Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1222: Nemesis is my fiancee

Lin Fan was only studying this "Zerg" qi this night, and now I can use the foul worm real qi and the corpse worm real qi. Other zerg zhenqi must slowly accumulate the real liquid to awaken and change.

The foul worm's true energy is basically ineffective for people with true energy protection, but it can consume twice the enemy's true energy.

Corpse insect innocent qi is very effective for people who have zhenqi body protection. Once the enemy consumes qi, the corpse worm will pollute 20% of the enemy's consumption of true qi, so that the enemy's remaining qi will be suppressed and need to be suppressed. , Can be said to be a must for Yin people.

Wait for Lin Fan to open his eyes.

The Sun Furnace has processed the essence liquid in the slag.

Moreover, a large number of top-grade Sunday candies were piled up neatly in the box carrying the medicine dregs in front.

The reason for not producing the best products is that one will affect the quantity, and the other will cause unnecessary trouble.

After all, the top grade pill is the limit that ordinary people know, and the top grade is just a legend.

When Lin Fan wanted to use the refined liquid medicine to synthesize the Qi-Gathering Powder to make another breakthrough, Hancock's knock on the door came from outside.

"Master, there is a servant coming over and I want to invite you over, saying that the patriarch has something to announce and needs you to be present."

Lin Fan scratched his hair and recalled the card from the Sun Furnace, leaving the room with the liquid medicine still in it.

Hancock was very happy to see Lin Fan.

"Hankuk, this is Tiger Bone Pills, you knock a few more to break through the four stages of Qi Gathering Realm, don't fall."

Lin Fan stuffed a jade bottle into Hancock's clothes.

the other side.

The Lin Family Hall...

Lin has always been entertaining a young girl and an old man.

And Lin has always been extremely polite and respectful.

This girl is the daughter of Luo Qiancheng, the lord of Luocheng City, Luoshui, who has been accepted as a disciple by the Tianxingmen in an exceptional manner.

Tianxing Gate, Yufeng Dynasty, one of the four gates.

The main sect propaganda is to take advantage of stargazing and lining up to kill.

As soon as Luoshui entered the Tianxing Gate, the entire Los Angeles city was already a harbinger of rising.

"Elder Zhang of the Tianxingmen, the humble house is truly brilliant to welcome such a noble character as you. Please make sure that Lin Mou enters the friendship of the landlord."

Lin's tone and expression are always flattering.

Who doesn't know, this Heavenly Star Gate can take the stars and all the powers of the stars, exercise the animal power, so that Zhen Qi has various abilities.

Moreover, the Tianxingmen, the formation of troops, can kill a city in one burst, and insure people without any worries. It is very magical.

Luoshui was very disgusted with Lin always, and his tone was cold and indifferent, and said: "Uncle Lin Xianggong, Luoshui came today to say goodbye to Lin Fan and break the marriage contract. In the future, I will be in Tianxingmen for a long time. Now, the gap between the two of us is getting bigger and bigger, and it is impossible to be together. Besides, this is the promise of the previous generation, not Luoshui's original intention."

"This...this..." Lin has always known that Luo Shui brought the elders of Tianxingmen over, it is bound to be difficult, but even if he cares about Lin Fan again, this has already involved the family's face problem, let Luo resolve the marriage contract, I am afraid it is. All elders in the clan will verbally criticize him.

There is also Uncle Lin running, knowing that, he must not break his leg with a stick! !

Zhang De at the Star Gate is the elder of the Outer Sect. In the Star Gate, he is not a high-ranking person, but in this secular world, he is a supreme role.

This time, Luoshui was favored by Hua Fei, the elder of the inner gate of the Tianxing Gate, and brought him into the Tianxing Gate. He passed the outer gate and the inner gate and was directly accepted as a disciple of the room. This shows that the inner gate elder attaches great importance to Luoshui.

And before Luoshui left Los Angeles, he didn't want to bring the marriage contract. The future would definitely be a barrier in the realm.

Zhang De has come to retreat with Luoshui this time. He hopes that the future star of Tianxingmen can leave a little grateful for himself. The future will become a big success, but it will be an investment with great returns.

"Brother Lin, right."

Zhang De saw that Lin had always been reluctant to make a decision and stood up and said.

Lin always stood up immediately.

"Don't dare to be it."

"Brother Lin, don't see it outside. This is my Sky Star Gate, a set of magic formations called Star Condensing Array. If Brother Lin can help Luoshui, this set of formations can stay here."

Zhang De's meaning is quite obvious.

And Lin has always focused on the stars, his eyes flashing.

The star gate, the star gathering light array, gathers the stars from the sky into a beam, which can purify the impurities in the body, cleanse the flesh and blood, and cultivate in it for a long time. It can also make the true energy do more with half the effort. It may also bring a trace of star power and awaken the star power. Potential increase.

Zhang De is a Zongqi Realm, tenth stage, this star-gathering array is a treasure in the world, but at the Sky Star Gate, it is just a common formation that even outer disciples can set up.

"Elder Zhang, this is a waste...but the Luoshui matter, I decided for Lin Fan, the marriage contract can be resolved."

Lin has always felt that this set of star-gathering arrays is far more important than the Lin family's face, the size of the clan is small, and I am afraid that because of this set of arrays, he will try his best to promote him as the patriarch.

But at this moment, a figure walked in lightly.

"I haven't agreed yet. On what basis do you decide, Lin always, don’t think it’s my elders, you can make arbitrary decisions. If you set a **** formation, you will compromise? Face the tablet of the ancestors in the hall, look. See if your face is still there?"

The person here is Lin Fan.

If this Luoshui was an ordinary woman, Lin Fan would leave the letter and ignore it.

But in Lin Fan's spirit, the six infinite gems buzzed, as if they were attractive, dragging them on Luoshui.

If it weren't for these infinite gems of Lin Fan, it was only in the body of the Diamond Universe, through spiritual contact, I was afraid that they would all rush out at once and pounce on Luoshui's body.

There is only one possibility.

Luoshui is the goddess of vengeance!!!

Lin Fan himself was shocked by this answer.

I didn't expect to see Nemesis in this situation.

And "The Nemesis" is still his fiancée.

In any case, Lin Fan will definitely not let Luo Shui succeed, absolutely not.

Lin has always exploded, throwing the tea cup, and shouting: "Lin Fan, you are too young or too big, this matter, just order this, you are not allowed to have any objections, otherwise I will let you go to see the black mine."

The Lin family is a family of refiners and must have their own mines, and I heard that once they enter the black mine, they may never be able to get out again.

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