Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1215: Pull out a hatred

A card was drawn out of the void by Lin Fan, flowing smoothly.

"Character card: Hancock."

Lin Fan was in a daze.

At the same time, 15 card slots appear at the position of the heart, and you can directly summon them by putting the card in.

Lin Fan stacked this character card on the heart, and immediately the character card disappeared and appeared in one of the card slots.

Hancock appeared in a red cheongsam with split ends, plump body, slender legs and high heels.


Hancock is one of Lin Fan's collection in the Nether.

Lin Fan really likes this collection.

However, he is usually too busy to have a chance to communicate. I didn't expect to get a chance in this situation.

But Lin Fan also learned a few things, did he draw the card out of his own?

In other words, what you extract will be limited to what is in your prototype universe!

This gold leaf is really a scam.

Let me smoke my own things.

But the corner of Lin Fan's eyes immediately bends.

Because Hancock is in the same realm with himself, the third phase of the whirlwind state shows that what he draws out will be in line with his current level.

It's fair to say that gold leaf has some material.

"Hankuk, in this world, we are the only one who is in charge of this world. No, you will call me young master in the future, and I will do whatever you like in the countryside... Now you will stay at the Lin's house as my new maid."

Hancock hugged Lin Fan, pressed Lin Fan's head on Wenruan's body, and said with joy: "Yes, Master, I didn't expect to be alone with Young Master one day. It's so happy."

"Uh, Hancock, let me go, let people see, how bad the influence is." Although Hancock, who is idiotic, doesn't hate him, Lin Fan is not that kind of person.

Hancock let go of Lin Fan, standing behind Lin Fan obediently, Yu Jie's aura, but Xiao Jiabiyu's expression, contradictory temperament, makes people want to stop.

Lin Fan sighed and said in his heart that Hancock is also a peerless beauty in the great wilderness.

"Master, what's the matter with you, why sigh? Did Hancock upset you?"

Hancock hasn't seen Lin Fan for too long.

Think about it day and night.

Lin Fan shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, we have to go to the place where the family uses martial arts. Now I am also in the cyclone state. I can choose a martial arts practice. Let's see what the ancient martial arts is. Level, is it as powerful as our lower realm."

Because everything in the Diamond Universe is simple and simple, simplifying the tedious, because it is one in the first place.

I don't know what Honghuang, the ultimate realm of the universe will look like.

On the way...

Lin Fan took Hancock, this handsome man and beauty, very cool.

"By the way, Hancock, are your sweet fruits still there?"

"Yes, master."

Hancock is still dignified and decent outside, although he still has peach blossoms towards Lin Fan, his face is blushing, and he looks like an idiot.

Lin Fan thought in his heart, if that's the case, this drawing card is not bad.

When I first arrived in the Diamond Universe, there was no one around me to take care of. If I met someone, I would worry about eating and drinking for a while.

Now that Hancock is by his side to take care of it, it can be regarded as saving some things and no longer having to live a hard life.

The two of them walked all the way, and this giant compound was really magnificent, with red tiles on the high walls and gleaming.

The house like Lin Fan's "ruins" is really different.

Passing through a few corridors, came to the middle yard, here is the Lin family's martial arts field. The younger generation will practice hard here every day.

But Lin Fan didn't want to know anyone.

Although they were not bullying themselves, the person who was pushed off the cliff, was bullied, detained, and insulted every day, looked exactly like himself.

Perhaps, the causal cycle, that person, has a great relationship with himself.

So these people, don't provoke him, if they have to do it, kill them.

Lin Fan usually attracts attention.

With Hancock behind him now, it was like bringing a huge flashlight, still in the dark.

"Who is that beauty? This temperament, isn't it a daughter of any other family?"

"Yes, but it's weird how this beauty follows Lin Fan's waste."

"Lin Fan, this kid, raised his head and chest today, thinking it would be great to have a beautiful woman with him!"

"Yes, brothers, surrounded him, and didn't beat him for several days, so that he knew that he was a sandbag."

Hancock will attract hatred, this is inevitable, but even so, Lin Fan did not intend to hide.

Hancock said in Lin Fan's ear: "Master, a few guys over there, I'm going to trouble you."

"There are no consummated little **** in several Qi adjustment realms." Lin Fan stopped, his aura more vigorous, carrying his hands on his back, facing the several family cousins ​​who came over.

The headed one is a cousin with the surname Mu in the collateral family. He usually bullies Lin Fan the most and takes Lin Fan as a sandbag two or three days a week.

Although I also knew that I was a collateral, I knew the severity of the damage, only the internal organs, and a lot of the epidermis, but it broke out at night and the painful person couldn't sleep.

Lin Fan has no pain, but the memory is preserved, but he also understands the taste.

"Lin Fan, I heard that your boy, even his maid can't protect him, he was snatched away by cousin Sun Dong."

Mu Hu came up, taunting first, trying to make Lin Fan make a fool of himself in front of Hancock.

Several other cousins, roaring with laughter, pointed to Lin Fan, completely disregarding his half-face.

Lin Fan's eyes were contemptuous, and the corners of his mouth sneered, and said, "Cousin Mu Hu, I don't like that kind of stuff, but I didn't expect that Cousin Lin Dong would like the garbage I don't want."

"My mouth is hard, I haven't seen it for two days, the cultivation base is not up, and the tone is not small." Mu Hu squeezed his fists, he was five big and three thick, with strong muscles, a head taller than Lin Fan. "Come on, it's time for you to be sandbags, we two practice."

"It's just what I want." Lin Fan did not refuse.

With cold light hidden in Mu Hu's eyes, he thought, want to pretend to be forceful in front of beautiful women? I thought I was really the eldest grandson!

"Lin Fan, look at the fist...ah."

Mu Hu rushed over, because he didn't have any martial arts, it was just ordinary brute force, but Lin Fan slammed and tripped, and the dog that fell directly gnawed shit.

Lin Fan came over and said: "Oh, don't be so polite, it's not yet Chinese New Year, I don't have the New Year's money for you."

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