Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1219: Shocking Legs

Yun Heng has a snake peeping eye and is very familiar with pupil power, but Lin Fan has two pupil powers, which surprised him very much.

Moreover, this pupil power can also see through his invisible aura, which can be regarded as superior pupil power with unpredictable potential.

Could this be the eldest grandson of the humiliated Lin family?

It's better to be famous than to meet!

"Lin Fan, it seems that you are not what people say is trash, but that girl, I must take away, I will let you know the gap between us."

Yun Heng took one step, several times faster than Lin Dong, and also used his legs.

Lin Dong was on the side, his eyelids jumped, this Yun Heng was much stronger than him. This was the difference between the fourth and fifth dans, the difference between Yun and Ni.

"Lin Fan, the martial skill I cultivate is a middle-rank Yun Family Xuan-level martial skill, breaking the waves and shocking the legs. This is the first move, three stacks of waves are surging.

The power of Yun Heng's beast is snake, with swift body and amazing legs, like the iron tail of a wild python, with three strengths and one wave stronger than one wave.

Lin Fan's strength is weak and he can't give a tooth for a tooth.

"Yun Heng, the exercise method I practice is the Lin Family Huang-level high-grade exercise method, the eight-strength method, one strike with nine wounds, and the wounds penetrate through."

Lin Fan's black light virus turned into a heavy punch, armed with **** fists, like an invincible heavy hammer, with a single punch, nine wounds in a chain, like an inch of strength, all in one go, wounds overlapped.

Triple waves VS one blow with nine injuries.

Three waves, one overwhelming the other, are shocking and overwhelming.

But compared to the mighty breaking waves, shocking legs.

Lin Fan's eight-strength method, with a little strength, like a nail, hit one spot nine times, and still quietly.

Moving and static.

At this moment, the creation is extremely weird.


The triple waves were suddenly crushed.

And with nine injuries in one blow, with five layers left, he went straight to the leg kicked by Yun Heng.


Five layers of injuries penetrated Yun Heng's ankle in an instant, allowing Yun Heng to kick, and he could stand firmly after being a few steps behind.

But his ankle was aching, which made Yun Heng sweat his forehead and his eyes were bloodshot.

Lin Dong yelled.

"What! Eight injury strength technique! You have practiced it? Impossible... and also defeated the profound level technique, breaking waves and shocking legs...ah...impossibly impossible."

Lin Dong couldn't believe it, because it's too hard for people to believe, it's unbelievable.

The eight-strength method is very powerful in description and simple in principle. However, the self-masochistic exercise method and the side effects left behind after explosive power are simply not tolerable.

But Lin Fan is now successful!

And it seems that there are no side effects, and the hands are not broken.

Yun Heng clasped his fists, said in his heart, that he was hiding so deeply that he must go back and report his father.

"Brother Lin Fan, I was offended just now, don't mind, my brother said goodbye..."

Yun Heng didn't want to stay for a long time. He injured his ankle and had to go back for medical treatment, otherwise he would leave hidden dangers, and his leg skills would be affected in the future.

Lin Dong was shocked when seeing Yun Heng gone, and immediately ran out with him.

"Lin Fan, you wait, our business is endless."

Lin Fan shrugged, turned around, took Hancock's soft hand, and went into the house to eat.

This battle is actually very necessary. Lin Dong's four stages of the Qi Gathering Realm gave Lin Fan a basic understanding of the next step, which is to transform the true Qi into liquid. And Yun Heng's fifth stage of breaking the qi state, gathering qi into a glow, hurting people invisible, very powerful, if the eight injury strength method can cooperate with the qi glow, it will greatly increase the lethality.

But Lin Fan is short of money now.

Pills can be refined by oneself, but if there is no money, there is no material to refine the pill.

The previous month’s blessing was deducted, and every month, I would eat Wowotou and pickles.

Don't talk about alchemy, buying alchemy, just eating a good meal, it won't work.

If Lin Fan didn't turn his body into essence and reshape his body when he came, and he had the omnipotence of the black light virus, it would be even more difficult to cultivate.


Those cooks who just started to settle the accounts are dumbfounded now, Lin Dong, the younger generation of the Lin family, the first in combat power, was defeated at once?

And these servants of the Lin family dared to come up and shout, cold sweat flowed down their necks, all the way to the tail vertebrae, and the wind blew, as if there was a bone scraping steel knife hanging on the top of their heads.

"Quickly, get my drunk brew, ten years old, to make amends for Master Lin Fan."

"My mapo tofu is the best, and it is considered a delicacy by the acting patriarch. I use..."

"I know that I use the finest Persian soybeans. The swamps there are the most sinister, but they can grow the plumpest soybeans. The tofu made is a top-quality product."

Several cooks rushed to the kitchen, rushing to give Lin Fanlai the treasure.

the next day……

There have been multiple versions of Lin Fan's defeat of Lin Dong.

There is a saying, make three people become tigers...

In the servant's oral transmission, Lin Fan became more and more powerful, what is flying away from the sky, when he is angry, he has eight arms, ten pairs of eyes, and so on...

However, the Lin family's attitude towards Lin Fan has also changed a lot.

For example, a few deacons, with a few hundred taels of silver, came and said that this was Lin Fan's monthly service in the past few years, because of miscellaneous things, delays, all kinds of apologies and compliments, and they didn't know what the face was.

However, Lin Fan also happened to need money to buy some medicinal materials, come back to refine alchemy, and quickly improve his realm.

With the money, Lin Fan took Hancock and headed directly to the market in Los Angeles.

In Los Angeles, 80% of the Lin family's business comes from refining weapons. There is a special market where people who want to buy weapons will come here.

Quite a monopoly position.

In the Yun family, the market is mostly filled with elixirs, medicinal materials and other alchemy objects, which almost monopolizes the market in Los Angeles.

The key is to be cheaper than auction houses and commercial houses.

Shortly after……

Lin Fan and Hancock came to the Yun Family's bazaar, which is really lively.

This feeling made Lin Fan think that he had returned to the plane store again, which was very memorable.

"Well, Hancock, what do you want, tell the master, I will buy you everything."

Lin Fan looked at the six ways, the pill was refined, the medicine was also combined, the medicinal materials were trillions, and the different routes were the same, and the basic skills were really too solid.

However, the original medicinal materials are born here after all, and they are also different from the lower realms. Naturally, I buy this medicinal material for general medicine first, and popularize it, so as not to draw a joke.

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