Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1227: Vampire Horse Thief

It was eight hundred miles away from Los Angeles to the Black Mine, and at least at the speed of a carriage, he could only arrive in the afternoon.

Lin Fan missed the 300 kilometers per hour vulture chariot.

In his spare time, Lin Fan took out the ancient book of "sacrifice altar" and delved into it.

The book says that someone in the lower realm must believe in you and pray to God, so that you can feel it, and build a super-space channel that ignores distance.

Another way is that the lower realm possesses this person's medium to summon this person in the upper realm.

While in the Diamond Universe, Lin Fan could also contact Feng Qiuhuang and other forces in the lower realm through the plane store.

Because the diamond universe also has a plane store.

At most, it is the same as long distance.

But in the prehistoric universe, here, the plane store is nothing, no one has heard the name.

For the time being, there was no chance to contact the Lower Realm, Lin Fan went to fiddle with other things, not allowing himself to be idle.

Shortly after……

The carriage went on the official road.

The speed has been improved.

The official road is very spacious. Many past chambers of commerce, with darts and other self-use carriages, drove on it, and because of different destinations, they went to different things and disappeared from the fork in the road.

However, there is also a caravan of the Chamber of Commerce who is traveling with Lin Fan’s carriage. There are hundreds of people in this caravan. The guards are all in the second stage of the atmosphere, and there are some elites in the third stage of the atmosphere, protecting a decorative red car. Silk carriage.

"Have you heard, Monster Beast Forest, there has been a vampire horse thief recently, but it is cruel."

"I heard that people from several other chambers of commerce have all been robbed, and no one has returned."

"These **** blood-sucking horse thieves, kill people and overwhelm..."

"Shhh, don't say it, don't say it, I heard that the blood of the corpse of the person who was killed was sucked dry. It's too cruel."

Lin Fan's ears are very good, and these team guards outside chatting and farting, it sounds relieved.

The scorching sun...

It's already noon.

The convoy stopped in the shade of a tree.

Wait for the sun to set before leaving.

Lin Fan didn't rush to the black mine, let the coachman rest here together, and fed some grass and water to the two sweaty BMWs.

After lunch, everyone looked tired and was about to sleep soundly.

But suddenly, there was the sound of horseshoe galloping in the distance, and looking intently, it turned out to be a group of thieves on horseback with knives.

"It's a horse thief! It's a vampire horse thief..."

Someone shouted.

At this moment, from the red silk carriage, there was a cold drink, which filled people's brains, and instantly made the guards sober and free from panic.

"Calm down... You are the most brave and proficient warriors in our Chamber of Commerce. Now hold your weapons tightly and kill the horse thief."

The vampire thief has come here.

There are also hundreds of them, tall horses, black blood stains on their clothes, roaring loudly, playing with knives, giving people a sturdy feeling.

"Brothers, the men **** up, the women die, and all the goods are taken away, not one left."

The blood-sucking horse thieves didn't talk about the conditions at all, they went straight to kill, and they had to rush into the temporary camp of the convoy with their horses.

As soon as they fought, these blood-sucking horse thieves were very powerful. The heads of dozens of guards were cut off with a big knife.

The remaining escorts flee and retreat, and their combat power can't be displayed by 30 to 40%.

There are only dozens of elite guards, still beside the carriage, protecting the women in the carriage.

"Protect the treasurer. Array."

These elite guards were all cultivated by the Chamber of Commerce since they were young. They have outstanding talents and some resources. They have the strength of a three-stage cyclone realm in their twenties. The important thing is to have a dedication to the people who are loyal to oneself.

These guards, a total of 36 people, have a systematic attack and kill formation.

The vampire horse thief has a speed advantage by riding on horseback, but on average it is only in the second stage of the Qi state, and there is no martial arts close to him, just hacking.

Upon encountering this group of well-trained elite guards, a dozen were killed or injured immediately, which finally eased the situation and confronted both sides.

"Goods, we can stay, but we have to leave."

In the red silk carriage, there was a cold female voice, which made the mind cool.

The man headed by the vampire horse thief laughed loudly. He was a big man with strong arms and a tungsten iron chain around his neck. When the whip was pulled off, he was smashed to pieces.

"There are women, I thought I didn't. We vampire horse thief, we have never left, never let go of any woman, goods and fate. If you want to live, then use your body to satisfy the uncles, maybe you can live a few more days , Hahaha..."

"Beast!! Speaking rudely to the shopkeeper! Damn it!"

Among the red silk carriages, four maids with ponytails and green shirts wrapped in their hair and beautiful appearances filed out.

These four maids, armed with shining swords, have real energy fluctuations on their bodies, and are already masters in the four-stage aura gathering state.

The leader of the vampire horse thief, named Tiger Lord, was happier when he saw him. He opened his mouth and slapped his swollen belly, like a war drum, booming, booming.

"There are four, yes, so good, brothers, tonight."


The four maids, of the same body shape and proficient swordsmanship, are like the four rainbows, pointing at the vital points, throat, eyes and life gate of Lord Tiger.

Lord Tiger's eyes turned red, his mouth soared with canine teeth, and he roared.

"Let Tiger Master teach you a lesson today, let you know that you girls should be played to death by Tiger Master."

Master Tiger leaped forward and fell on all fours, just like the mountain tiger, he didn't know what martial arts he had cultivated.

"The Tiger Roars Mountain Forest."

A sound wave with a fishy smell, very powerful, blasted on the four maids.

Master Tiger is a master of the Five Stages of Breaking Qi Realm! !

The four maids were defeated and fell to the side, vomiting black blood, and injured their internal organs.

Tiger Lord laughed, his heart said, the blood messenger was right, as long as he does not die, drink blood, drink blood, he will definitely become a sect realm in the future, and it may not be impossible to become a god.

"Brothers, come, don't let these little stuffed skins run away."

A dozen vampire thieves are about to come up and arrest four beautiful maids.

Dang Cang Dang Cang...

But at this time, in the red silk carriage, there was a sound of piano.

"Bing Qing Yujie, step back."

When the sound of the piano appeared, there seemed to be something active in the air, but it was too subtle for ordinary people to perceive.

The dozen or so vampire horse thieves who went up to arrest people immediately turned their heads in different places, as if there was an invisible blade lingering.

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