Rise Of The Fallen

Chapter 7 - 6

Razjeel was floating above the city. His black wings were unfurled, adding him ominous look. Other Angels or Fallen Angels had more wings when they became more powerful, but not him. He was born with one pair of wings but they were way much bigger than those of others. It was one of few reasons he was looked down by other Angels during his stay in Heaven. Second reason was a color. He looked at his wings and remembered times when they were shining silver. During one of his 'missions', they turned jet black, but this is the story for another time.

He looked slowly at the city below, thinking about what he planned to do.

'If my ȧssumption are right, that Devil girl from earlier should be half-Devil half-Fallen, a hybrid. If I concentrate enough I should pinpoint areas where lot of them gathered.' He closed his eyes and imagined like he would spread a wave made of Magick through the city. Ignoring any other energy source, he focused on that particular.

His plan was quite easy if you asked him. First, he wanted to find large group or specific area where Fallens are gathering. Second and last step, cause ruckus big enough to take attention of higher ups in Grigori. To put it short, he planned to beat the shit out of them until Azazel or someone he knew will show up. Simple, right?

'Hmmm.... Oh, there are quite of them.' He looked at the second end of the city, literally opposite end of town from Kuoh Highschool. Around fifty to sixty energy source were together in what seemed like old office building complex. There were more groups in the city but were too few in numbers to even bothering with them. He smiled slightly and stretched his arms.

'Let's have some fun'

In the next moment he disappeared in green flash, leaving behind few black feathers.


In buildings complex the atmosphere was rather relaxed. Whole thing was made from two three-story buildings with above-ground corridor that was connecting second floors of two buildings. To someone from outside it's looked like crumbling, abandoned building but that was only a barrier that made it like that. There weren't anyone acting as a guard or a scout to detect incoming danger or enemy. Insides looked like it was just after renovation, only some desks and filling cabinets were removed to make some space. Fallens were chatting in groups, some were sleeping and others were playing cards or drinking alcohol. They were high in numbers so they didn't expect anyone making move on them. Exorcists didn't leave to far from their churches and Devils that were supposed to manage the city were just a teenagers. They became arrogant thinking that they didn't have anything to worry about. They were wrong.

Near the entrance door two Fallen Angels were chatting with each other. Both of them leaned on the walls next to the doors, smoking cigarettes and chatting about random things.

Fallen1: By the way, you heard about Donasheek group?

Fallen2: Yeah, that fool get himself killed by whimpy teenage Devils hah, pussƴ. At least Raynare somehow escaped.

Fallen2: Hahaha, you have to find a place in the line hahah.

Fallen1: Hahaha screw you.


Fallen1: What was that?

Fallen2: Dunno, check it.

He frowned thinking that maybe it was another group of teenagers. Sometimes groups like that came to make some graffiti on the outer walls. He opened the doors but in the same moment his head was grabbed by someones hand. He was startled but in the next moment he felt that grip on his head tightened and he lost ground from under his feet.

His friend looked at the side to see what's going on. He saw his friend was holding in the air by black haired man. His eyes met with man's emerald eyes but they flashed bright red for a moment before returning to normal. Fallen Angel didn't knew why but he became pale and scared to this extent that cigarette fell from his mouth on the ground.


Black haired man smiled innocently and smashed Fallens against each other, making hole in the wall and sending them outside. He shook his head and put his hands inside the pockets while walking further inside. Noise of crumbling wall alerted everyone inside the building, but until they abandoned what they were doing and took battle stances, intruder was few meters before them, calmly watching at his watch. When they all finished, he looked around and saw many bottles after alcohol, half smoked cigarettes and others trashes around. Even tables where they played poker had empty bottles on them. Man sighed and shook his head in disappointment.

He finally looked at people in front of him, showing them indifferent look on his face. They all just stared at him dumbfounded about whole situation. 'Did he just insult us?!' was on their minds. All of them became angry and someone in the front shouted.

Fallen: I will kill that bitch!!!

He then rushed at Razjeel with his arm aimed at his head. Razjeel seeing this amateurish punch just side-stepped and hit him under his armpit.


Fallen: AAAGH!! My a-

He couldn't even lament over his dislocated arm when he felt powerful kick on his ċhėst that made him fly several meters back. Fallens looked at this all startled, they thought that they will see Razjeel on the ground beaten up. Man that rushed at him was Mid Class Fallen, usually you need at least ten Low Class to beat one Mid Class, but man in front of them beat him in less in three seconds. They should be more careful about it after seeing this, but sadly, pride has taken the top.

Second later they all shouted and rushed at him with their weapons. Some used swords or daggers, others used spears or maces. Razjeel jumped slightly few times in his place and then disappeared from his place.


Floor cracked in the place where he stood moment ago. Those who were in the front of the rush blinked few times startled. 'Teleportation?!' they thought. But in the same moment they saw shadow passing by them and soon their vision started darkening. They fell on the ground unconscious. Razjeel stopped in the middle of the crowd and started eliminating them one by one. He dodged every strike or used others to block them. Those hits wouldn't damage his body in the slightest but the same couldn't be said about his clothes.

One by one, half of them laid on the ground mȯȧning in pain or unconscious. Knee, liver, throat, neck, solar-plexus, temple, chin. They couldn't defend themselves against his strikes. Every strike aimed at him was swiftly countered. Although he tried to not kill any of them, he couldn't went his anger on them by breaking bone or two or by breaking some teeth. He made sure to only knock-out women, though. Suddenly, bulky man with bald head walked out from the doors behind the crowd. He looked around and made ugly face. He saw more than half of his men on the ground, beaten up by some single man. 'Finally' thought Razjeel. This man had biggest energy source among all he spotted inside the building. He was a leader of this place. A High Class Fallen.

BaldFallen: You can't even beat one, fuċkin bitch?! Useles trashes!! Get out of my way!!

He roared furiously and then he placed both of his hands in front of him. In next moment, bronze gauntlets appeared on his hands. Fallens near Razjeel paled and quickly retreated. Their boss was known for his reckless style of fighting in which he kills even his comrades. Razjeel only looked curiously at the gauntlets. 'Hmm another Sacred Gear, huh? I'm curious how this work.' he was focused on his gauntlets but his opponent thought that he was scared and frozen in his place.

BaldFallen: Hahaha, die! Hell Maker: Blast!

In front oh his hands sphere of fire formed, it grow in size until it was one meter in diameter. It then fly at high speed toward Razjeel but he only raised an eyebrow and took attack head-on.


Loud explosion blinded for a moment everyone present on the floor. Cloud of dust gathered in place when Razjeel stood, blocking everyone vision. Debris flew everywhere. Few moments later, Bald Fallen started laughing thinking that he won, but before anyone could join him they saw strange, green lights shining through the falling dust.

Razjeel: You have guts, trying to use fire against me.


Sudden wind blow dispelled all dust away. Fallens couldn't believe what they saw. Man that they thought died, was standing in the same place but he had big pair of black wings stretched from his back. Behind him, all Fallens that were unconscious were covered by green flame. Few debris fell from the ceiling but in the moment when they touched flames, they burn into nothingness. They felt goosebumps on their bodies from just staring at this strange fire.

'What?! How?!' Bald Fallen didn't know what happened. It was first time since he gained that Scred Gear through the Ritual, that someone withstand his attack. It made him furious, he felt like he was mocking him.

BaldFallen: You piece of shit!! I will fuċkin kill you!! Balance Breaker: Dragon's Roar!!

Orange Magic Circle formed under his feet and in front of his hands. Big amount of Magic started gathering, taking shape of orange Chinese dragon. People who were watching a fight never saw him use Balance Breaker so amount of Magic he gathered was shocking to them. He shouted and launched his attack. Chinese dragon roared when he flew toward Razjeel.

'I expected something more... Ehh, waste of time, I think' he thought and raised his right hand. His eyes changed into crimson one with slit pupils.

Razjeel: Ignition.


Powerful stream of green flames flew towards orange dragon, devouring him and destroying everything on its path. Unbearable heat was emitted from those flames, it was so hot that few Fallens passed out from overheating. Everything around was illuminated by green light. It's stopped only several dozen meters behind the building. Everyone present was shocked. Their Commander along with half of the building were gone!! All it took was one attack! One!! They felt fear crawling into their hearts. They looked at the man who caused this and started trembling. Image of his black wings and crimson eyes will haunt them for a very long time. 'H-He is a m-monster!!!'

Razjeel: Now, let's continue, shall we?


In place which looked like some kind of laboratory, a man in his mid twenties was seating behind a desk, looking at results of his last research. He had an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee. His clothes consisted of a V-neck maroon long-coat with a wide, open high-collar that opens up at the hem. The long-coat also featured two black belts around the waist and four black bands on each arm, two of the bands at the wrist and the other two near the elbow. He wore grey slacks and brown shoes.

Penemue: Azazel-san we have a problem.

Azazel sighed but didn't put down documents he was reading.

Azazel: Penemue, how many times I have to tell you to at least knock before you barged into my laboratory?

She didnt show any reaction on her face, clearly used to this. She kept staring at him emotionless until he couldn't bear it anymore and sighed, putting down the documents.

Azazel: Haah... You should smile more often, at least when you are talking with me. You are wasting your pretty face, ya'know? Soo, what is this problem?

He didn't notice, but when he called her face pretty, a tinge of red appeared on her cheeks. She coughed in her hand and started telling about problem that appeared in their outpost they made in Kuoh City.

Azazel: Just send team to check what's is happening.

He waved his hands, showing that he is not interested in this.

Penemue: We send one before but we lost contact with them when they arrived at their destination.

Azazel: So send anot-

Penemue: We send two more teams but we lost contact again. Third team consisted of five High Class Fallens.

He put his head on the desk.

Azazel: Then send Vali to check it.

Penemue: Impossible, he left in afternoon and hasn't returned since then.

Azazel: Baraqiel?

Penemue: On week-long mission.

He grumbled in dissatisfaction and cursed his bad luck. He stood up and walked towards the door.

Azazel: Fine, fine... I will check it but in exchange, later you have to help me with research!! I hope it's something important...

When he left she smiled sweetly thinking about they time they would spend together.


Azazel appeared in front of the building complex via Magic Circle. He was still thinking about his last research but stopped when he saw two of his subordinates lying unconscious on the ground, near huge hole in the wall. He frowned and decided to walk inside, ready to attack in any moment.

He walked through the corridor and arrived in front of the doors. Behind them he heard painful mȯȧnings of several people. He kicked doors open and rushed inside with spear of light in his hand, but he frozen in his place when he saw what was inside the room. Several dozens of Fallen Angels were laying on the ground unconscious or faking that. Several were conscious but were mȯȧning in pain. All of them had visible injury on their bodies, be it broken limbs or swollen face. But what startled him was that, that the half of a fricking building was gone!!

Next moment his attention was taken by green flames he saw burning here and there. He didn't know why, but they gave him nostalgic feeling.

??? : You surely took your time, damn brat. You know how bored I was getting?

He flinched when he suddenly heard a voice coming from a side. He made some distance and pointed his spear in the direction the voice was coming from. He panicked a little because he didn't sensed anyone's presence before. But voice he heard sounded somehow familiar.

Azazel: Who's there?!

He looked in the direction where voice was coming from. He saw very handsome man in his early twenties, sitting on the poker table while shuffling cards. But what catch his attention was pair of big black wings and crimson eyes. He was shocked to his core. He felt his legs got week. He recognized this black wings. He recognized his eyes and voice. He recognized his face. He thought that he forget a long time ago, but he never did. He felt something wet sliding down his cheeks.

Azazel: Ra... Razjeel?

He put the cards away and smiled at him genuinely.

Razjeel: Long time no see, brother.

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