Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1217: Copy and reappear tooth for tooth

Lin Dong was in the Lin family and was the proud son of the emperor. At a young age, he was already in the fourth stage of gathering energy, and with the power of nine beasts, he was about to break through the fifth stage of breaking energy and became a top-ranking master in Los Angeles.

Behind him is the current acting patriarch, the second master of the Lin family, who has always supported him.

It can be said that it is the most popular and eye-catching new star among the Lin family brothers. Whoever meets it has to show some face.

Lin Fan glanced at Lin Dong's back. The maid's little bird, but the water spirit, was a beauty in the maid's, but it was not worthy of Hancock's or shoes.

"Lin Dong, look at your talents, I just took your ingredients to make a meal, and can also make you, a wealthy lord, be incapable of inviting guests?"

Lin Fan has been fighting for a long time, this kind of intrigue, I don't know how many I have seen, and can still be held by a teenager?

Lin Dong's eyes widened, his heart shook, and he felt that Lin Fan was different today.

However, Lin Dong also knew well that the dog minions were gone, but Lin Fan was alive and well. Something must have gone wrong.

Lin Fan did not give Lin Dong a chance to speak.

"I see you, just don't want to invite this brother Yun Heng, and deliberately shirk, just use me as an excuse. But it really made my Lin family face ashamed."

"Lin Fan, my uncle and aunt are not here all the year round. I think you lack lessons. As a cousin, I can't stand it anymore. I have to give some advice to my elders so that you will not get into trouble in the future."

Lin Dong was annoyed by Lin Fan. The clothes on his body were automatic without wind, hunting and hunting, so majestic, three steps in two steps, the cat catches the mouse, making Lin Fan ugly.

"Aromatic feet!"

Hancock stopped doing it, kicked out, and forced Lin Dong to stop in place.

Lin Dong was surprised. The beauty beside Lin Fan was of great strength. He actually possessed the strength of three stages of whirlwind realm, and he also gained the power of the four beasts.

But it's still far behind me.

Lin Dong said politely.

"This girl, Lin Fan, this rubbish, what can make you fall in love with, why not go to my Yazhai Courtyard, have a few drinks, listen to music, and enjoy paintings and calligraphy."

"Who is going to listen to music and appreciate paintings with you? It's ridiculous. You upset my young master and disturb our dinner time."

Hancock pinched his waist, angered between his eyebrows, and yelled coldly.

Lin Dong and Yun Heng were also dumbfounded. This woman with outstanding temperament is that trash maid? !

A sneer flashed across the corner of Lin Dong's mouth.


I, Lin Dong, grabbing one of your maid is a grabbing, and grabbing two is also a grabbing.

Besides, this new maid is much more advanced than that little tit, and must be obtained.

"Lin Fan, you are so blessed. Let me do this, you give me this new maid, and before the family compares, I will no longer trouble you and let you live a peaceful life."

"Cousin, I'm so sorry, I'm the person I'm most afraid of Ansheng, so I'll come to interrupt when I have time. Let others see it and think that our relationship has suddenly improved. Maybe someone will come to give me gifts and let me take advantage of it. "

Lin Fan was not afraid of Lin Dong at all, and there was no need to be threatened by him. He still looked contemptuous.

Lin Dong's forehead blue veins bulged, obviously he was really angry, infuriating ran across his clothes, and a black panther appeared behind him.

"Lin Fan, I will make your mouth hard, toast and not eat fine wine, I will let you know that in the younger generation of the Lin family, what Lin Dong said is the imperial edict."

The "Falling Clouds" exercise practiced by Lin Dong is a top grade of Xuan-level, one of the few Xuan-level exercises of the Lin family, and is good at speed.

The black panther by nature is also good at speed, so Lin Dong's beast power is good at speed and explosiveness, and has excellent talents.

In addition, the four stages of Qi Gathering Realm are after the cyclone has been transformed into liquid, the amount of Qi will increase several times, enough to wrap around the body surface, and its offensive and defensive capabilities will be greatly improved, comparable to iron stone.

Before Lin Dong had finished speaking, he had already rushed to Lin Fan, Hancock was full of knowledge, and it was difficult to beware.

"Lin Fan, my splitting hand is a Huang-level high-grade technique. It is first-class in capturing, breaking the muscles and breaking the flesh, and it is easy. As long as you save your life, no one will punish me if you want to torture you. Hahaha..."

Lin Dong's palm, under the influence of the true energy, was like gold and iron, he had to dig out Lin Fan's flesh and blood, tear his muscles and bones.

According to the calculation of the power of the beast, Lin Dong only has one more beast power than Lin Fan, and the difference is not big.

But the real energy was released to the whole body, so that Lin Dong's speed, attack and defense power were greatly improved, and it had the taste of inside and outside.

In addition, when he split his muscles, Lin Dong also practiced to Xiaocheng. When performing, he separated the airflow and made ghost crying, which disturbed one's hearing.

However, Lin Fan's eyes immediately filled with pupil power, and three gouyu jade appeared in his pupils, which was the reappearance of the writing wheel.


Martial arts are nothing more than physical arts. With Lin Fan's current mental power, it is not difficult to copy.


At the same time, Lin Fan used the black light virus to deform, and in the form of sharp claws, the speed and strength were greatly improved, and he used the copy to divide his muscles, and he used the tooth for tooth.

Bang, bang...

The two had fought dozens of times in an instant, but in the end it was Lin Dong's retreat as the result.

If it weren't for Yun Heng, the proud son of the Yun family, to take out his palm, he helped Lin Dong with five breath-breaking strengths. Lin Dong couldn't say it, he would have to fall on the bluestone.

That face is really lost.

Lin Dong looked at Lin Fan like a ghost. The palms hidden behind him were black, blood and purple, swollen like pig's hoofs, many tendons and bones were dislocated and broken, and Lin Dong gritted his teeth in pain.

"Why do you break up? And you're more skilled than I use it, the family rules, before breaking the Qi realm, each person can only practice one martial arts! You wait for the uncles of the Law Enforcement Hall to come and ask you to be held accountable! Let's go... …"

Lin Dong knows that Lin Fan is great, and now he has given up a hand for the time being, and can't stay any longer, besides, there are outsiders here, and it will really lose face if he keeps on doing it.

But Yun Heng, the Yun family next to him, stopped Lin Dong and said with a smile: "Brother Lin Dong, don't worry, don't worry, I fell in love with that girl at first sight, so I just left, I think someone, but I can't bear it. "

Yun Heng, the younger generation of the Yun family, ranks third in combat power.

The power of the beast is in its original form as a snake, good at speed and perception, and possesses the power of pupils, the spirit of snake peeping, can deter enemies, and is one of the contemporary leaders of the Yun family.

But this person, likes female sex, in the family, there are groups of maids, but their cultivation is not slow, so they are pampered and indulged.

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