Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1202: Rush in to kill

A large number of scarab beetles flooded into the tribe, an unexpected event that gravity bears could not expect, and the nail raccoon at the door could hardly resist.

The hatching speed of the nest of thirty scarabs, ten per second, burst out like a blowout.

Dense scarab beetles fill any gaps in the intersection.

The nail raccoons are not a melee unit. They are good at high altitudes, occupying the advantage of terrain, using nail blades, to carry out long-range fire at the enemy.

But scarabs can also fly.

And the scarab's body is extremely strong.

It is difficult for the nail blade to break the outer armor of the scarab.

Even if some of them can be pierced in, they cannot stand like a wooden stick in the water. They are only on the outer layer and cannot harm the scarab.

The scarab's irritable attacking tendency directly hits the nailed raccoon's body, and their body shape is only a few times different.

A dozen scarab beetles bullied a nail raccoon, and the end is clear at a glance, it must be the scarab beetle that swallowed the enemy.

A large number of patrolling black bears are always a sideline of the black bear king. They don't have a body like steel, but have a shell like iron armor. They have always been the elite bear clan guarding the race.

The acid bombs of the scarab can only make some white smoke on the armor of these armored bears.

It's just that when there are more, the armored bear will be repelled and seriously injured, but the scarab on the ground will be blocked in this way.

The constant roar of the bear made the caves in the tribe vigilant, and the scarab was not blocked by the cave entrance and killed.

The scarab has broken in, and below are the performances of Dehaka and Mang Beast. Their job is to tear down the totem pole inside and deal with the gravity bear elite that is difficult to deal with.

Dehaka took the lead towards the Altar of Resurrection.

The Resurrection Altar has four totem turrets, all of which are the first to be encountered, and can summon the shadow of a giant bear.

It can be seen that the defense here is heavily guarded.

Whoosh whoosh...

Dozens of white gravity bears with snow-white bodies and three or four-foot ice spears gathered around them to stop Dehaka.

The blow of hundreds of ice spears caused Dehaka's body to be pierced with many holes, and his body was largely frozen.

However, Dehaka didn't panic at all, and didn't mean to run away. Instead, he shook his whole body and roared. When the fishy wind made strange, a long tongue popped out like a python, grabbing a white gravity bear, and bite it. , The plasma exploded.

After devouring a white gravity bear, Dehaka's injuries healed immediately, and no holes were visible in the blink of an eye.

The remaining white gravity bears roared with anger, panic and confusion, and gathered the ice power around them to create hundreds of giant ice spears and ice cap-shaped ice armor walls.

Dehaka made a weird chuckle.

"Lava breathes."

Facing the huge ice spear overwhelming the sky, Dehaka opened his mouth, and the lava boiled, directly spraying out a large swath of strong and powerful high-temperature acid.

These acid liquids were in mid-air, destroying all the giant ice spears oncoming, and it was impossible to harm Dehaka for half a point.

At the same time, a terrifying behemoth with the original Zerg leader, Dakron, was temporarily created by Dehaka with life essence.

Dacron's body was covered with sharp giant thorns, densely packed with four hooves, and madly crashed into dozens of white gravity bears protected by the huge ice sheet.

The thickness of the ice armor wall is two to three meters thick, and the whole body is transparent. You can see the inside and outside, exuding icy fog.

Used to deal with scarabs, it certainly has a miraculous effect, but in the face of giant beasts like Dacron, it loses its effect.



The ice armor wall cracked immediately under the impact of Dakron, and this crack was like a fuse, causing the entire ice armor wall to fall apart in an instant.

Dacron was just a little confused.

After Dehaka broke through the ice armor wall, he immediately jumped vertically and fell from the sky. With a body over a hundred meters high and weighing hundreds of tons, it directly killed the white gravity bear that had no time to escape.

However, the four totem poles guarding the altar of resurrection were ready, and the four 300-meter-high shadows of giant bears roared to the sky and shattered the clouds in the sky.

Dehaka will also be shocked by this terrible force.

the other side.

The four-headed beasts, protected by tens of thousands of scarabs, and the extra protective shell provided by the symbiote, rest assured, with great power, destroying everything in front of them.

The iron-clad bear, with an average height of forty meters, is as fragile as a child in front of the beast, and its combat power is not at the same level.

The sharp thorns of the symbiote were extremely sharp, directly penetrating the eye sockets of the iron armored bear, and were all broken by the arm and claws of the beast, and immediately died, without a chance to fight back.

The rest of the iron armored bears noticed the symbiote on the top of the mang beast's head, protecting their eyes and the body that was not covered by iron armor, but this retreat gave Mang beast a chance to kill.

The scarab’s acid bombs continued.

When the Iron Armored Bear wanted to besie the Mang Beast, he was desperately resisted by the Scarab, and then let Mang Beast's great power defeat it.

But after the initial chaos passed, the bear clan forces in the tribe have united under the totem turrets everywhere, striving to reduce casualties and trying to restore this disadvantage.

Lin Fan was very concerned about the situation here through the king insect, because he had broken in, the vision of the king insect became clear, and the red soil smog was dissipated.

But with the current combat power, it will be stalemate, unable to fight quickly, and other changes will occur.

"Dehaka, destroy the wall, break down the foundation, let the piranhas and devouring earthworms outside serve as our combat power, so as to take this place as soon as possible."

When Dehaka got the order, he pointed to the huge wall that was three to four hundred meters high next to him, and Dacron immediately revived.


A wall compressed by gravity cannot be broken so easily. Even Dacron, a fierce and fearless behemoth, can't do anything against this wall under the force of a collision.

It's just that there is a superficial spider web-like trace.

It seems that this is a time-consuming project.

Even with ten beasts together, it would take half a day to be afraid of breaking through this wall.

But Lin Fan had already thought of a tactic that could be used.

(It will speed up if you feel better.)

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