Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1223: Leverage strength and intelligence to fight against power

Lin Fanxin said, Black Mine, isn't it right beside the Monster Beast Forest!

"Go and go, you think I will scare you, anyway this marriage contract cannot be resolved."

The marriage contract, from the memory, should have been made by Luoshui's father Luo Qiancheng and Lin Fan's father back then, but Lin Fan's father has long gone.

But even so, Luo Qiancheng, as the lord of a city, couldn't hold back his face and say retiring.

Lin Fan looked at Luoshui at this time and wanted to see how this famous "Vengeance Goddess" was.

After all, Lin Fan came from the lower realm, and has repeatedly jumped and soared, like a freak who creates miracles, but his knowledge is incomparable with those who have survived for hundreds of millions of years.

This is the same as Lin Fan is a primary school student and has always heard that junior high school students are very good, skipping grades all the way, and meeting junior high school students.

Luo Shui was dressed in black, very cold, and his face was so cold that people did not dare to strike up a conversation. His blue eyes were also looking at Lin Fan.

"Lin Fan, this marriage contract was made by your parents back then. It's not counted. I can compensate you. Don't delay yourself."

Luoshui was knowledgeable, not a savage temperament, but still too cold.

"My father, my mother, seek medical advice for me, travel far to the immortal island abroad, and bury the monster's mouth... The only thing left is this marriage contract, how can I be willing to let it go."

Lin Fan immediately played the actor's upper body, bursting into tears, and interpreting the actor's basic law vividly and vividly.

A wave of waves flashed in Luo Shui's cold eyes. Since childhood, because Lin Fan could not practice, the two did not interact, just heard that this man, with a miserable life experience, was not sheltered in the clan and suffered bullying, which made people sigh.

However, Luoshui insisted on Dao Changsheng, and, just like the ancient gods, he mastered the magical power of heaven and earth. Never let one's own demon be reborn because of a trace of pity.

"I can give you whatever you want, but I want to dissolve the marriage contract. You and I are not people in the world."

Luo Shui deeply understands that people who are incapable cannot fight for opportunities on their own and can only be forced to choose.

Lin Fan murmured secretly, it seemed that ordinary methods could not penetrate the soul of the nemesis.

Next to him, Zhang De, the elder of Tianxingmen, had already regarded Lin Fan as a thorn in his eyes.

This person was annoyed by Lin Fan's "garbage formation" when he entered the door.

Even if the Stars Condensing Array is one of the arrays commonly used by the outer disciples of the Sky Star Gate, it is not a high-level array, but outsiders should not be degraded in this way.

Zhang Dechao came forward, raised his true qi, and shouted loudly, wanting to be shocked.

"Lin Fan, you are Lin Fan. You just said that the star concentrating array of our Tianxingmen is rubbish, yes, now I will give you two choices. The first one immediately kowtows to the Tianxingmen for three prayers and nine bows, salutes, and apologizes. Your words and deeds are disrespectful, and you voluntarily dissolve your marriage contract with Luo, otherwise there will be no Lin family in Los Angeles!"

"Is there a Lin family in Los Angeles? Just take care of me. You are willing to get rid of it. I also want to thank you for helping me clean up the door. Clean." Lin Fan suddenly looked like a fool and must attract Luo Shui’s attention. Whether it is pity, hatred, surprise, in short, this marriage contract can't be solved by saying anything.

Lin on the side always heard it, and it exploded immediately. It was terrible. This kid was so terrible. He wanted to offend the Sky Star Gate and directly cause the Lin family to be expelled.

Lin has always been unable to get tough anymore, this thing, if this little master is not happy, and the net is broken, the Lin family will be gone today!

"Lin Fan, I beg you, please, don't... don't let the Lin family go away, this is also your home, your father's home, and your countless brothers and sisters..."

"My father has already died... As for the brothers and sisters? My home? I haven't felt that this is a comfortable place to live in the past few years."

Lin Fan sneered.

But his eyes were secretly looking at Luoshui.

Luo Shui's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't make a sound, just watched quietly.

At the same time, Lin Fan responded counter-intuitively, and Zhang De who caused him to lift a stone and smash his own foot, gritted his teeth.

But Lin Fan said at this time: "Secondly, as long as the marriage contract is not broken, I am willing to try the second option."

"Huh... the second option is to place a star-focusing array now. I will give you the materials. The time is half an hour. If you can arrange it, I will forgive you on behalf of the Sky Star Gate. You can also temporarily let Luoshui will not break the marriage contract with you, and can even take you into the Sky Star Gate in an exceptional way and become an outer disciple."

Zhang De was very afraid that Lin Fan would say anything else.

Just saying that Lin Fan was killed, it was just to scare Lin Fan, but he knew that Lin Fan didn't have a sense of belonging to the Lin Fan. Zhang De was very afraid that Lin Fan would destroy it when he said it, and he would not bow his head. But he couldn't destroy the Lin Family in the end, then it's not just a matter of face.

And now, in order to let Lin Fan choose second, Zhang De promised a lot, and even Luoshui's marriage contract could not be terminated for the time being.

Luoshui had no objection. In Luoshui's view, it was impossible for Lin Fan to form a star-gathering array. This was the basic formation of the Tianxingmen, but it was also an unspoken secret.

"The Star Gate is not going to go, **** sect, I don’t want to eat and wait to die." Lin Fan took the Star Concentration Array, which is a compass-shaped prop. As long as he recites the Fajue and feeds the spirit stone, It can be up and running. "Furthermore, this method of breaking the formation, how can it take half an hour to give me materials, and within a stick of incense, I will lay it out for you."

Lin Fan is a sub-professional master in all fields, alchemy, refining tools, formations, puppets, cooking, painting amulet, no Lin Fan can not, and the black light virus, the sub-professional genius eaten, I don't know how many, how much experience.

The world is advanced, but the logic will not change. Lin Fan only needs to make some changes and he can do it at his fingertips.

Zhang De threw a pile of materials from his storage bag, and said annoyed: "Lin Fan, don't talk big, I tell you, you can't make one, two or three in the end, but you can't escape the suffering of flesh and blood. Dropped."

"Nonsense, just watch it and don't disturb me." Lin Fan has already seen through the star-focused array. The structure is very simple. With Lin Fan's master-level vision, just follow the script and put it out to form an array. It couldn't be easier.

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