn't notice or ignored it.

" As you wish, my Lord. "


"My Lord?" Asked Kael, kneeling in front of Razjeel who was sitting in his armchair.

"First, stand up and sit here." He pointed at the second chair on the other side of the desk. "There is something important I want to discuss with you." Said Razjeel seriously.

Kael nodded and did as he was told to. He was looking at his lord with a stoic expression.

"So, from today onward, you're no longer the Commander of 7th Division. I will put someone else in your place." His voice was calm.

Kael's expression didn't change for a single moment, no part of his face twitched even slightly.

"I understand my Lord. If this is what you wish, then I shall obey." His voice was unnaturally calm. 'Hmmm? What a high level of composure.' Thought Razjeel.

"You seem not bothered or worried about it, why?" Asked Razjeel.

Hearing that Razjeel's lips curved upwards forming a small smile. 'This level of composure, mind that follows logic instead of feelings and most importantly, endless loyalty... He is perfect for it.'

"Exactly, I have another job and position for you. I want you to select 100 soldiers or even civilians and form a special group."

"Please, elaborate my Lord." Asked curious Kael, but that wasn't shown on his face.

"I plan to create a special group of the most skilled soldiers, the smartest, the strongest, the most loyal, elite of elites. They will work in the shadows, unseen by the others. No one will know about their existence, in a way they will not exist. The group that will take on the missions others are incapable of. You will be the true guardians of Grigori, independent of the army, accepting the orders only from me. Are you interested?" Asked Razjeel, knowing the answer.

"I'm, my Lord. But what will be my role?" Asked Kael to make sure he understood.

" You will be the leader of the said group. I will give you your own HQ along with bases in every city in the country, about which locations I'll inform you later. As the leader, you will be responsible for the selection and also training of your soldiers. You will have separate funds for your development and activities. Also I will create something similar to the formation in Training Hall, but much more powerful in your HQ. All I ask you is to select the most loyal of your candidates, if you find the candidate with superior skills and questionable loyalty, choose another one with mediocre strength but someone you can trust." He stood up and walked towards the window, looking at the city beneath.

" You have a month from now on to find suitable recruits. Also, this is a secret matter, no one knows that you exist so try to stay as low as possible. Is that clear?" Asked Razjeel after a long explanation.

" Of course. If you don't mind, I would like to start right now, my Lord." Razjeel gave him a nod, signaling that he may leave. Kael walked towards the door but before he pushed them to leave, he turned around and looked at Razjeel. "Can I ask you a question my Lord?"

"Go ahead."

"Hmmm... The operational name is 'The Crows', we can always change it at a later time." Shrugged Razjeel, again sitting in his armchair to read documents he had on his desk.

"I see..." Mumbled Kael, with thoughts known only to himself. He left the office thinking about the task he received.

Razjeel was staring at the documents, but he wasn't reading them. He was drowned in his own thoughts.

"Maybe I should form a pact with that old creep? Sure, the Darkness affinity will help Kael and his people, but I don't want to start bickering with that old fly, Queen of Cave Fairies. And I don't know what will that creep Diffidem Odor ask for a payment... If he asks for souls, without that sword I can't afford it... I have to think about it. " Sighed Razjeel while looking outside the window, completely forgetting about a certain Devil girl who was pouting in one of the chambers.


*Knock knock*

" Miss Leviathan? I was told to lead you for the meeting." Female voice was heard from behind the doors.

" I understand. We can go now." The doors were open by the Serafall Leviathan herself. She was wearing her formal attire consisting of a green(?) blazer with a dark skirt reaching below her knees and brown boots.

'Pretty.' Thought both women while looking at each other.

"May I ask what is your name?" Asked Serafall.

"It's Raynare, miss." Responded the maid looking at her with a small smile and closed eyes.

"It's a nice name! I like it. By the way, how is it?" Asked Devil-girl.

" 'How is it' what?"

"You know, I heard you have a new leader. It's must be tough for you, the Fallen Angels. I mean, Azazel was good leader, but the knew one? Starting the Civil War, killing a quarter of your overall population, making hundreds of children and orphans. He sounds like not a good leader, so wh-" She couldn't finish, because Raynare suddenly stopped and faced her.

" With all respect, but you don't even know what you are talking about. In the first days he arrived here, he changed the law making everyone equal, giving the poor man's life the same value as someone from the Government. He gave us a choice, if we want to stay by his side or leave, he never forced us to do anything." She took a step closer with closed eyes and an elegant smile on her face.

" Yes, he started the Civil War which he won and thanks to that we don't have to live in fear that someone may come knocking on our door with a sword in hand. He funded tens of orphanages across the whole country, all with qualified staff and in decent condition. For every soldier dead he paid rich compensation to the families, giving each father or mother a place to live or work. He even personally went to visit every dead soldier's grave to lit symbolic candles. 'Killing quarters of us'? The Rebels were not 'us', they were animals, nothing more, definitely less. In two days he freed half of the country, took care of enslaved civilians, giving them new free homes. Every day I see him with representatives of cities, regions, listening to their problems and helping solve them as best as he could." She was only one feet from Serafall, looking down on her.

"If he's not a good leader, then no one has the right to claim to be." Finally, her face lost her previous smile, leaving indifferent expression and cold ice, staring straight at Serafall.

But something like that was nothing for a girl like Serafall. She often meets with a more hostile attitude. She smiled apologetically "I didn't mean that like that. I was just asking to get some understanding of him. If you're offended, then I apologize." Said sincerely Devil-girl.

Serafall nodded and walked towards the door. She fixed her clothes and cleared her throat before walking in.

" Please, come in." The pleasant, manly voice came from the other side of the door.

Serafall walked in, closing the door behind her and looked quickly around the office before her blue eyes landed on the owner of the manly voice. He was standing behind the desk, wearing black pants and white shirt. He smiled at her and pointed at the seat in front of him.

" Please take a seat. My name is Razjeel, it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you."


Chapter for you, my patient, lovely readers! Just to clarify, I didn't want to make Sera look like a bad person. It's just the "politics" stuff and sometimes you have to say something mean to see others reaction etc.

I also have a certain plan. I want to write one chap of this FF every two days and one chap of my second FF (or write something different)

It's because sometimes I don't know what to write about and maybe by writing something different a new idea will just come, sth like that. I'm serious about that so I want to know what you think about it, in the end you are the only one I can ask hahahah

this is my ideas:

Continue Demons Slayer FF

Witcher FF about the Cat or Manticore school, few or many things will change because why not? It's fanfic.

MHA FanFic but with venom as a quick (I even have 1 chap from last year) sorry but no Momo, Midnight, Miruko, Mt. Lady in the romance part (too many people "use" them and I want to write something "original")

FanFic of "The Second Coming of Gluttony'' (those who read that know its good {probably}) for those who don't, certain people can "travel" to other world with System that only shows information of them and others like name, affiliation, type of character, current emotions etc. , no shops, workshops, summoning and so on. They have 4 classes to choose (Warrior, Archer, Priest and Magician, the rarity of the class is in the said order), you have to fulfill certain requirements to get one of the classes. Then, they have to support the Paradisians in war against Evil Queen, doing missions, going on war etc. It's a really interesting novel, I recommend it to you.

FF about a world where gates like from "GATE" anime appear around the world with new races invading the earth, bringing magic to a world which ends with Nuclear war.. Only a few million humans remain, one out of the 1000 is born with the ability to use magic (MC without magic, some other "Buff"), Interference with other worlds and magic added with Nuclear War wakes up Earth God's with every Magician serving one to get the powers.

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