Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1331: God be an operator for me

This Thanos was not the Thanos who was played to death by Lin Fan in the lower realms, but the Thanos who had the heart of the universe in the Diamond Universe and surpassed the court of life.

That is, Lin Fan has no grievances or enmity with this Thanos.

Moreover, his current identity, Thanos, was an ordinary miner of Lin Fan's family.

Lin Jian said loudly at this time: "Thanksgiving, what are you doing? This is the elder of the Lin family, the eldest grandson of the direct line. In the future, the head of the Lin family, don't hesitate to meet and salute."

"Ah...Lin, Master Lin, Thanos has given you a kowtow." Thanos has also been here for two years. When he first came up, because he couldn't recognize the reality and was beaten to perfection, he realized that the predecessor was not a diamond universe.

However, Thanos was very nervous, he was helpless in the prehistoric times, how could Lin Fan, the young master of the aristocratic family, know him!

"Do you have faith in the lower realms?"

Lin Fan was still in a good mood when he saw Thanos, or he could contact the lower realm.

Thanos looked dumbfounded. Once, his fleet swept across the universe and destroyed all the way, pursuing a policy of living and dying while maintaining population balance.

How can it be possible to build up faith.

But the young master of the Lin family in front of him, if he asks this question, he must have a need. If he can gain faith, or he can hug his thighs and get out of this ghost place as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry, Master Lin, I did not establish faith in the lower realm, but I know someone who is also in the black mine. He claims to be the **** of light in the lower realm, and people call him God. His source of faith is very rich, even now. , There are countless believers who provide him with faith."

Thanos tried hard to seize this opportunity.

The corners of Lin Fan's mouth curled up.

"God... Bring him here."

"Yes, I'm going now, wait a moment."

Thanos dropped the cart and ran to the mine immediately to pull the "God" over.

Lin Jian respectfully said at this time: "Master Lin, what you want to believe in is all the stuff of the lower realm, and we don't need it."

"Close your dog's mouth, don't ask if you shouldn't ask, I need it, naturally there is a reason why I need it." Lin Fan cast a cold glance at Lin Jian.

Lin Jian bowed his head awkwardly: "Yes...Master Lin, I'm going to prepare lunch. You are busy here first, surrounded by guards from the Lin family. If you have anything to do, just direct them."

Lin Jian knew that she had said the wrong thing, so she didn't dare to stay here anymore, pretending to prepare lunch and slipped away temporarily.

After a while, Thanos pulled a middle-aged man with a yellow face and thin muscles over and knelt down to meet Lin Fan.

"Master Lin, this is the God I am talking about. The original form is a bird and beast with the power of the light system, named Jehovah. He is good at instigating and has a very rich source of faith."

Jehovah seems to be more moisturizing than Thanos, or this is the effect of faith, not so dry.

"How many universes can you contact? I want to listen to the news of the Silver Universe. Do you have a way?"

"Back to Master Lin, I can contact the Diamond Universe to the Black Iron Universe, all realms, but the lower realms, the higher the cost of belief, I will be very weak."

The pitiful way of the Lord.

Lin Fan didn't stop talking nonsense, and directly offered the conditions, saying: "As long as you help me contact the person I want to contact, I will save half of your ransom money."

"Thank you, Master Lin for your kindness, I will definitely go all out to live up to Master Lin's expectations."

Jehovah was extremely pleasantly surprised. Reducing half of the ransom money is equivalent to getting out of here early and developing from the wild world earlier.

Thanos next to him was envious.

After eating at noon...

Lin Fan ordered the people to prepare the materials for the altar, so that Jehovah could contact the followers of the lower realm through faith and indirectly contact Feng Qiuhuang.

Only through Jehovah did Lin Fan know that there is a huge difference between Honghuang and the Diamond Universe.

One day in the Great Wilderness, one year in the Diamond Universe, and it has been several days since Lin Fan came to the Great Wilderness, so several years have passed since the Diamond Universe.

Jehovah only observed this through the prayers of believers in the lower realms.

I haven't contacted Lin Fan, Feng Qiuhuang and others at the Dimension Store for several years, so I don't know what happened.

The Lord uses Lin Fan’s altar as a medium and faith as a medium to manifest himself in the diamond universe.


Diamond universe.

In a magnificent hall.

The majestic idol of Jehovah is entwined with infinite divinity and radiant. Every day, countless believers come to worship, pray, and pray for blessings.

And just today!

The idol of Jehovah has appeared, and it is alive!

"A miracle! God has sensed our prayer! He has come!"

With tears in his eyes, the archbishop bowed to his head, and countless believers bowed to him.

Jehovah didn't come to the lower realm to pretend to be a force. He knew that the task was in him, so he didn't talk about it, so he went straight to the topic.

"My believers, my people, as long as you do one thing for me, my kingdom will be open to you, and when you die, you will be reborn."

Jehovah’s sacred rod is extraordinary, and those believers also eat this, and immediately worship and agree.

Lin Fan was beside him. Through the altar, he saw the role of the tenth rank of the diamond in the palace. The power in the diamond universe should be immense.

The followers of Jehovah, according to God's instructions, went to the headquarters of the plane store, found the person in charge of the board of directors there, and asked to set up a special line to go to the palace.

As a large group force in the Diamond Universe, the decision-making level of the Plane Store did not refuse this request.

After all, Jehovah has gone to the prehistoric, a higher class, and this face has to be given.

Besides, Jehovah has also contacted the lower realm.

It is even more proof that one cannot be offended and must not be offended.

The plane store also has soaring predecessors, but they are all the role of rotten-footed shrimps. The predominance is too big... In the lower realm, you can fly to the sky and escape and explode the planet. Transformation, not recognizing the reality, and still being high, there is only a dead end.

But when Lin Fan appeared in front of the top decision-making levels of the Plane Store, these people were shocked. The believers of Jehovah were also shocked. They didn't expect that there would be great gods in the land store.

Or the decision-makers of these plane shops did not know Lin Fan, but after checking, he knew that Lin Fan had a miraculous past, but a few years ago, he disappeared...Unexpectedly, he went to Honghuang.

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