Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1213: Here is the prehistoric scroll.

Fortunately, this cliff was very high, and for a while, I couldn't fall to the end.


What kind of excitement is this so happy...

With arms spread out, Lin Fan glided in the air, sorting out what had just happened.

In the black light virus, Lin Fan dug out the memory cells that recorded everything and watched the playback process.

A few minutes ago...

A man was pushed down from the cliff, with a face of dead gray, exactly the same as Lin Fan's.

Then Lin Fan appeared here.

It's just a stream of consciousness.

Then the body of the person who was pushed down turned into an essence, reshaping Lin Fan's body.

Those who are pushed down become a stream of consciousness and are sent away.

That's how it happened.

I thought I would stay in the diamond universe for a long time, work hard, study, work hard, and struggle, and finally soar into the primordial universe, the ultimate realm of the universe...

Then I didn't expect to jump into the eight realms of heavy water. According to legend, he came directly to the prehistoric water.

It also made Li Daitao stiff, used the essence of others, reshaped the body, and directly became a native aboriginal.

This status is higher...

If Lin Fan can now return to the Diamond Universe and grab it, the infinite planet will have to bow his head. No civilization, technology, power, and ability will work.

"No, right? My original body is still in the lake of the Diamond Universe... The prototype universe is still in it... Zerg... rely on..."

Because the black light virus had already been spiritualized, it was brought directly by Lin Fan, but the embryonic universe was not in the reshaped prehistoric body.

That's Lin Fan's property.

At this time, Lin Fan changed direction and jumped directly onto the rock wall, and then ran up against gravity.

In my mind, the essence of reshaping the body is playing the cause and effect.

This is the prehistoric world...

The world is infinite! There is an infinite population!

The strong here is respected.

Since the great power of the human race, Hong Huang is no longer what it used to be...

The dynasties rise together, the martial arts fight to kill, the endless blood burns all over the sky.

Only the remains of the ancient gods remain.

The world is immortal.

The ups and downs are just everyday.

And Lin Fan's identity is a direct line of the family, because of the inability to cultivate, he is not strong in the family, and there is no elder caregiver.

Used as sandbags by cousins.

Was called by people to drink.

The officer detained the monthly service.

In the end, even the maid beside him betrayed him and took refuge in the embrace of others, but if he died, the maid could choose another master.

So this identity was pushed off the cliff by several people.

For a person who has no cultivation base, if he falls into this cliff, he will undoubtedly die.

Lin Fan ran upright from the cliff, jumped up, and climbed onto the cliff top platform.

Those few servants were still ridiculing and mocking here, and looked down upon Lin Fan.

But as soon as Lin Fan came up, the three of his servants stared wide-eyed. They kicked and kicked like a ghost, stepped back, and sat down on the hard rock.

"You... are you a man or a ghost?"

Cried a plump servant.

Lin Fan patted his clothes.

"Of course...people!"

Several servants settled their minds and whispered to each other.

"This kid, how come up again, it's incredible."

"Whatever he is, if we throw him down, we must complete the mission of Master Lin Dong."

"Yes, we promised that our Qi Yang Pill will allow us to break through our current realm and be superior to others."

"Kill him..."

The three fat bodies and strong, sinister eyes are about to come forward.

In a big family all the year round, you have to look after the home nursing home, even if you are subordinate, you will practice, but there is no systematic exercise and martial arts.

So now they are like bear children's wild ball punches.

Lin Fan immediately mimicked the Hydralisk.

Whoosh whoosh...

Several bone needles penetrated the three people's shoes and nailed them there.

The pain caused these three people to lose their morale. They cried and cried, hugged their legs, and lost their fighting spirit for a while.

But Lin Fan would not, mimicking again, becoming a filthy worm.

However, this time it was a bit difficult. It can be seen that the temporary limit is already the maximum.

Spit out weak saliva, slow the bodies of these people, and the spores proliferated in large numbers, making them as funny as slow motion.

Then Lin Fan transformed into a prancing worm again, his body divided into two, two prancing worms, staring at the throats of these people, bite to death.

When Lin Fan deformed and returned, he immediately felt a little weak. After all, this was a leapfrog battle.

Fortunately, these dead servants are also biomass that can be replenished.

Lin Fan split a worker bee to gather it for himself, capture the essence, and feed his body.

"Now go back to the family, keep quiet, then look for this technique, and quickly upgrade. There is a black light virus, realm or something, but it's just filling a duck."

After eating the essence of the three servants, Lin Fan felt energetic, and then quickly walked in the direction of the family.

Lin Fan's family is one of the best in Los Angeles. There are thousands of people in the clan, tens of thousands of servants and guards, and they are engaged in the business of refining tools. They are very wealthy and have a wide network of contacts.

However, there are two other big families in Los Angeles, the Fang family and the Yun family, who can fight against the Lin family.

In Lin's family, Lin Fan is still ranked first in the genealogy, the third-generation eldest grandson...

I was expected to have high hopes, but how could I not practice? I was regarded as an abandoned son. I left it alone, and no one asked again over time.

His parents even encountered misfortune on the way to find a famous doctor.

The life experience of this identity is more than a tragic word.

But this kind of life experience is too common, and it's even more common in such a world.

When he returned to the family, Lin Fan went through the back door and didn't want to attract attention.

Walking through the roads, the buildings that are getting more and more dilapidated and seemingly abandoned are the residences of Lin Fan.

In this ruined building, there is also a courtyard with an old tree in it.

Although there is no one to take care of it, it also grows lush and vigorous.

But now it's late autumn, but the tree doesn't have fallen leaves and yellow, and it's still green, which is very peculiar.

I looked around the room, except that it was clean, it was really clean.

Except for the large area, it is a bed, a table, a stone stool, a bookshelf and a mirror.

Lin Fan came out again, and the maid really stopped, but she didn't care about it.

But this big tree makes Lin Fan feel strange!

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