Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1224: Arranged for ten periods of zongqi in half a year

Lin Fan made a re-engraving in twos and threes, the same formation as the star concentrating array.


Zhang De must be familiar with the Star Concentrating Array. Lin Fanbu was right. He whispered secretly, it’s impossible. The basic array of the Sky Star Gate could not be passed on. How could Lin Fan come out without being taught by the Sky Star Gate? Could it be... …Is this Lin Fan a genius with a rare formation?

"This is...effective...the star concentrating array."

When testing the effect of the formation, Zhang De was stunned. Not only could the formation work effectively, it was also much more effective than the ordinary formation.

"Medium grade? No...no...top grade...extremely superb...extremely superb!!"

Zhang De was stunned by Lin Fan's ability.

The Star Condensing Array that Zhang De just took out is just a low-grade grade, but he is the Outer Sect Elder. He has worked for hundreds of years in the Tianxing Gate, and he has also exchanged a middle-grade Star Concentrating Array, and he has even seen the inner gate. The elders' top rank formation.

However, the effect of Lin Fan's formation was so powerful that it far surpassed the top-grade effect, so Zhang De had to be surprised and dumbfounded.

"The best formation?"

Luoshui wants to enter the Heavenly Star Gate, knowing some knowledge of formations better than outsiders, but even in the Heavenly Star Gate, there is only the guarding mountain formation. The town gate treasure formation left by the ancient ancestors is the only one that will be difficult to reappear in future generations. Top grade, top grade is already the limit.

"Luoshui, I have laid out the formation, and now we don't have to dissolve the marriage contract. This superstar concentrating array of stars, even if it is my bride price."

Lin Fan said in his heart, the best star condensing array, within the ten-stage sect, the cultivation of zhenqi in it can be ten times faster.

If Luo Shui wanted to refuse the marriage contract, he could not resist the best formation, so he could only be led by the nose by Lin Fan.

"I...you want to give it to me...is this the best formation?"

Luoshui was surprised, but his eyes were brilliant, and he liked the best star concentrating array very much, so he played with it in his hand.

"I have a low cultivation base now. I put this best formation in Los Angeles. I'm afraid it will attract assassinations. Even in Los Angeles, it will be difficult to protect this treasure. Besides, the materials are all produced by this elder Zhang De. Now I borrow flowers to present the Buddha to my fiancée, which is more appropriate.” Lin Fan said so well that everyone would realize that this son was thoughtful and thoughtful. Although he was awkward, he also had enchanting talents.

At this time, Zhang De's eyes were glaring towards Lin Fan. This unworldly genius, self-taught, if he could bring him into the Sky Star Gate, he would definitely be photographed by the elders of the Inner Sect in the future as a disciple in the room. Favor, this is a big deal.

"Oh, Lin Fan, it seems that the rumors from the outside world are untrue. You are so talented and talented in formation. It would be a waste of youth not to go to our Star Gate..."

Zhang De is now blowing up the advantages of the Tianxing Gate, what resources are rich, outstanding people, and so on, just want Lin Fan to go to the Tianxing Gate.

Lin Fan was sitting next to him, picked up the teacup in Luoshui, and took a sip.

"Don't rub your tongue... I won't go."

Luoshui put away the best formation method, Xindao, now the situation has changed, Lin Fan may be able to train through the formation method, unite with the body, the ancient power, there are many formation geniuses, this is how to become a generation of great gods, if Lin Brahman can go to the Star Gate, with his talent for formation, or he can exist in the same world as himself, and it may not be possible to marry a husband and wife according to a marriage contract in the future.

"Lin Fan, isn't it just for me?"

Luo Shui's voice softened, and a pair of jade hands held Lin Fan's big hands, his eyes were earnest, as if his little daughter acted like a baby.

"No way."

Lin Fan did not hesitate.

"As long as I don't dissolve the marriage contract, I don't have any other requirements. Moreover, I have my own schedule. I go to the sect, but my practice is slow. When I cultivate to the ten-stage sect, I will choose the sect."

The Shidanzong Qi state is already the limit of the world. If you want to go up, many people will choose to enter the martial art and serve one side.

After all, it's miserable for casual repairs.

No resources, no spells, no power, and no power to protect him.

Live today and die tomorrow, but it is not ordinary people who can get mixed up.

"Make an appointment."

Luo Shui knew that he was not convinced by Lin Fan, so he stood up with a firm voice.

"Give you half a year, come to Tianxingmen to find me, and we will become a husband and wife. But the premise is that you need ten sect aura levels. Otherwise, don't come... the marriage contract will also be terminated."

"Half a year? Hahaha... With a word from a gentleman, it's hard to chase the horse."

Lin Fan stood up, with his hands behind his back, strode out of the hall.

A soft touch flashed in Luo Shui's eyes.

But it was immediately replaced by coldness.

Zhang De sighed, it is a pity that such a genius cannot enter the Star Gate.

"Um, Chief Lin, let this matter be resolved like this, this low-grade star concentrating array is still in the Lin family, we say goodbye, I will take Luoshui back to the Sky Star Gate as soon as possible."

"Elder Zhang walks slowly, really neglecting, I will come back next time."

Lin had always been in a dream about what happened today, sending Zhang De and Luo Shui out of the house incoherently.


Lin always went back to the hall, sat on a chair, and said dumbly: "Brother, what kind of enchanting son did you give birth to, the best formation... The ancestors and the ancestors have appeared. It seems that the next patriarch must be the elder Sun Lin. Brahma."

"Ahem..." Lin Fan shot another carbine at this time.

Lin has always stood up immediately, the rigor of the elders is gone, and he smiled and said: "Lin Fan's nephew, what do you want? Tell your second uncle that there is something in Los Angeles, and the second uncle will give it to him right away. You send it to another yard."

"Send me to the black mine." Lin Sanskrit said astonishingly.

Lin always frightened loudly: "Huh? Black mine! My nephew, I was just joking with you just now. A genius like you should practice with all your strength. The black mine has a family manager watching, so you don't need your eldest grandson to suffer."

"Who says I am going to suffer, I am going to practice. Also, there are more than a dozen boxes of the second-stage top-grade pill of Zhoutian candy, you put it in the family market, you can sell as much as you can, and then you can use the money you earn. Just send it to the other hospital.” When Lin Fan spoke, dozens of powerful people outside, in groups of two, came in with more than a dozen large wooden boxes.

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