Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1210: New Force Research

The entire diamond universe is in chaos! !

The data is spread in various planets, stellar regions, galaxies and star realms, just like cancer cells, spreading and spreading...

Some people have new hope because of this new cosmic rule.

Some conservatives think this is the beginning of chaos!

But back to the topic.

Lin Fan here.

In order to adapt to the new rules, Lin Fan summoned Zagara to conduct some research.

Let's take a look at Zagara's panel first.

Name: Zagara.

Level: 2. (diamond)

HP: 200,200.

Psionic power: 200,200.

Strength: 20.

Armor: 20.

Speed: 20.

Zagara can't think through his own changes, but Abathur can't be summoned yet, and he can't use his brain power to improve the understanding of advanced wisdom.

"Master, this panel is very peculiar. I feel that I have become weaker, but it is very powerful. It feels unspeakable..."

"Me too, so we have to experiment to see what is going on."

Lin Fan raised his fist and prepared to hit Zagara.

Zagara immediately became alert when he saw the situation and clutched his head begging for mercy.

"Master, please don't kill me... Zagara doesn't know what he did wrong... Forgive..."

Lin Fan awkwardly stopped to explain.

"Zagara, don't worry, the attack power on my panel is 30, and your armor is 20. In other words, if the rules are changed, you can take up to 10 points of damage, which will not endanger your life."

Zagara's fear stems from the fact that Lin Fan is the ruler of the Zerg. It is too simple for Lin Fan to kill her. This is the fear imprinted in his genes.

But after just one or two hits, Zagara believes that he will not be so weak.

"It turns out that this is the case, so dominate, please fight it."

Zagara stood in place.

Lin Fan squeezed his left fist, exhausted all his strength, and smashed towards Zagara.


A red number rose from the top of Zagara's head.

Name: Zagara.

HP: 190200.

Checking Zagara's panel again, he found that his HP was 10 points less, which was displayed extremely accurately.

"Zagara, you summon a poisonous insect to come out and take a look."

According to Lin Fan's intention, Zagara hatched a cocoon, and the cocoon swelled immediately, and in the blink of an eye, a poisonous explosive insect appeared.

Lin Fan squeezed his chin, came to the side of Poisonous Blast, and checked its panel.

Name: Poisonous Blast.

Level: 2.

HP: 120120.

Psionic: 120120.

Strength: 12.

Armor: 12.

Speed: 12.

Self-explosion: Consume 100% of your own HP, and cause explosion damage to the enemy that is 100% of your own HP limit. The explosion radius is 60 meters. In the next 6 seconds, it will cause continuous corrosive damage to the enemy with 10% of its HP limit.

Tip: Secret Skill is a growthable skill type.

"Come on, Poisonous Blast, attack me."

The poisonous worms had no fear, they were just tools for killing, and they ran into Lin Fan before Zagara could stop them.



Lin Fan felt as if he was hammered by a hammer.

After the shock wave dissipated.

Name: Lin Fan.

HP: 210300.

Due to the corrosive continuous damage of 10% of the upper limit of HP, only 12 points, so it can't break the armor of Lin Fan up to 30, and can only be immune to it.

"Master, how can you do this, if the poisonous blaster hurts you... what will Zagara do!"

Zagara poses to nurture Lin Fan.

This skill has immediate healing and continuous regeneration effects, but it looks like it is being spat.

Lin Fan immediately stopped Zagara.

"Zagara, stop, my self-healing ability can be restored by myself."

But now compared to before, it seems that something has been built again. For example, when looking at Zagara's panel, there is no skill introduction, but when it comes to Poisonous Blast, the skill is updated.

Lin Fan's black light virus is healing on its own.

The self-healing green word on the top of the head for 1 second 30 is returning.

The injury caused by the poisonous blaster can be recovered in only 1 second.

Asking Zagara to come over, Lin Fan looked at Zagara's panel, and the skill explanation was updated on it.

Name: Zagara.

Nurturing: Consume 10 points of psionic energy, restore the target's 100 points of blood, and restore the target's 10 points of blood in the next 10 seconds. The cooling time is 10 seconds.

Hatching Zerg: Consume 6% psionic energy to hatch a boss Zerg with a limited time life. A maximum of 10 can be hatched at a time. Life is limited to 10,000 seconds. The cooling time is 100 seconds.

Strain Tumor: Expend 10 psionic powers to hatch a permanent Strain Tumor. Need to be on the blanket to incubate. The cooling time is 10 seconds.

When I looked at the Zagara panel again, there were many more things on it, which made Lin Fan understand a little bit.

Whether it is damage or blood volume, it will definitely be implemented strictly in accordance with data.

There is no chance of any fluke in the competition between the strong and the weak.

Only quantity and quality are king.

"Blade of Rebellion."

Name: Lin Fan.

Level: 3.

Strength: 30 (+15) = 45.

Speed: 30 (+15) = 45.

Equipment: Rebellious Blade.

Level: 3.

Strength: +15.

Speed: +15.

Lin Fan put the Rebellious Blade away again, and the data on the panel returned to normal. In addition to his own attributes, the equipment can increase the attributes again.

Moreover, judging from the current trend, the popularization of equipment will seriously affect huge differences in personal attributes.

Lin Fan also paid attention to a problem.


Lin Fan, Zagara, and Poisonous Blast have very neat attributes, because the maximum value is set before hatching.

Zagara Hatching Poisonous Blast is a boss-level qualification, and the corresponding attribute can be obtained by multiplying the level by six.

And Lin Fan and Zagara are both hero-level, that is, their level multiplied by ten is the maximum value of hero-level.

But for others, this is not the case, because it has not been modulated on the genetic blueprint in advance.

For example, Lin Fan compares the panel of an ordinary first-order suicide bee.

Name: Suicide Bee.

Grade 1.

HP: 1010.

Psionic: 0.30.3.

Strength: 0.5.

Armor: 0.1.

Speed: 0.8.

This is the most popular suicide bee attribute of a diamond.

And there is no skill introduction.

It's not that there is no update.

It's really not there!

The strict definition of digitization has caused Lin Fan's thinking to be diverging, and a sudden light flashes.

"Does this mean that the incubation conditions of certain Zerg units are also digitized, so I can have more channels to hatch the Zerg?"

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