Master Tiger was furious, and a dozen of his brothers roared in different places.

"You bapo, kill me a dozen brothers, watch me catch you, so you can't survive and die."

Lord Tiger said in his heart, the person in this carriage is already a master of the six-stage military aura, turning the zhenqi qi into a magic weapon, which is several times more powerful than himself, but there are many people here. I'm not afraid that I won't be able to bring down the people in the carriage.

The vampire horse thief kicks the horse with a knife, and has to take advantage of the large number of people to smash the carriage.

Bo Leng Bo Leng...

But the sound of the piano in the carriage is even tighter.

As if the storm is about to come.

Several half-yellow, withered leaves, when they fell, were bizarrely divided into two!

Lin Fan looked out, making no sound. Under his pupil power, many thin infuriating threads were dancing in the range of the piano's sound. Anyone who entered would have to be cut off if he didn't breathe.

"Oh, this female doll has a good level of cultivation. It turns Zhen Qi into a steel wire, and it is invisible and invisible. It is more difficult to deal with than the general military aura."

At this time, the Zhenqi clone who had been on standby, Lin ran, but expressed his own opinions, but immediately stopped talking, like a robot, closing his eyes and chuckles.

Hundreds of vampire horse thief rushed to the red silk carriage.

Thirty-six elite guards, whirlwind realm cultivation base, infinite strength, proficient in swordsmanship, but barely able to cope.

However, Lord Tiger, with his entire cultivation base, was already in the five-stage qi-breaking state. Within a hundred steps, the qi glow broke through his body, even breaking through the iron plate and steel armor.

The attack and kill formation formed by the elite guards was originally one, and when there were few people, they were immediately forced to retreat by the vampire thief's fearless charge.

The sound of the piano in the red silk carriage may be strong, but if these vampire horse thieves are used as a shield, I am afraid that the woman in the carriage will eventually be captured, and the true energy is exhausted, and there is no possibility of resisting and fleeing.

Lin Fan got out of the carriage and sat on the roof of the carriage. The carriage driver was a servant of the Lin family, and he dared not run away. He shook under the carriage.

Suddenly, a voice came from Lin Fan's ear.

Upon hearing it, it was the voice of the woman in the red silk carriage that shocked people.

"Please raise your hand high, let the seniors in the car help. We are the team of the Los Angeles Fang Family Chamber of Commerce."

Fang family?

Lin Fan remembered that, in addition to the city's lord Luo's family, Los Angeles was the Fang family, the Lin family and the Yun family.

This Fang family has lived on painting symbols for generations.

The connection with the martial art is relatively close.

Charms are simple spells.

It is the only prop that mortals can use spells.

Many dignitaries must buy ten and twenty sheets, which can be very useful in times of crisis.

This voice not only reached Lin Fan’s ears, but also reached the ears of Lin Fan’s Zhen Qi clone in the carriage, but this old man was just a Zhen Qi clone. Only when Lin Fan was in danger would he use Zhen Qi. After all, once the zhenqi is consumed too much, this zhenqi clone will disappear.

It's just that if Lin Paopao knew about the situation here, he would definitely help the Fang family in this favor, but unfortunately, Lin Paopao didn't know what was going on here.

Inside the red silk carriage...

Fang Xuyu touched the qin with his hands, his eyes were solemn, his true energy had already been consumed, and he could not kill more than a hundred vampire horse thieves.

Thirty-six elite guards lost more than two-thirds.

The four maids in the car Bingqing Yujie were already seriously injured.

It’s not far from the monster beast forest here, even if you run away, once the monster comes out of the cave at night, it will be too bad for you.

Just now, in the carriage behind, the vigorous senior asked for help, but there was no response for a moment, making Fang Xu even more nervous.


Master Tiger bit the neck of an elite guard and swallowed blood, causing his body to rise sharply.

"Hahaha, brothers, don't waste, **** all the dead, we will become stronger and stronger."

As long as they are not chopped off their heads, these vampire horse thieves can immediately regenerate their limbs by drawing some more blood.

Seeing that the red silk carriage is about to be surrounded by vampire horse thief.

Lin Fan yawned and installed the character card tyrant in the heart card pile into the card slot.


The tyrant is three or four meters tall, his whole body muscles are like rocks, his eyes are gray, and he has a terrifying appearance of human-shaped armor.

The T103 series of tyrants are optimized super tyrants. Unlike the high-volume production type of T400, the combat power is even more explosive.

Now that the tyrant is fed by Lin Fan's Tiger Bone Pills, he has also advanced to the fourth stage of Qi Gathering Realm, the power of the ten beasts.

Moreover, the tyrant is the existence of the physical advantage, and the power of the beast is itself, which makes the tyrant possess the power of twenty beasts in the fourth stage.

With a wave of the huge claws, an explosion was set off, and several vampire thieves were torn apart by men and horses, and their flesh and blood exploded.

Master Tiger saw that he wanted to take down the red silk carriage, but unexpectedly, another Cheng Yaojin came out halfway through.

This tyrant is tall and powerful, and the other vampire thieves are afraid to come forward to die.

Compared with the invisible thread of the sound of the piano, it is the tyrant's visible lethality, which makes the vampire thief even more jealous.

The tiger spit out the dry corpse in his mouth, fell on all fours, just like a mountain tiger, with his head up and roaring.

A mountain tiger appeared from the back of Lord Tiger, but was entangled by countless blood power resentments, but this also greatly increased Lord Tiger's combat power.

"Don't stand in my way!"

The tiger master slapped both palms, and blood appeared on it, as if the tiger's palm was honest and slapped against the tyrant's temple.

Lord Tiger possesses the power of eighteen beasts, and this one is very difficult for ordinary people to bear.

But the tyrant came first, and the giant claws buckled the tiger's body and smashed into the ground like lightning.


A big hole with a diameter of ten meters was smashed out by Lord Tiger.

For a moment, Lord Tiger's eyes blanked, he lost consciousness, and his whole body fractured in many bones.

But at this time, the blood power in the tiger's body was boiling, immediately awakening the tiger's consciousness, and rushing out of the tyrant's attack range like a mouse.

"I didn't expect to use the baby medicine pill given to me by the blood envoy now. Once I take this blood demon pill, you don't even want to live, hahaha."

Master Tiger swallowed a **** turbid pills into his stomach.

Immediately, Lord Tiger's fat and bloated body changed.

First, the height soared, reaching more than two meters. The bones of the spine protruded outwards and were wrapped in muscles. It was shocking. The fat on the body decreased rapidly, and replaced by muscles that seemed to be alive, bright red.

And the combat power index has broken through the power of thirty beasts! !

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