Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1212: He was killed as soon as he arrived in Honghuang

Faced with the change in the power of the Phoenix, Gotham City dispatched more soldiers than expected. And this matter, Batman can no longer cover up, is a major event affecting the entire universe.

Between the planets, there are frequent internal disturbances, external harassment, and signs of doomsday.

At the same time, many eyes focused on this planet, this new map...

Before the entrance to the new map was blocked, Leya and Pan Sen siblings raced against time to send information about the abnormal changes outside to Lin Fan.

This will be a dead end to catch turtles in an urn.

Even if the centipede elders are very powerful, they can still face the fate of destruction in the face of hordes of fleets.

Lin Fan had to think of a way to solve the current predicament.

"Eight Realms Heavy Water!"

Lin Fan thought quickly in his mind, thinking that this strange water could be used to counter restrain the attacker.

This strange water is the water source of the illusion, and if you touch it, you will fall into the dream forever.

But a tool without consciousness can ignore this terrible ability, but this tool must have the ability to distribute these abnormal waters.

Let's say it's raining!

A rainstorm!

The weight of Bajing heavy water is different from that of normal water. One drop is equivalent to a ton. To evaporate them, it will inevitably require tremendous firepower.

This kind of work can only be done by Lin Fan's solar furnace.

And it must be based on the power of infinite gems.

This solar melting pot, after all, is already one with Lin Fan. I am afraid that without the power of infinite gems, it will affect Lin Fan's spiritual world.

Things that want to settle the Zerg can only be postponed, because the current situation is not something that the Zerg can solve at all.

The Forge of Ten Thousand Suns scattered from Lin Fan.

When the water temperature rises, it will boil, and when it rises, steam will be produced, and the steam will accumulate in the high-altitude clouds and turn into rain clouds.

At this time, the wind can be used to spread the rain clouds, so that it can rain continuously here.

If an enemy without intelligence comes in, it will definitely suffer a loss, and it will be delayed for more time.

The Sun Furnace formed a large array, which further increased the firepower and plunged into the lake.

The fire in the furnace is strong, and the sun is burning.

In the waveless lake of the ancient well, there was finally a reaction, boiling, grunting, bubbling...

A large amount of water vapor that is difficult to see with the naked eye becomes white mist.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan immediately laid a layer of nine-curved Yellow River array outside.

This nine-tune Yellow River formation is Lin Fan's work long ago, the best formation in the trapped formation.

Now, with the power of infinite gems, it covers the lake, so that the white mist will not spread horizontally, but will gather and go straight to the sky.

The quality of the white mist is still very heavy. If a person enters, not to mention the illusion, it will be as terrible as being sealed in cement.

The clouds in the sky absorbed these white mists, and immediately expanded, became deep and dark, smashed into electricity, and flickered, and with more and more white mists, the area of ​​the clouds became wider and wider.

The preparatory work has been completed.

Lin Fan withdrew to the Wanzun furnace, immediately let the centipede elder dive into the soil, and then used the Jiuqu Yellow River Array outside to create a tornado, creating the wonder of dragon water absorption.

There is a white mist that passes through the high-altitude clouds, allowing the clouds to expand, and the appearance of this dragon's water absorption increases the speed of cloud expansion by tens of thousands of times.

Starting from the lake in the middle of the new map, a cloud layer expands a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, and the whole new map will be enveloped.

The clouds continuously produced, turned black, and thundered and flashed, making the creatures in the new map feel uneasy.

However, the dragon has been absorbing water for several hours, and the water volume of the lake has not decreased in the slightest.

It seemed to be a joke with Lin Fan.

The heavy water of the eight realms does not decrease, so how can Lin Fan go down and gain the power of the Phoenix?

Even if I asked Gretchen, the most experienced Phoenix female, I didn't know one question.

And now a large number of other planetary fleets, planetary empire forces, have assembled, and they need to thoroughly explore the new map.

This force cannot be guarded by the new map at all.

same time……

In various places in the Diamond Universe, the other eight fragments of the power of the phoenix resonated due to the impact of the energy wave, and the transformation of the digital form and rules was carried out more quickly.

The farther and larger universe has also been transformed.

A wave of digging the power of the Phoenix has begun in this universe. The most invincible fleet and the most elite soldiers on each planet rushed to the planet with the strongest energy wave of the power of the Phoenix to prepare for excavation work.

And all this, Lin Fan didn't know, he was still racking his brains to get the power of the phoenix that was sealed under the lake in the new map.

It's just a race against time, the lake is not scarce at all, but the enemy is getting closer and closer.

The Gotham Police Department and the Batman Chaebol are just minor roles now.

"Think about it, think about it, is there any way to get the power of the Phoenix without being attacked by foreign water."

"Master, in such a situation, we are facing a dangerous situation, even if we hide under the deep soil layer, we will still be found, and eventually be caught...then the first step is better, we first step into the illusion, better than others. Come out earlier and get the power of the phoenix."

However, now the clouds have expanded to every corner of the new map. Once it rains, it will be a lot of illusions, and Lin Fan has more time to fight for.

However, once the water is blocked with props, it will be invalid. It is only a matter of time.

Lin Fan jumped into the lake with a piece of thunder beast's carapace. The melting pot of thousands of suns was bright, and the infinite firepower drained the lake, allowing Lin Fan to get closer to the seal coordinates of the power of the phoenix.

As if thrown into the cement grouting, the behavior became extremely slow, and the Leiju carapace was squeezed by the different water and severely deformed.

The firepower in the Sun Furnace is even more consuming.

And the deeper the dive, the faster the consumption speed... And Lin Fan's eyes are only terrible deep pits like bottomless holes.


Consciousness sinks in this darkness.

"Future or Past"

Lin Fan's only remaining trace of consciousness has chosen: the future.

Suddenly, all around the pressure was gone, it was a sunny day.

"This is where?"


"Huanghuang? The upper level of the Diamond Universe?"

Lin Fan didn't expect that he would actually come to Honghuang.

But now he is in mid-air? ? ?

This is the cliff...

Was murdered by someone!

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