Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1211: Sealing Phoenix's Different Water

Lin Fan used the black light virus to hatch a cocoon, which consumed 100 psionic power.

Soon out of the cocoon, a worker bee came out, a worker bee with hero-level qualifications.

But because this worker bee was created by psychic energy, it only has a limited life and can only exist for 10,000 seconds.

But Lin Fan just needs to see if his thoughts are correct.

"Incubate the elder centipede of the zerg nest."

Lin Fan wanted to see if he could succeed with the idea of ​​experimentation.

Unexpectedly, the worker bees actually hatched according to the order.

But the mutations stand and the cocoons made by the worker bees spread in the hive like tree roots.

At this time, Yizsha spoke from Lin Fan's spirit: "Master, this worker bee is trying to swallow the structure of the hive as a variable for incubating the nest."

"This is different from what I thought. It shouldn't be a reminder of the lack of materials, but if we can really come up with a centipede elder, we don't need to sit and wait, and we will have a lot of larvae to hatch." Lin Fan Tucao Tao.

Yizisha thought and analyzed: "Master, this may be because of the power of the phoenix and the impact on the universe. It has not been completely transformed. It will take some time. And we have exploited the loopholes and gained benefits in this mezzanine."

That is to say, because of the changes in certain rules, worker bees directly use the hive for variable incubation, instead of requiring huge amounts of biomass and energy blocks, etc., it is as convenient as if some rules have been erased.

But this is only for now.

The huge hive entrenched on the giant tree, with worker bees as the medium, has a tendency to deform.

The hive of goose eggs, which was originally oval, is now slowly becoming slender, with sharp centipede carapace and claw spines. The magnificent color is covered with a dark red thick carapace, two of which account for a quarter of the body. A long tendril on the forehead, teeth and claws, rolled up a lot of dust and smoke.

The outside looks a thousand meters long and one hundred meters wide, but the inside has ten times the space capacity, which is an optimization that has absorbed the original spatial runes in the hive.

Name: Elder Centipede.

Level: 3.

HP: **.

Psionic: **.

Power: 3000.

Armor: 3000.

Speed: 3000.

Super Armor: Immune to 10% damage.

Super Strength: Increase strength by 1000%.

Super speed: increase the speed by 1000%.

Super psionic energy: energy shield with 1000% psionic energy.

Super regeneration: has 1000% regeneration speed.

Super hatching: Increase the hatching capacity of larvae by 1000%.

Rebirth and Molting: When the blood volume is less than 1%, this special skill will be executed to restore 100% blood volume and psionic energy. The cooling time is 10 days.

Insect swarm disaster: 10,000 centipede masters formed a swarm disaster.

Other skills have not yet been unlocked...

Compared with the centipede elder, the hive, like a fart, Lin Fan immediately thought of this after seeing the centipede elder's panel.

"No... this data is just messing up... Izsa!!"

Lin Fan hasn't reached the point of being dizzy by the centipede elder's panel.

Yizisha immediately pulled out Lin Fan's panel.

Name: Lin Fan.

Level: 3.

HP: **.

Psionic: **.

Power: 3000.

Armor: 3000.

Speed: 3000.

"Master, the power of the phoenix is ​​perfecting the rules. This should have reached the white-hot stage, and it has further made the data to meet our standard value of combat power." Yizha calmly analyzed the voice.

Lin Fan immediately adjusted and said: "It seems that the power of the Phoenix will correct the inaccurate things."

"The energy wave has stopped...Master!!" Izsha reported.

Lin Fan immediately lifted the corner of his mouth and said, "Elder Centipede, when we go to the lake, we must be the first to get the power of the phoenix."

The centipede elder is one thousand meters long, one hundred meters wide, and ten meters high. He is covered in black armor and has thick and sharp cuticles. There are countless claws and thorns. He climbs down ancient trees, drills into the soil, and uses the deep groove insect path. , Came directly to the border of the lake.

The centipede elder opened his blood basin and spit out his tongue like a red carpet, and Lin Fan stood on it.

Looking around, the lake is level and quiet, with bright mirrors, and there are no fish in it. The wind blows over, and the water can't even afford a wave.

"This lake is weird."

Lin Fan jumped on the forehead tendril of the centipede elder, came to the lake and stared carefully.

At this moment Izsha's voice came.

"Master, I have integrated your pupil power with some of the processing functions of our original Zerg old system and connected it to the database. I hope this can help you."

Not to mention, Lin Fan flashed a lot of words after Yizisha brought out the old prompt system of the Zerg.

Eight levels of heavy water: One of the different waters, water like an illusion. One drop is a world, and the other is a realm. Those who enter the water are confused and cannot turn their heads. Only by breaking the realm can they escape to heaven. This water can forge the treasure of the water system, and it can set up a huge array of illusions, and it is extremely precious. Legend has it that a drop of secret water from a treasure spring fell from the prehistoric universe.

Lin Fan didn't expect that there would be such a record in the database in the old system of the Zerg. It seems that there are still many things to dig in the old system of the Zerg.

"Izsha, is there a record how to continue without being affected?"

"I'm sorry, Master, this different water requires great mental power to resist. Now our ethnic group is still at a low level and cannot lend you so much spiritual power through the Zerg consciousness. What's more, this lake has tens of thousands of tons of cubic meters of water. Once it goes down, I am afraid that I will be perpetually sinking into the illusion, unable to extricate myself."

Izsha was very jealous of the lake.

But there is the power of a phoenix in the lake.

Lin Fan must find a way to go on.

Tips: Crack the power of the illusion before taking out the shards of the power of the phoenix, and the loser will die.

The special reminder that appeared in front of him left Lin Fan stunned. This was not a reminder from the Zerg system, but a reminder of the lake. It was an additional source of information from the lake after the power of the new rule of the power of the phoenix appeared.

"What illusion?"

Hint: past or future.

This prompt was a bit vague, leaving Lin Fan confused, but it was definitely not easy to think about.

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