Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1201: Repulsion balance device

Dehaka manipulated gravity and sneaked into this tribe through the deep groove worm path.

The soil of the tribe, condensed by gravity, is the only solid existence in the silt-like swamp.

The surrounding area is covered with cannibal vines, and there are swallowing earthworms under the silt. It can be said that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The totem turret on the front has its usefulness, and is the civilization of the Gravity Bear clan and their inheritance.

Dehaka uses gravity to conceal his identity and displace the dirt more easily, and his speed is not affected too much.

After feeling that there was no smell of life on it, Dehaka chose to dive, first showing only a pair of eyes and peering into it.

There is no red soil smog in the tribe, but it has already arrived at dusk, and it is illuminated by many luminous boulders.

Dehaka's perspective would also be seen by Lin Fan, and found that it was much more "civilized" than it looked outside.

Built of stone and wood, it looks like an altar-like structure, which is very peculiar.

Suddenly, as soon as it lit up, a gravity bear appeared on it!

At first, Lin Fan thought it was a force transmitted from elsewhere, but after looking at it, he found something else.

For the knowledge of space, due to the needs of the previous chariot renovations, I learned this rune technology in the constellation library, so the runes on the altar are not spatial.

Even if space can be eliminated now, then this altar is not a teleportation array.

In the end, Lin Fan made a bold conjecture...This is a resurrection altar.

As long as the gravity bears belonging to this tribe die outside, they will be resurrected from the altar.

But judging from the animal bones and blood piled up around the altar, every consumption of the resurrection altar can not be simply collected.

There is also a totem pole radiating green light, with some injured gravity bears lying inside, and the wounds on the body will heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the tribe, Dehaka is most concerned about the number of troops here.

But the inside looks much wider than the outside, and in some caves, young gravity bears are constantly crawling out.

In addition to gravity bears, there are some monsters similar to gravity bears. They are vassal groups.

For example, the monster guarding the gate of the tribe is bear-shaped, and its body shape is not comparable to that of a gravity bear, but it has six eyes and bat-like wings on its back. It can fly, grow nails extremely fast, and use nails as flying blades. The same launch as a means of attack.

These nail raccoons are the most loyal gatekeepers of gravity bears.

However, there is a book in the Interstellar Library that mentions that once the nail raccoon appears, there will be at least tens of thousands of gravity bears gathered here.

In addition, there are a large number of bear-shaped monsters, with black iron-like armor all over their bodies, and bone swords like iron spurs on their arms, constantly patrolling the caves.

Dehaka is sure to make a big fuss here, but next time he comes, it will definitely not be so easy, and temporarily retreats.

The scarab at the gate of the tribe, as soon as its life time expires, it will die naturally, and its flesh and blood will collapse.

Lin Fan put the Scarab Nest, Dehaka and Mang Beast on standby temporarily, thinking about countermeasures, and then attacking the tribe, only to destroy them at once.

Scarab has the ability to fly, but it is useless in front of the gravitational totem, as it is imprisoned in mid-air.

The Zerg will suffer in many ways. However, he often takes advantage of quantity to remove obstacles, but now Lin Fan has no quantity and can only use wisdom.

With the accumulation of human and protoss technical theories, Lin Fan needed to build a machine to shield the gravitational energy field of the totem turret.

Let the suicide bee go to the edge of the iron-bone crow's territory, pick up the metal and return, Lin Fan opened the solar furnace in his body, and kept on drawing the complete machine design.

Widow Ray is the most suitable as a prototype.

First of all, the structure of the widow mine is a self-propelled landmine, which has an AI system that can be buried in the ground and can also meet the requirements of concealment.

The most important thing is the lowest cost.

With gravity and repulsion, Lin Fan played a lot in the lower universe.

Regardless of the **** Luo Tianzheng with the reincarnation eye and the earth bursting sky star.

The golden wheel reincarnation burst and the silver wheel reincarnation burst of the reincarnated eye.

Lin Fan's understanding of the repelling ability has already had his own concept. If he wants to break the gravitation, he only needs to generate the corresponding repulsion to balance the repulsion.

Then scarabs can swarm in.

Throw a widow mine in the prototype universe into the solar furnace.

Then absorb some of the metal collected by the suicide bee.

At the same time refining the bones of the gravity bear.

Let the widow Ray have the repulsive nature.

Widow Thunder has its own fusion reactor, which has a lot of energy, but it is used for explosions.

Therefore, Lin Fan installed a turbine transmission to store this energy when the fusion reactor detonated and used it as a force to create a gravitational field or a repulsive field.

A widow mine, a rather fat version of the scarab, as long as it is in the scarab, it is still difficult to be spotted by the enemy.

In only half an hour, Lin Fan smashed out a test machine, built tunnel insects on both sides, and transported it to the front line of Dehaka.

At the same time, Lin Fan asked Zagara to hatch another twenty scarab nests.

the other side.

Inside the Gravity Bear Tribe in Piranha Valley.

The front door is guarded by a gravitational totem, surrounded by high walls, and piranha vines and devouring earthworms are hovering, and they are not afraid of others' attacks.

As long as it does not go outside, this gravity bear can thrive and transport more corpses here back to the land of the gravity bear.

Because of the serious injury of the gray bear king, the black bear king retreated in an all-round way and clung to the occupied territory.

The bear clan under its banner obeyed this order, and once it was discovered that it was Lin Fan's chaser, and after having lost hundreds of gravity bears, they would not go out again.

But at this time, the scarab like the tide came again...

The gravitational field that was thought to be impossible to be cracked, encountered the scarab but did not respond, as if it had failed.

Some scarabs crawled around in groups, and some directly opened their wings and flew over, blocking the gate of the tribe.

And in this, a mechanical scarab with a bionic appearance, only slightly larger than the scarab, is emitting invisible energy waves.

This energy wave offsets the gravitational force emitted by the gravitational totem.

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