Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1330: Thanos is my miner

The next day, early in the morning, Lin Fan and Fang Xu's motorcade parted.

Before leaving, Fang Xu gave Lin Fan a jade slip, which was a special record item in the fairy gate.

There are some secrets in the literature, which were obtained from Fu Zongmen, one of the four immortal gates of the Yufeng dynasty.

Compared with the ancient books of the Los Angeles family, the things involved are not only the Yufeng dynasty.

Lin Fan didn't have anything to give away, so he took out a bottle, and the Sun Furnace refined the medicine **** and combined it with the broken gas pill.

Because I ate it by myself, it was a superb pill, and it was still taken out.

Moreover, Gu learned yesterday that when Fang Xu broke through at a young age, a barrier appeared. He took a pill with too much impurities before breaking through the military aura. Later, not only was he unable to advance, but also because of the impurity entanglement and the lack of true aura.

As a result, Fang Xu's stamina is extremely insufficient.

And this top grade Po Qi Pill, although it is a five-stage pill, it can wash flesh and blood and get rid of impurities, and Fang Xu is also effective.

The four maids of Bingqing Yujie also had to break through the five-stage qi-breaking realm. With this top-grade pill, it would get twice the result with half the effort, enough to make up for some of the problems of time and qualifications.

On the official road, the two sides are separately...

Lin Fan turned into the fork in the road to the black mine.

However, he had already agreed with Fang Xu that he would go to Fulong City to see the birth of Jiaolong and meet at the Lingfu Pavilion branch of Fulong City.

Before noon...

Lin Fan came to the black mine.

The steward here is a thin, middle-aged man named Lin Jian. Because of three generations of loyal servants, he gave the surname Lin, but because he offended a collateral line in the clan, he was assigned to watch the scene in this difficult place.

"Master Lin, you have finally arrived. There was news from the clan yesterday that you will come. I looked forward to it. I didn't see you until midnight, but the little old man was anxious."

"Yesterday, I was on the road with girl Fang Xu from the Fang family. I ran into a vampire horse thief who was rampant recently. Although the thief's head was beheaded, the blood messenger was mentioned many times in the thief's mouth. not end yet."

Lin Fan briefly talked about what happened yesterday.

Lin Jian's eyes widened.

"Master Lin, you are doing harm to the people. Reporting this incident to the City Lord of Los Angeles will definitely be a great reward. But..."

"What, say."

Lin Fan felt that Lin Jian seemed to know something.

Lin Jian looked around and invited Lin Fan into the house before talking about this matter.

"Master Lin, let me tell you that the vampire thief is not simple."

"Oh, what do you know, if what you say is useful, when I go back, I will let you transfer back to Lin's house."

Lin Fan could tell that Lin Jian's life here is simple, with patches on his clothes, which is definitely not a comfortable life.

Lin Jian gave a dry smile.

"This thing is like this. On that day, I went down to the mine to see the workers' working conditions. Suddenly I was urinating and I went to the woods to solve it."

"And at this moment, two figures appeared above their heads. Guess what, they are immortals that can fly... There is a magic weapon under your feet, which is really incredible."

"They stopped on top of their heads, as if saying, what mosquito man’s relic was born... I thought to my heart, the mosquito man, that’s not an ancient god? Millions of years ago, it was extremely vicious, and only the devil in the ancient books existed. I didn’t expect it to be true. of……"

This primordial world is already hereafter, so I don’t know where Fuxi and Nuwa, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and the ancestors of the Three Qing witches went.

At this time, the human race is in power, the whole people cultivate and pursue longevity.

But the inheritance, ruins, and cave mansion of those ancient gods appeared from time to time and were contended for in this world.

"Mosquito man."

When Lin Fan was on the earth, prehistoric novels were also popular.

This mosquito man repaired the law of blood, and there are immortals here and there, that is to say, the relics of this mosquito man should be in the black mine area.

"Lin Jian, send a message to the Lin family, saying that you can go back to the old age, and send a few high-ranking cadres' children over to exercise. Oh, yes, my second uncle’s son Lin Dong, he is the son of the acting patriarch. Let him come. To endure hardship here, to hone and hone."

Lin Jian immediately knelt down and kowtowed. This place where the bird does not shit, did not eat or drink, except for a sip of the medicated bath spring, it was useless.

But when it comes to this medicinal bathing spring, Lin Fan is very interested, because he heard that when the lower realm rises up, he must first soak in the spring water.

Otherwise, even after being baptized by thunder robbery, the body of the lower realm would not be able to adapt to the prehistoric aura, and would be as fragile as a baby.

Therefore, the people of the Primordial Realm found a way to establish a medicated bathing spring, asking for their own pockets, so that the lower realm people who came up to the point of ascension can quickly adapt to the prehistoric.

But as a price, these people must act as coolies to repay the remuneration of the medicated bath.

In fact, the medicinal materials in the medicinal bath spring are all in one section, and they are not worth much, but to those who soared up from the lower realm, they are the most precious.

Generally, after ten years of digging here, these coolies can redeem themselves and leave, but because they have no relatives and no reason, most of them will become servants of the Lin family, but more, without a skill, can only continue to dig black mines and save more. One point, so I can go out and have fun.

On this matter, Fang Xu said a few words when he mentioned to Fang Xu about coming to the black mine yesterday.

"Lin Jian, I'm going to lie down in the black mine and take a look and lead the way."

Lin Fan directly used the essence of the primordial natives to reshape the body, which was different from those of the lower realms, which was quite acquired and congenital, not of the same grade.

But Lin Fan might have some interest in people who ascended from the lower realm, or maybe people who know him.

Black mine...

In the huge mine, tens of thousands of workers are digging in the complicated aisles.

These people have to tighten their belts in an attempt to redeem themselves because they want to save money.

But those who stayed there for two or three years were slack, because they couldn't dig any mine unless they were full.

The work here is piece-based, and there is no digging, and there is no wages at all.

Therefore, most of them, ten years of service, dragging and dragging, only more than ten years before they can get out.

As soon as Lin Fan arrived here, he immediately saw a familiar figure, the blue skin, which was very eye-catching.


The hungry and dry Thanos pushed a trolley, and the few sparse ore in it were the fruits of all his labor today.

Hearing his nickname when someone called his Netherworld, he thought he had met a fellow countryman, so he turned his head excitedly.

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