Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1216: The story of Hancock and a lot of meat

"Lin Fan! You **** it!"

Mu Hu made the people who usually bully him play tricks, and was so angry that he got up and hugged him.

"I will cut your bones."

But Lin Fan didn't give him this opportunity, and before Mu Hu hugged him, a brain collapse popped up.

Lin Fan possessed 4% of the power of thunder beasts, which was quite the power of the ordinary eight beasts. It was more crushing than the power of only two beasts.


Mu Hu rolled directly into the mid-air at a height of more than a dozen meters, then slammed into the wall like a parabola, and was submerged by a pile of rubble.

"Ah, Brother Mugui..."

"Go and save people!"

Mu Hu's followers immediately ran over crying and crying.

Lin Fan sighed, why are these people always there, but now that they meet, if they are not stronger, there will be more flies buzzing.

"Come on, Hancock."

"Yes, master."

Lin Fan took Hancock and walked through the martial arts field. During this period, no one came by, but some of them blinked.

"When did Lin Fan become so powerful!"

"Shooting Mu Kui with a single finger is at least twice as powerful as Mu Kui. Isn't that the Whirlwind Realm?"

"Yes, right, and depending on the direction he is going, it should be Cangshu Pavilion, he has chosen martial arts."

"Really, this guy can't practice, isn't he so powerful now! Aren't we going to be unlucky?"

"No, Master Lin Dong will not let Lin Fan rise, otherwise the position of the next patriarch will fall on Lin Fan."

When the children of the Lin family were talking about it, Lin Fan and Hancock finally arrived at the Library, which was an eight-story attic with jade brick Luowa.

There are four guards at the door.

The strength is elite, all in the third phase of the whirlwind state, his eyes are indifferent to the front, and the dragon knife is hung around his waist, and he is meticulous.

Zangshuge has formations, and the whirlwind realm can pass freely, so there is no interlude.

Lin Fan took Hancock directly in.

"Is the elder Sun Lin Fan just now? He... the whirlwind realm?"

The guard at the gate was surprised.

"And who is the woman just now, so beautiful, which family daughter?"

The other guard swallowed.

There are a lot of people going to and from the Cangshu Pavilion. Lin Fan and Hancock are too eye-catching.

Face, body, temperament, perfect combination, has a fatal attraction to men.

Lin Fan turned a blind eye to things outside the window, and looked up martial arts in the library.

"Eight injury method."

These eight injuries are the best martial arts of the yellow rank, and they are extremely difficult to practice, but they are extremely lethal.

After training, he hit a punch, eight reverberations, equivalent to nine hits in one blow, every injury hit the same position, almost instantaneously, the explosive force was huge.

The evaluation on the homepage describes: This is a yellow-level martial art with mysterious-level lethality, but the difficulty is earth-level. The ancestors of the Lin family for several generations gave up halfway through the training due to the painful process. It is recorded that even the people who created this martial skill did not cultivate to the Mahayana. Choose carefully!

"That's it."

The reason that others cannot learn is nothing more than pain, and another is self-harm.

If you want to hit eight wounds in one blow, and make nine blows, you have to endure tremendous pain when you practice, to hone your fists, and if you use them rashly, you will only abandon your arms.

But Lin Fan had no such concerns. First, he didn't feel pain, and second, the black light virus was not afraid of self-harm. As long as he thoroughly understood the martial arts theory, it was easy to want Mahayana.

And because of the nameless exercise method, the black light virus has a hole network, and the true energy is mixed into the black light virus, so that the injured black light virus can become stronger and stronger.

Registered at the front desk, took the transcribed "Eight Injury Forces", and Lin Fan and Hancock walked towards their yard.

Back to the yard...

"Hankuk, I'll beg you for supper, and clean the yard."

Lin Fan felt that he needed to borrow super speed and super speed to learn new skills.

"I will make delicious meat."

Hancock cleaned the yard during Lin Fan's retreat.

But the evening darkened the sky.

"Meat...you can't ask the young master, I have to find a way by myself. When I came back just now, I heard the cry of a beast, go and have a look."

Hancock left the yard alone.

In the room...

Lin Fan has learned the "Eight Injury Strength Method". The theory is very simple. The problem is self-damage and recovery, which will consume a lot of time, and most people cannot make it fast.

The fast silver's super speed and the Flash's super-speed force caused Lin Fan's regeneration speed to explode, and immediately recovered after self-damage. Lin Fan would not stop until he hit nine punches and would not damage his own double punches because of his strength.

Time flies.

A fragrance appeared from outside the door, and Lin Fan opened the bedroom door and came outside the hall.

Fried meat, grilled meat, sauced meat, and shabu-shabu, exuding a hot aroma, appeared on the mottled table.

Hancock is still busy.

"Master, we'll be ready soon, wait a moment."

"Hankock...where did you get so much meat?"

Hancock smiled mysteriously.

"There is a yard outside, there is a fence, there are many beasts in it, I just went to get some back."

"It's the kitchen."

Lin Fan found the answer from Hancock's description.

Hancock's cooking skills are not bad.

But trouble came immediately.

"It's here, **** it, stole so much meat from us."

"Yeah, these are all treasures to be prepared for Master Lin Dong. It's really worthy of death."

"Who would live in this ruin..."

"By the way, remember, isn't this the yard of the waste eldest grandson Lin Fan?"

"Hmph, no matter who he is, after eating Young Master Lin Dong's ingredients, he is still reasonable!"

Four fat cooks carrying bone-cutting knives and a strong smell of blood rushed into Lin Fan's courtyard with fierce eyes.

Lin Fan frowned, came out of the hall, and said, "Why, the ingredients in the kitchen, can I still eat them? I'm going to eat them today. Lin Dong is my cousin. He hasn't spoken yet. Your dogs barking. What, go back."

"Hahaha, Brother Lin Fan, so majestic. I heard that I was moved here for dinner today. I can only bring Brother Yun Heng from the Yun family here to explain, so as not to be blamed. "Lin Dong, with great looks, full of vigor, with guns and sticks in his words. One of the two maids behind him was Lin Fan's original maid, Xiaoque.

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