Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1218: It turns out that powerful and powerful can really do whatever they want

What Yun Heng meant, obviously, was that he also fell in love with Hancock and wanted to get it.

Lin Dong felt wrong, but now he was injured by Lin Fan, and it was a smudge when it spread out. Lin Fan must be taught a lesson.

"Brother Yun Heng, you and my brothers, you are welcome, that Lin Fan's new maid, I am in charge and give it to Brother Yun Heng."

Lin Xianglai, the current acting patriarch and Lin Dong's father, let him interact with the Yun family more, now is also a good time.

Even if Lin Fan's maid is sent out, his father will speak for him. If he can win the favor of the Yun family, he may even be rewarded by his father.

But Lin Dong's words made Lin Fan annoyed, and he wanted to take Hancock away, no way!

"Lin Dong, do you really think you are still the first person in the Lin family? I have defeated you just now. With the identity of my elder grandson, the next patriarch must be me. Even if your father is the acting patriarch, he dare not violate the ancestral instructions. It is shameful and hateful for you outsiders to use my Lin family maid to gain good impressions."

"Lin Fan, you don't speak big words, you must have used some shameful weapon just now. It is cheating, which is not counted. And soon, I broke through the five-stage air-breaking realm, dozens of meters away, and air-tight. , Pinching you is as easy as pinching ants."

Lin Dong gritted his teeth, not weak, and refused to admit that he lost to Lin Fan.

Yun Heng took out a jade bottle from his body and threw it to Lin Dong next to him.

"Brother Lin Dong, this is the Po Qi Pill refined by my Yun family. It can purify the zhen qi, dissolve impurities, and successfully break through the broken qi realm as soon as possible. I wish you a helping hand."

"Thank you, Brother Yun Heng, thank you, thank you... This Lin Fan’s new maid, Brother Yun Heng took it away. If Lin Fan wanted to stop, I would summon the clan guards, grab them, put them in the dark room, and stay hungry for a few days. For a few nights, let him know who he is."

Lin Dong held the jade bottle in both hands, and immediately complimented him, wishing to kneel on the ground and kowtow to Yun Heng.

Yun Heng nodded, complimenting Lin Dong very well.

"Girl, now you are the maid of my Yun family, no, with your looks, I will definitely give you a name, how?"

Hancock, who Yun Heng didn't know, would reject him.

The Yun Family is the largest supply source of elixir in Los Angeles, and almost all high-end elixir is provided by the Yun Family.

Even a waste with very poor qualifications can be fed by the medicinal pill, possessing decent combat power.

Therefore, the Yun family's individual strength is half higher than that of the Lin family and the Fang family, but these two also have their own backing.

But for ordinary people, even if they squeeze their heads, they want to enter the Yun family. Even if they are a servant, there are regular free garbage pills to make up.

What's more, she is now a genius maid of the Yun family, and she will be famous in the future, which will make many women willingly follow Yun Heng.

"I will only stay with the young master."

But Hancock's words broke the false smile on Yun Heng's face, and those eyes that were the same as those closed were finally opened.

Lin Dong was next to him, frightened, and said to his heart, this is a snake's peeping eyes. As long as he looks at each other, it will make people confused.

Feeling the pupil power, Lin Fan saw Yun Heng, a pair of snake eyes, with bright yellow pupils erected, piercing the soul like a needle.

However, Lin Fan's black light virus has long been immune to negative effects.

The pupil power of the snake's peeping eyes is invalid for Lin Fan.

This result made Yun Heng a daze, and at the same time he was annoyed and said coldly: "Brother Lin Dong, now that girl is my maid, and this waste is still blocking me. Don't blame me for taking action to protect my own face. "

"Yes, yes, it's already your maid, Lin Fan arbitrarily blocked, Brother Yun Heng's move is just, don't worry about it." Lin Dong didn't expect things to be like this, Yun Heng is in the fifth stage of the broken air realm, and Los Angeles is top-notch. Experts all start at this level, and their combat power is not comparable to those of three or four stages of strength.

Yun Heng's combat power far surpassed the third or fourth stage, reaching the power of the eighteen beasts, and he should have stayed in the fifth stage of the broken air for a while.

Lin Fan only had four thousandths of thunder and beast power. When he changed into the power of the beast, the power of the eight beasts was completely crushed by Yun Heng.

But just now, when fighting against Lin Dong, the black light virus deformed its claws, and the four-thousandths of the thunder beast's power was temporarily increased to eight-thousandths. If Lin Fan did not adjust the strength in time, Lin Dong's hand would not be seriously injured. It was destroyed directly.

Therefore, if Lin Fan uses the deformed form of the black light virus, he will only have the power of two beasts than Yun Heng... but the difficulty is, Yun Heng has already broken the qi in five stages, and the true qi has become a light, which can be within a hundred steps. Take human life.

Yun Heng stood on the spot, behind his hands, lifted his leg and swept forward.


An invisible air blade hit Lin Fan's steps half a foot away, and the bluestone was like tofu, deeply chopped out with a palm-deep trace.

"Lin Fan, don't force me to take action, now you can still avoid the suffering of flesh and blood, don't embarrass yourself, and those who know the current affairs are brilliant."

Yun Heng didn't want to leave a bad impression on Hancock, he wanted Lin Fan to send Hancock by himself, so that the Lin family and the Yun family would not have other problems with this matter.

It can be seen that Yun Heng is still extremely cautious and has a nature like a snake.

"What nonsense, fight if you want, don't fight... I'm going back to eat, the food is cold."

Yun Heng sneered at the corner of his mouth, an angry smile, and his body was really angry.

"Ok... so daring."

Whoosh whoosh...

For a moment, Yun Heng kicked out and counted his legs. The invisible air light, like a spear, aimed at Lin Fan's limbs.

With this tricky leg technique, it can be seen that Yun Heng must have practiced martial arts of the leg technique, but when dealing with Lin Fan, he still disdains to use martial arts, just ordinary leg techniques.

Longitudinal point-shaped air awns are more difficult to avoid than horizontal linear air awns, and they are more penetrating.

At the same time, this intangible glow can hurt people in the air, and it is impossible to defend against. Ordinary people are difficult to catch with their eyes. Once they are alert, their heads will be cut off.

However, Lin Fan has pupil power in his body. After the black light virus is self-spirited, everything absorbed is already the same as Lin Fan's soul, changing freely.

A hideous blood vessel appeared in the corner of his eyes, and his eyes were rolled out, allowing Lin Fan to see through the qi glow directly, and moved a few steps lightly to make Yun Heng's attack all come to nothing.

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