Rise Of The Fallen

Chapter 6 - 5

Kuoh City

Streets of the city become really crowded. It was afternoon so people finished theirs job and were going back to their homes. Others, on the contrary, have to go to theirs jobs on the second shift. There was also many teenagers that finished theirs schools and decided to hang out with friends. To put it short, city was very lively, almost as in rush hours.

On one of the main streets handsome black-haired man was walking, as if aimlessly. He kept looking left and right, as if he was admiring the city. People that he passed by, always turned around to look at him closely. Doesn't matter if it was women, men, kids or elderly. Women, even those with kids were looking at him with red cheeks thinking 'Wow!! He's so hot!! Kyaa~!! Maybe I should talk to him???'.

Contrary to them, rest had something different on theirs minds, something that escaped hungry looks of females. 'What the hell is he wearing?! Isn't too hot to him in that cloth? Wait, don't tell me he is cosplayer like that "magic girl"...'

'How annoying... Why the heck they keep staring at me... Tch..'

As everyone guessed, that man was obviously Razjeel. It's been an hour since he left ORC in order to find Azazel but few things happened. First was that he didn't expect that Earth changed so drastically. Architecture changed completely. All buildings were made in majority by glass. In his Era, only handful of people had something like glass, and that weren't used as building material, more like decoration. Second, what surprised him was that, that when he fly over the city to take a look at the terrain, he didn't saw defensive walls around the city. Even cities he saw far away didn't had any. This made him think that either humans lives in so peaceful times that wall weren't needed or technology become so advanced that they became just useless. He more believed in second option. Judging by what he saw, mankind has developed drastically. Earlier, the only conveyance were horses or carriage, and of course people's own legs. But in this times, horses and carriages were replaced by metal machines, judging by what he eavesdropping, called cars. And he had to admit, some of that machines looked nice. He was especially curious about the ones called motorcycle.

As it was said earlier. It looked like he was walking aimlessly.

'Aaagh!! I know I said I will look for Azazel but... Where the fuċk I should even start?! If it weren't for that brat making me so annoyed I would ask for some clues... Haaah...'

He was really walking aimlessly. He arrived at crossroads of main streets and this looked like entertainment area. He saw many places looked like some kind of restaurant, also few places with strange devices, filled mainly with young people. Sign above entrances said it was 'Arcade' and 'Karaoke'. People kept passing by and they were still sending him glances. He become somewhat irritated about strange glances sent by men, not bothering about women.

'Guhh... I have to go somewhere where is less people... Oh, that will do'

He looked around until he spotted alley between buildings. He went into the alley, and walked by few guys who smoked cigarettes. They wore jerseys and had ugly tattoos on visible parts of their body's. One of them snickered and tapped the biggest one from their's six. The biggest one, seemingly leader, saw Razjeel and grinned. He nodded his head to his lackeys and moved toward theirs target.

'First thing I should do right now is to change my clothes. Although I like my robe but it seems like it's something strange here. No, it's definitely weird. Ahh, I have to remember that world changed and things are different from how they used to be. But from where could I get new clothes? Seems like everything here costs those papers things, "money". But how do I get money? I don't have time for something like job and stealing is a no-no.'

Absorbed in his thoughts he didn't notice that six people surrounded him. They positioned themselves in positions: two in front and at the back, and by one on the sides. This wasn't their's first time robbing some 'loser' and they 'formation' always worked so far.

Thug1: Yoo! Looking for something here? You don't look like local, maybe we could-

He tried to intimidating him, but unexpectedly, he just walked pas them, he didn't even spare them a galnce. Razjeel was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice that someone is standing in front of him. Thug's face become red in anger, no one never ignored him like that. He take out his buŧŧerfly knife from his pocket and walked quickly behind Razjeel. He placed his free hand on Razjeel's shoulder and shouted in anger.

Thug1: Ooi!! You motherfucker! You dare to ignore me?! Give me all your fuċkɨnġ mon-

He couldn't finish what he wanted to say when he heard man in front of him speaking.

Razjeel: Get your hand off me before you lose it.

His voice was cold and emotionless. He saw him turning his head in his direction. It was then when he saw his cold emerald eyes. Thug didn't know why but he become scared. 'W-What the..?'.

Thug become angry at himself and under affection of his emotions, he tried to stab Razjeel in the back. Thugs behind him expected to hear Razjeel's painful scream but, to their surprise, it was their's friend who screamed.

In the moment when thug take a swing, Razjeel turned around and grabbed thug's arm that was holding him.

He squeezed his forearm, breaking it without a problem. Thug fell on his knees, screaming in pain. His face was full of tears. Razjeel used his knee and kicked him in the face, making him fly two meters and land on his back. He losed his consciousness.

Razjeel: Noisy trash...

Rest of the gang were shocked by what they saw. Never ever someone put out a fight with them. They always became scared seeing how they looked like and give them theirs belongings without resist. Once someone even gave them his shoes! Quickly shock turned into rage and they rushed at him with some bats and even bricks they found nearby. Only their's leader rushed bȧrė handed, but it's nothing shocking taking into account his posture.

BossThug: You fuċkeeerr!!

He arrived first in front of Razjeel and made right hook, aiming at his cheek. Razjeel only sighed, bored about whole situation.



Razjeel kicked him in his knee, using powerful front-kick, and he broke it. Thug losed his balance and started to falling on his right side. He couldn't even scream in pain when Razjeel performed an Axe-kick, digging thug slightly into the ground. Another one went into the dreamland.

Rest of the thugs frozen in their places. Their's leader fallen! They couldn't believe he losed in hand to hand combat. He was an ex-boxer! He even win few big fights! Razjeel started walking slowly towards them, his cold eyes were looking at them from between his jet-black hairs.

And again, shock slowly turned into fear.


Few seconds later, Razjeel was standing among creatures with strange shapes. They were thugs from earlier, but now, everyone had at least one limb broken in strange way. Their's faces were bloody mess. Razjeel was counting money he take from the gang. Few empty wallets were lying near his feet. He transferred money from this wallets into the biggest one, which belonged to thugs Boss, he just throw away his ID card and decided to keep the wallet. He finished counting and started walking again. He wanted to find some clothes shops.

'This much money will do, I think. Well, I said stealing is a no-no, but you can't call it a "theft" when you're stealing from robbers, right? Now, let's change the clothes'

He walked from the alley and started wandering around the street. He saw adverse of some shopping brands, that directed him to the very big building. People were coming in and out almost all the time. On one of the outer walls he saw logos of many shops and below was big sign with two words, "Kuoh Mall". He just shrugged his shoulders and decided to walk in.

'Is everything in this city have "Kuoh" in name?'

Inside, he saw many people walking from shop to shop with shopping bags. People were chatting with each other filling whole place with their voices. He even heard child crying because he wanted new toy. When his mother saw that Razjeel was looking at them she became a bit red from embarrassment, propably. She smiled and puted strand of her hairs behind her ears. Razjeel just smiled wryly and walked further into the mall.

And again everyone were sending him glances with different meanings. He decided to walk into first encountered shop with men's clothes. When he entered he saw good looking woman behind the counter. She has light brown hairs that were reaching her shoulders and wore one-piece black dress.

He saw many different clothes, some that he never saw before. He started to searching for something to his liking, but also nothing that would attract attention.

Cashier didn't saw when he walked into the shop, she only noticed him whe she heard noise of sliding hangers. She saw tall man with black hairs, who wore ugly green and black robe. She becomes little angry, thinking that if someone saw him in theirs shop they would think that they sell clothes like that robe or have weird clients.

She walked rather quickly toward him and tried to politely throw him out of the shop.

Cashier: Excuse, can you plea...se...go....away...

She started with firm tone but when Razjeel turned towards her, her voice started to got weak and in the end it was just like mosquito. She didn't expect that this man would be this handsome! Jet black hairs, beautiful emerald eyes, flawless face. Her mind went blank in the next second.

Razjeel: Hmm? Is there any problem lady?

Cashier: Y-yes.. I mean no! No!

She becomes flustered and lost her composure. 'Oh my good!! He is so handsome!! And his voice! Ahhhh~! Wait, I don't see any ring, maybe I could ask him out!! Okay okay, calm down first, make good first impression.'

Cashier: *Cough* How may I help you, sir? Do you need anything?

She faked a cough to calm herself and in the next moment he made her brightest smile. Razjeel saw that she calmed herself, so he also asked with smile.

Razjeel: Ah, if it isn't a problem, could you show me some shirt, trousers and a pair of shoes? Nothing extravagant, something plain and simple will do. I don't plan on buying much, just one piece of everything.


After an hour Razjeel walked out of the shop while waving at Rika who was waving at him to, she seems really happy. During this hour he tried so many clothes that he started to hating shopping just after on try. He was exhausted mentally, for him, anything he tried were good, but Rika make him tried everything she found that were matching his description. She also tried to make moves on him and they end up introducing to each other. When she heard his name she had stars in eyes, taking him for handsome, noble foreigner. Her imagination went wild...

She chose for him black shirt with V-neck cut, blue jeans and pair of black sports shoes with black watch as extras. Strangely, he felt really comfortable like that. Rika almost got nosebleed when she saw how amazing he looked like. She kept glancing at his face all the time and didn't really bother to hide it.

When it comes to payment, he found out that he didn't had enough money but before he could say anything, Rika said that he would get a discount if he agree to share photos she take during his dressing. He didn't knew what that mean, but as long as he didn't have to pay that much for clothes he wouldn't have any problem. He thanked her and promised to make it up to her.

When he went out, he looked at the recipe in his hand and piece of paper with Rika's number and few hearts drawn around. He smiled wryly and put it inside his pocket.

Well, much to his dissatisfaction, he still kept receiving glances from people. Although no one looked at him strange, but now they become even more intensive. Especially women. They started giggling when he looked in theirs direction and smiled or waved at him with a bit of red on theirs cheeks. He saw even few bold ones that winked at him and licked theirs lips seductively. He rushed out of the mall for fear of losing his imaginary vɨrġɨnɨtƴ.

After few minutes he found a park with almost none around. He decided to burn his robe to not keep dragging it with him all the time. 'Farwell, my friend. You served me well and for long time' he thought when he ignited his robe and watched as it burn quickly into nothingness. He looked around if someone noticed this green flash and decided to sat on the bench, to think what to do now.

'Ahh, how am I supposed to find that brat? He may be everywhere and I don't have time to look for him under every rock... What to do.... What to do....'

He kept thinking for few more seconds until he stand up suddenly with smile on his face. He finally got idea on what to do.

'Haha, I was kept thinking in wrong way. Why should I come for him if he could come to me? '

He looked at the sky that became to darkening. His eyes flashed with strange light.

'Time for some fun, no?'

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