Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1229: There is a snake in the north to transform the flood

In Lin Fan's eyes, Master Tiger's set was deformed, almost mixed with the hatred and Dr. Incarnation.

And Dr. Avatar must have drunk too much transformation potion.

Lord Tiger roared again. This time the sound wave was strong, with a radius of several tens of meters, and the blast wind swept through it. The sound wave force alone has already caused the ground to be blown with deep marks.

Faced with the Tiger Lord, who has temporarily broken through the boundaries and possesses a six-stage military aura, the tyrant cannot stop him.

However, Lin Fan used the card to continuously recall and summon functions, making the tyrant appear behind Tiger Lord as if teleporting.

Tiger Lord is now superhuman, but no matter how fast, there is no quick recall of the card, and when summoned, Lin Fan can specify the location.

For a time, Lord Tiger could only be beaten, but could not fight back.

And the fist of the tyrant is not light.

Suddenly, when Lin Fan played with Tiger Lord, using the card multiple times would also consume zhenqi, making the upper and lower parts one, and he successfully entered the five-stage qi-breaking state.

The light and shadow of a thunder beast manifested behind Lin Fan.

The huge roar, shaking the space, made the Tiger Lord, who was irrational because of drug use, shivered, and his eyes became clear.

"That... what is that..."

Lord Tiger was dumbfounded, but the tyrant was not idle, and he was still beating him as a sandbag in a mysterious way.

The corners of Lin Fan's mouth curled up.

"The filthy worm is really angry."

Breaking through to the fifth stage of breaking the qi, Lin Fan easily condensed a mass of true qi into qi glow, within a hundred steps, within reach.

Immediately throw a group of filthy worms that can slow down the target, and throw it at Lord Tiger, so you don't need to play with the tyrant's card.

The Tiger Lord, who was so angry by the filthy worm, immediately started to slow down, which was very weird.

The foul worm's Chi can slow the target by three-quarters of the speed.

As long as it is not a peerless evildoer, it is difficult to get rid of the effects of the filthy worm's true energy in a short period of time.

The tyrant stood in front of Lord Tiger, hitting his fists, and could easily avoid the slow-motion counterattack of Lord Tiger.

Fang Xushui's eyes in the red silk carriage opened wide!

"What kind of qi is this? And the beast power attribute of the son just now... unheard of!"

at the same time.

Tiger Lord was smashed to the ground again.

The tyrant didn't relax, he aimed at the tiger's head, and hit his head with the hammer to burst open.

The rest of the vampire horse thieves, seeing that Lord Tiger was killed, immediately ran away, not daring to stay any longer.

Of the thirty-six elite guards, only a dozen are still alive and injured.

On the red silk carriage, the four maids of Bingqing Yujie got down and distributed healing pills.

Then Fang Xu also came down and went to Lin Fan's carriage in person.

"This son, thank you for your help just now, the little girl Fang Xu, the daughter of the long Fang Tianchang of the Luo Fang family, temporarily serves as the treasurer of the Los Angeles Fuge Chamber of Commerce."

"Phoenix asks for the phoenix?"

Lin Fan didn't care about this Fang Xu, but when he saw her appearance, he could still tell at a glance that it was the woman who helped him a lot in the early days of the Treasury of the Heavenly Emperor.

Fang Xu looked puzzled, it seemed that he didn't know Feng Qiuhuang.

"The son, the little girl doesn't know Feng Qiuhuang, maybe the son has admitted the wrong person."

Lin Fan looked carefully at Fang Xu. He was dressed in koi velvet and flaming red rags. He was ancient and elegant. Even if he had blue gauze on his face, it was correct. It must be Feng Qiuhuang.

But Lin Fan remembered about the nemesis.

Obviously the Primordial World possesses many projections to the Diamond Universe, and even the lower universe.

The Buddha is the stars in the sky. The light we see may actually be emitted from them millions of years ago.

However, the connection between Feng Qiuhuang and Fang Xu may be somewhat different from that of the goddess of vengeance, so I can only explore one or two slowly.

"Ms. Fang Xu, maybe I have admitted the wrong person. I am Lin Fan, the eldest grandson of the family, and I should help each other. Besides, the vampire horse thief is punishable by everyone for wrongdoing, so don't care about it."

Young Master Lin Fan is fair and reasonable, and makes people feel good at first.

The four maids of Bingqing Yujie stood behind Fang Xu, and when they heard Lin Fan's words, they twittered and admired them.

"Huh? Lin Family Lin Fan? That waste..."

"Hush, don't let the son hear it. The son is forbearing humiliation, afraid that the tree will attract the wind."

"That's right, just now the innocent qi that the young master used has been five stages of breaking the qi state, how can it be useless...Bah."

"I heard that the son can still refine alchemy. It is still a high-grade pill, and he can only take a dozen boxes."

Fang Xu smiled bitterly, asked the maid to be quiet, and apologized to Lin Fan.

"Brother Lin Fan, some of my portable maids are ignorant, so don't blame them."

Lin Fan said in his heart that even his manner of speaking was not much different. This Fang Xu must be Feng Qiuhuang.

"Haha, where, how come I, someone Lin, is a man with no stomach."

Next, the convoy stayed here temporarily, and the guards who were not seriously injured bury the body first, so as not to be eaten by the monster beast, leaving a dead body, resentful end.

When it's done, it will get dark, so I can only stay here for one night.

Lin Fan and Fang Xu had a very happy conversation in the red silk carriage.

"Brother Lin, he is really a well-informed person, so the little girl has been taught... It should have been a visit a long time ago."

"Sister Fang is also very insightful to many secrets, so Lin has benefited a lot."

As if sympathy, the car suddenly became quiet, Fang Xu's face blushed, and he stared at Lin Fan like an idiot just now, and immediately lowered his head.

Through this afternoon’s conversation, Lin Fan became more and more sure that Fang Xu is Feng Qiuhuang, but Fang Xu must be a high-level existence. Then through this medium, echoing Feng Qiuhuang in the lower realm, can they be one body?

If Fang Xu is Feng Qiuhuang, Lin Fan summons the medium on the sacrificial altar and performs it in reverse. Is it feasible?

"I don't know where Ms. Fang is going next? The convoy has dispersed. It's not safe along the way."

"The little girl is going to Fulong City to transport a batch of magical charms. I heard that there was a flood dragon born over there. I'm afraid it will cause a **** storm."

"Jiaolong? This is interesting!"

"Fulong City, north of the Canghai Sea, is often haunted by sea monsters. It is Shanhaimen Town of the Yufeng Dynasty. I heard that this time it was a sea snake. If you want to turn a snake into a dragon, you will even go there."


"As long as three months, as few as one month, it must be out!"

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