Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1208: Rough mutation and lake mutation

The genetic essence of Guitong Maru is very powerful. It does not mean that its "energy" is strong, but that its attack form is strong.

But this is powerful and needs to be concentrated. Even the peak-evolving Leviathan must reduce the number of angry insects in order to transform the angry insects into ghost pill.

If Leviathan’s angry swarm is ten thousand, and can keep up with the rate of consumption, now there are only one thousand transformed into Guitong Maru, and it will not be possible to replenish the lost Guitong Maru within a period of time.

Dehaka filled the genetic data of Guitongwan into Leviathan's sequence and used the essence to catalyze this process.

The thunderous iron crow in the distance became more and more oppressive.


Dozens of huge thunder and lightning knives spread from more than ten kilometers away, tearing apart the mine below.


Among the tunnel insects, 20,000 explosive mosquitoes gathered from the hive swarmed out.

They need to buy time for Dehaka.

Explosive mosquitoes are extremely fast. In order to avoid the survival needs of air fighters and other tracking missiles, they can't be as slow as king insects.

With the exploding mosquito's sacrifice and self-destruction, it should make the thundering iron bones chaotic for a while, which is enough for Dehaka to realize the extra mutation of Leviathan.

A large number of angry insect swarms have absorbed the genetic data of Guitongwan, turned into sticky gold spiders, and gathered in groups of ten, slowly blending into a human form.

A thousand Guitong pills were transformed from Leviathan's abdominal cavity.

And this kind of scene, in the other Leviathans, the same reappeared.

On the distant sky...

Twenty thousand explosive mosquitoes were divided into multiple cone-shaped formations, and they attacked the thunderous iron crow at the same time. The explosion flame, shock wave and acid liquid weakened the electric current on the iron crow and even was torn apart.

Thousands of them were still flashing with electricity, but they had become iron-bone corpses of roasted crows, falling from the air.

The lethality of the explosive mosquito is far from the expected performance, which is not unexpected.

The thundering iron-bone crow induces mutations through magnetic force and generates electric current.

Electric current is energy, and when combined, it can grow and become a barrier for integration.

The self-detonation attack of the explosive mosquito needs to deal with the electric current of the protective body first, in order to force the protected iron crow to be harmed.

Being able to cut more than 10,000 iron crows with a two-to-one injury rate is already a great victory.

Because the area and energy intensity of the thundercloud have been reduced by more than half compared to before, this will reduce the damage to Mang Beast and Leviathan to an acceptable situation.

A blink of an eye.

Twenty thousand ghost child pills, each in groups of one thousand, appear through Leviathan's body as a platform.

The ghost boys drew the bows made of spider sticky gold together.

A fusion attack with maximum toughening and maximum hardening.


Thousands of sticky gold arrows shot into the air.

The thundering iron-bone crows concentrated the current to the front, forming a lightning barrier to offset these sticky golden arrows.

The sticky gold arrow has extremely high penetrating power, through the sticky gold bow force maximum toughness, has a devastating destructive power.

However, the current barrier of hundreds of thousands of iron crows is not so easy to penetrate, and it is inevitable that there will be a stalemate for a while.

"Mang Beast, go to the back of the Iron Bone Crow and interfere with them."

Lin Fan issued a remote command at this time.

The Mang Beast burrowed into the soil and used the freely open deep groove to reach behind the thundering iron-bone crow, where the current barrier was the weakest.

The symbiote on the top of Mang Beast's head suddenly, like a machine gun, fired continuous spikes.

The symbiote on the top of Mang Beast's head was only a few tenths of the size, but it was dozens of times larger than the Iron Crow.

The spikes they ejected are several meters long and have a huge force, making the weak current barrier behind them leaky.

At the same time, the mang beast itself has the ability to defy the air, spraying out acidic liquid to breathe, extremely corrosive and impact force, and can rot through the armor of several meters thick under the action of force in an instant.

When these things deal with the current barrier, they also consume more current, making the current here increasingly thinner.

The thunderous iron crow on fire in the backyard instinctively conducts the current backwards, but there will be problems in the front.

The Guitong Maru had no consciousness, they were just archers who were good at using spider sticky gold, and needed to be within a radius of 10,000 meters of Leviathan, otherwise they would lose control and collapse.

This rough transformation is Dehaka's limit. After all, he can't go to work that Abathur is not good at.

Leviathan released these ghost boy pills to the maximum distance, shortening the range of the sticky golden arrows to increase attack power and penetration.

In the sky, all the eyes of a king insect changed into white eyes, and it was Lin Fan who was aligning it.

With the ability to whiten his eyes, Lin Fan could see through the weak energy of the Thundering Iron-Bone Crow, and at the same time, he connected twenty Leviathans to indirectly control the behavior of 20,000 Guitong pills.

"Spider sticks gold, maximum strength, spiral elastic."

The Guitong Maru changed into a bow that was larger than the body, and stretched a large arrow with a length of about ten feet and a spiral pattern on it. The legs are levers, the arms are levers, and the waist bows are levers. It is the biggest and strongest arrow of today.


Taking advantage of the current barrier's energy transfer to the rear.

Twenty thousand spiral arrows in a cone-shaped attack formation all hit the weak energy area surrounded by Lin Fan, as if the shell shattered, and the energy shield of the iron crow was completely broken.

As soon as the lightning barrier broke, the whole iron crow turned into a mess, no longer tidy, but separated into multiple strands, besieging the beast, Leviathan, and Dehaka.

The iron-bone crow without a lightning barrier became cute in Dehaka's eyes.

Especially now that 20,000 Guitong Maru can use bows and arrows like machine guns, shooting randomly at high speed, so that the iron-bone crow with only the activated body can only drop the corpse into the mine below.

the other side.

In the depths of the suicide bee, in the hive, Lin Fan swallowed the transported iron-bone crow corpse into the sun furnace.

The 10,000 Sun Furnace is working at full capacity.

The iron ore collected from the mine was also delivered in an orderly manner.

But suddenly, in the distant lake without waves, a visible wave of energy oscillated, and the scope of it could not be calculated.

And even Lin Fan was shocked by this energy!

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