Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1226: Departure Black Mine True Qi clone

However, when the tall black assassin used a sharp arm blade in the shape of a qi to cut off Lin Fan's head, it exploded with a bang.

Lin Fan uses his body as a medium and uses his own form to make his body act like a poisonous blast insect by surprise.

When Lin Fan's black light virus mimicked it, one percent of the power of thunder beasts in the body, equivalent to the power of twenty beasts, was directly increased to the power of forty beasts, and then it exploded in an instant, and the lethality could blow the roof.

The two assassins didn't know what was going on, they just instinctively used infuriating energy to protect their bodies. Just before the explosion, they fell out and escaped, but they were still seriously injured.

"Babe, are you okay, what happened just now?"

"I don't know, Rono. I broke my leg..."

"Damn it, so loud, someone will definitely come to check it out."

Babe and Ronuo got together, leaning on the ruins, lingering.

But through the moonlight, strange things appeared in this ruined house!

I saw a lot of black liquid, quickly converging in an area, and a human form appeared.

Moonlight hit the face of this humanoid, exactly what they wanted to assassinate: Lin Fan.

Blacklight virus polymerization and regeneration is complete!

"I welcome guests, but I don't welcome uninvited guests. Who is going to kill me?"

Lin Fan walked in front of Barbey and Ronuo.

The two assassins had been destroyed by the bombing, the true energy in their bodies was exhausted, and there was no counterattack ability for the time being.

Babe's eyes widened, and the blood inside was extremely strange, and he wanted to make the final struggle.

"Look into my eyes."

"It's you who looked into my eyes."

Three Gouyu immediately appeared in Lin Fan's eyes.

The assassin Babe killed a hundred people who had the deepest obsession and hatred at the time of death, and only then cultivated Xiaocheng's acquired pupil technique to kill his eyes. In front of Lin Fan's writing wheel, he was completely inferior, and he was directly affected by his own hallucinations. Backlash.

"Forget it, just devour you, everything will be clear."

Lin Fan stopped talking nonsense. He transformed with all his strength just now and ran out of all his true qi. If it weren't for the rapid gathering of qi, he wouldn't even be able to gather his figure now.

Lin Fan's palms deformed and his black iron claws clasped tightly on the heads of these two assassins who had no resistance. They pinched and fluttered, like tofu.

Blood power, true energy, essence, a brain was swallowed into the body by the tendrils on Lin Fan's arms.

In the blink of an eye, the ruins of the original corner, only a pool of blood stains and a few jade bottles containing pills.

At this time, the wind blew up in the sky, and a figure rushed in for the first time.

"Lin Fan's eldest nephew, Lin Fan... eldest nephew... are you okay?"

Lin has always paid attention to Lin Fan most now, for fear of something evil. Today's top grade pill is sold too hot in the market.

It seems to have rewritten the myth that the Yun family monopolized the pill market in Los Angeles.

"It's okay, when I was practicing just now, I just blew up the house... Go back."

Lin Fan told Lin Xiang to go back and forth.

But the blood stains on the ruins, the black clothes and the jade bottles, it was impossible for Lin to fail to see them.

But Lin Fan didn't say it was broken, Lin had always been holding back, thinking about it, and went back to investigate secretly.

Lin Fan is now the lifeblood of the Lin Family. From now on, the Lin Fan family will rely on Lin Fan to dominate the city of Los Angeles, and there can be no loss.

More family elders, armed with knives and guards, rushed to the scene and were startled by the loud noise.

However, Lin has always helped Lin Fan dismiss it.

After half an hour...

Lin Fan first lived in Hancock’s second bedroom. Hancock was not outside because he was recalled with his card after dinner.

"Well, Patriarch Yun, Yun Heng's father, Yun Tianxiao, want to kill me?"

Lin Fan connected the cause and effect.

Today's Er Duan high-grade pill was sold very hot in the Lin family's bazaar, which almost shook the Yun family's top spot in the pill market.

Lin Fan's injury to Yun Heng would not cause the Yun Family Patriarch to invite an assassin from the **** guild to kill him.

Then it can only be the matter of the top grade pill.

After all, Lin Fan only spent a few hundred dollars on buying medicine dregs yesterday, and he was ridiculed by people as to whether he was ridiculing his head.

Today I will sell a lot of high-grade pill.

The value can be as high as hundreds of thousands taels of silver.

The profit ratio is very different.

And under the special instruction of Lin Xianglai, when Lin Family Bazaar bought these top-grade pills, he also vigorously advocated Lin Fan's alchemy.

Because there are a lot of high-grade pills here, there is no doubt that in Los Angeles, it is impossible to produce so many high-grade pills in one night, just like fake ones.

Therefore, people could not find a reason to refute, so they naturally believed that it was Lin Fan's handwriting, and the effect was first-rate. There were hundreds of people who took the pill and immediately broke through the realm, which was greatly envied by people, and they rushed to buy them.

It is logical to behead the enemy before it grows.

But the Yun Family Patriarch, Yun Tianxiao has overlooked a problem, that is, Lin Fan whose goal is the biggest variable.

The killers of the Blood Killing Society will not betray their employers. Even if the mission fails, they will commit suicide by taking poison to prevent any intelligence from falling into the enemy's hands and encumbering their employers.

But Lin Fan can swallow it, grabbing the memory directly, and digging into the information he wants.

No words for a night.

Lin Fan doesn't care about this for now.

Let Yun Tianxiao, Patriarch of the Yun Family, be unable to figure out himself first.

The next day, before dawn, Lin Fan set out for the black mine.

However, there is also a generation of elder Lin Run.

On the carriage...

Lin Fan ate two six-stage assassins last night. Because there was not much zhenqi left, Lin Fan didn't benefit much, but this essence of blood power also made Lin Fan's flesh and blood thicker and more powerful.

In the end, I ate the gas gathering powder extracted from the dregs of medicine.

With the four pairs of the best gathering power, Lin Fan increased the power of the thunder beast to 3%, which is equivalent to the power of 30 beasts of ordinary people, and the limit of the four stages of gathering energy.

But to break through the five-stage qi-breaking realm, it is necessary to compress, let the true qi turn into qi glow, and the quality must be tougher.

Lin Fan's true qi is extremely pure and free of impurities. As long as he goes with the flow, he can turn his qi into the awn, hurt people with a hundred steps, and become a master of the five-stage qi-breaking realm.

Lin Fan opened his eyes.

A generation of elder Lin ran away, smiling, just like a kind old grandfather.

However, this old guy is not ordinary. He has a cultivation base, a nine-stage aura, and he is at the pinnacle.

So this is just a real Qi clone of Lin Paopao.

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