Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1209: The birth of the data universe

The energy waves in the lake continued to gush from its depths, as if something had awakened.

If Batman saw this scene, he would definitely think that it was a fragment of the power of the Phoenix, which was changing.

It stands to reason that no one is close to the lake, and it is impossible to wake up the fragments of Phoenix's power.

But now the fragments of Phoenix's power are awakened! !

This power contains infinity, and even the laws of the universe can be changed. As one of the oldest beings, I don't know what to do.

the other side.

Lin Fan felt the power of the Phoenix, exactly the same as the power of Gretchen back then, but the intensity was very different, so he immediately alerted that this was the energy wave of the power of the Phoenix.

"What's the matter with this energy wave? There is no difference? What strange thing is contained in the energy!"

Lin Fan was thinking in his mind.

Suddenly, the black light virus on Lin Fan's body directly split and summoned without the influence of a special medium.

Yizisha was summoned from the cocoon bag where the black light virus hatched from Lin Fan.

Izsa attached herself to the ceiling, and seemed to have very important information to report.

"Master, please forgive me for taking the liberty of breaking out without your call. However, the prototype universe was attacked by a powerful flow of energy and the rules were changed. Only then did I gather the power of everyone to break the boundary temporarily. Report this to you."

Yizisha's speech speed is very urgent, and there is no usual slowness, which shows that this matter cannot be neglected.

The embryonic universe exists in Lin Fan's body. Because it is a low-level existence, it is also the existence that changes most rapidly when it is subjected to the energy wave of the Phoenix's power.

Lin Fan motioned to Yizsha to report.

And use the extra bear bile removed from the gravity bear to squeeze the essence to stabilize Izsha's body and keep Izsha here for a longer time.

It's a pity that there is no queen bee honey, otherwise, Izsa can be summoned by the medium to come into this world, like Dehaka and Zagara, to exist forever.

"The flow of energy has changed the structure of the universe. A new rule, through the derivation and upgrading of the old rule system, becomes more logical and rational. But it is fatal to the embryonic universe. We need to seal it immediately until we have it. More powerful energy to balance the confrontation between the rudimentary universe and the new rule system."

Yizsha knew that it was confusing, even a bit cumbersome, and not easy to understand, but Yizsha, as the chief deacon of the Zerg, was not a false name. In order to let Lin Fan understand the importance of this matter earlier, Made some preparations.

A panel was summoned by Iztha's waste force.

Name: Lin Fan.

Level: 3. (diamond)

HP: 300.

Psionic: 300.

Strength: 30.

Armor: 30.

Speed: 30.

Other content is under construction...

This is the content on the panel, and it looks like it is being built?

There are infinite thoughts in Lin Fan's mind, he immediately understood, and was surprised: "Izsha, you mean that the new rules will be executed according to the data on the panel?"

"Yes, the data on the panel is your information and it is absolutely accurate. This is the power of the Phoenix power. I have confirmed this matter with the Phoenix female Gretchen. This is an amazing change. Its energy More than the sum of infinite gems..."

At this moment, Yizsha could no longer maintain her body and collapsed directly, and the stream of consciousness returned to Lin Fan's embryonic universe again.

"Soul gem, connect Izsha's consciousness to my spirit, and keep talking."

Lin Fan couldn't let Yizsha go back to the rudimentary universe to be sealed up now.

Immediately use the soul gems among the infinite gems, and with the convenience of the black light virus, set them in your own brain, forcibly fixing Izsa's stream of consciousness in your own spirit.

"Master, I'm very sorry that you are affected by Izsha."

Yizsha's voice appeared in Lin Fan's mind.

Lin Fan told Yizsha not to care about these things.

"I used to establish the panel, but it is only the data. When it is incorrect or defective, after all, the data can only predict a certain range. Later, we only used it as a reference."

Lin Fan faintly felt that the cosmic law changed by the power of the Phoenix energy wave had something to do with him.

"Master, this matter has something to do with you. Infinite gems originate from the goddess of nemesis, and belong to the same class as the power of the phoenix. After all, they are things in the lower realm and have not yet obtained their true form. They can only be strengthened here. Gems can’t be compared with the power of the Phoenix... When you use the Sun Furnace, you borrow the power of multiple infinite gems, which arouses the power of the Phoenix that exists here, and produces multiple reactions."

Lin Fan's thoughts flashed, and the panel summoned by Izsha before could now be summoned by herself. It seemed that the power of the Phoenix had already been initially established.

"Izsa, is this related to the data panel we originally designed? These things are just like copying our design."

"Master, you are right, because you are in charge of the infinite gems. Even things in the lower realm are genuine products of the main universe. Just like the orthodox descendants, once you accept the true energy of the infinite gems of the diamond universe, you can immediately Promotion can even reappear the Nemesis again. So when you use the infinite gem, it resonates with the power of the phoenix. It borrows your design to change the rules of the universe."

Lin Fan was very distressed. Changing the rules of the entire diamond universe and using his own design was nothing short of a child's play. It was like scribbling like a child.

However, this time the graffiti was completed under the power of the Phoenix.

Formed a viable, above all else, the new regular force of the universe.

The supreme power that all power cannot violate.

The energy wave has now rushed out of the new map and radiated toward the outside world. Soon the entire diamond universe will be updated.

"While the rudimentary universe is not closed yet, Izsa, fix the stream of consciousness of Kerrigan, Stark, Dr. Banner, Archbishop Atanis, and Phase Technician Kerax in my spirit. I need several staff members. ...And the Phoenix girl Gretchen."

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