Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1220: I'm the best at turning waste into treasure

Lin Fan bought a medicinal material encyclopedia, and while walking, he checked it, looking for the medicinal materials for alchemy.

Lin Fan is the stove now, so he has to put firewood in it, or else he won't be able to burn the stove when he is empty.

"Tiger bone pill, gather qi to disperse, break qi pill..."

Lin Fan is now in the third stage of the cyclone, and needs a lot of tonic, tiger bone pills, just suitable for eating.

Although directly using the black light virus to eat people can make a lot of money, it still depends on the occasion.

Besides, Hancock also has to practice.

"The tiger bone pill requires three segments of the spinal cord of the monster tiger king as a medicinal guide, accompanied by dozens of medicinal materials such as windmill clover, star sand mint and so on."

Lin Fan now feels that hundreds of taels of silver are the same as nothing.

At the market price, the spinal cord of the Demon Tiger King alone would cost two silvers, with other medicinal materials, a tiger bone pill, at least a dozen silvers.

And a finished tiger bone pill, ha ha, it took just over a hundred taels.

And you should know that there are ten pieces of tiger bone pills in one serving.

In other words, a bottle of tiger bone pills costs more than one thousand taels of silver.

This has to be low-grade, mostly middle-grade, and high-grade ones have to go to the auction house to smash more money.

However, Lin Fan has not seen these profiteering industries. From the lower bound to the upper bound, it is almost a virtue.

Lin Fan plans to buy the ingredients for two Tiger Bone Pills first, and for the rest, all ingredients for the second-stage pill "Zhou Tian Candies".

Zhoutian Candy is a kind of half-medicine and half-food pseudo-pill that is used to make the qi last longer.

Because it is made from medicinal residue, fruit and cane sugar, you can buy a pot for a tael of silver.

Lin Fan spotted the business opportunity, bought a car, and spent all his money.

The medicine scum on the Yunjia Market was almost wiped out by Lin Fan.

Then there were new rumors in Los Angeles.

"Extras, extras... The Lin family's grandson is the eldest grandson, and his head is pretty funny, he bought all the medicine **** for a few hundred taels of silver.

The elders of the Lin family, after listening, almost passed back out of breath.

The Lin Family Hall...

The ancestors of several generations are on the top, and the incense continues to burn. The next head is Lin Lai, the acting patriarch.

There are ten seats on each side, divided into three rows, with dozens of people seated, and in the back, there are elders' heirs, or disciples.

Lin Dong, who was injured by Lin Fan yesterday, was also next to Lin Xianglai. Everyone regarded him as the next patriarch candidate.

"It's unreasonable, the junior Lin Fan, go to the Yun family to buy medicine dregs, I think it is deliberately to please the Yun family!"

Lin has always known that Lin Fan injured Lin Dong, and he also understood what happened. Looking at the injury, he knew that Lin Fan was not a weak hand.

Originally sent someone to investigate Lin Fan.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan would come up with such a joke before investigating anything.

The injury on Lin Dong's hand has been healed a lot after applying three-stage injury-continuing lotion.

"Yes, father, then Lin Fan must be to please the Yun family. Only then did he buy the useless medicine dregs with his monthly payment for several years."

Lin Dong knows that Lin Fan is strong, to please the Yun family? Impossible, otherwise it would be impossible to fight Yun Heng hard and even run away.

But now we have to say so, let Lin Fan be held accountable and punished.

There was a lot of discussion in the hall...

"Lin Fan, a junior, has excellent tolerance. He hasn't seen the mountains and water leaks for many years. He knows the truth that the trees are beautiful in the forest and the wind will destroy them. He has a better cultivation base than Lin Dong. He is also the eldest grandson of the direct line. He is the first choice of the next patriarch of the three generations. Look...Don't worry about it, he must have his own ideas."

The speaker was the first generation elder Lin of the Lin family running away, sitting in the first seat on the left hand seat, and even the second generation acting patriarch Lin always had to call his uncle.

Lin Paopao is the only one of the Lin family's generation who is still alive, and he has a very high status.

The Lin family relied mainly on refining weapons. For hundreds of years, the magic weapon was produced by the Lin family refining master. There are countless, and it is the descendant of the great general of the dynasty that year.

It is a pity that nearly a hundred years ago, the king's capital was in chaos and the internal affairs were reversed. The ancestors of the Lin family returned home and moved to Los Angeles.

At that time, Lin Paopao was the leader.

Otherwise, at that time, no distinction was made between inside and outside. The loyal and brave Lin family suffered countless deaths and injuries, only the old, weak, sick, and disabled. If they did not leave the capital, they would surely become victims of civil strife.

"But, my uncle, Lin Fan, this kid, took a few hundred taels of silver and bought a lot of medicine dregs. Even if he buys a few bottles of tiger bone pills, I think he has a problem with his brain. He should be..."

Lin has always been the acting patriarch, trying his best to discredit Lin Fan. After all, Lin Fan does not stand out. Lin Dong is the most promising person to become the next patriarch.

Everyone also knows that if it wasn't for Lin Fan's parents who went overseas to seek medical treatment for medicine, which one would get him, the second master of the Lin family, as the acting patriarch.

The ancestor of the Lin family, the eldest son, the eldest grandson, took over as the patriarch, no objection.

"Okay, this matter, just order it like that, it's scattered, there is nothing to discuss."

Lin Paolao drank a few sips of tea, stroked his beard, teasing the crow-like birds in the cage.

If Lin Fan is here, he must know, that bird, isn't it the ancestor in the legend of the iron crow in the diamond universe... the black emperor crow?

However, in the prehistoric world, this behemoth that uses the planet as a sugar ball to eat is just an ornamental bird in a cage to tease.

the other side.

Lin Fan and Hancock returned to Lin's house.

At this time, big and small, mothers, coachmen, maids, guards with knives, errands, dozens of heads, all rushed to greet Lin Fan to go home.

This battle was worse than that of Lin Dong.

And Lin Fan walked through the main entrance this time.

Go back to your yard.

The evergreen old tree began to wither and shed its leaves, just like ordinary trees, it died in late autumn.

The yard and the house have all been renovated, and even the furniture in the house has been put on a lot, and some people have added to it.

There are snacks, fruits, jerky on the table...

On the walls, there are ancient paintings, landscapes, fierce beasts, and warriors, all of which are different.

There are bows and arrows, swords, spears...

The bookshelves are also filled with ancient secrets, and everything is completely new.

Lin Fan said in his heart, it seems that the Lin family has admitted his ability now, and he has returned as the eldest grandson.

But Lin Fan now wants to refine his pill.

"Hancock, drive out the miscellaneous people from the yard, I'm going to retreat, don't let anyone disturb me."

Hancock closed the door to Lin Fan, and then the female emperor's demeanor resumed, blasting all the busy servants out of the other courtyard.

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