Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1332: The remains of a suspected mosquito person

Lin Fan came to the Diamond Universe back then, only knowing that he came to the Diamond Universe, but the Plane Store did not know his specific coordinates.

After all, Lin Fan also cheated.

Those who did not follow the rules of the game set by the Diamond Universe at the time, and who crossed the customized rules, ascended to the Diamond Universe.

The decision-makers of the Plane Store did not pay much attention to Lin Fan either.

Until one day, in internal news, it was found that Lin Fan was missing and could no longer be contacted.

This caused the silver universe’s treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven to decline in business, and it was a devastating disaster for the newly opened trade expansion zone at that time.

Feng Qiuhuang and Zhou Shitou used almost all their abilities to keep the store sign of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House.

Even if everyone thought that Lin Fan had fallen in the diamond universe, Feng Qiuhuang and Zhou Shitou still clung to the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven.

The foundation was ruined once, but the signboard of the Emperor's Treasure was still there, and the Emperor's Treasure was still there.

Now Lin Fan suddenly appeared, still in the Primordial Universe, making the decision-making level of the Plane Store feel a little bit in his heart.

The Treasury of Heaven is just a store in the lower universe, like stars. Even if you have your own city, miraculous business operation mode, etc., in the eyes of the decision board of Diamond Universe, it is really insignificant.

But now, Lin Fan's appearance made them regret it.

At that time, there was no support for a treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven, resulting in only one store left in it. Even if it was supported by regular customers, it seemed to be dying.

Now Lin Fan can make the plane store disappear.

Disappeared completely!

As long as Lin Fan speaks, believers who believe in Jehovah will start a space war regardless of life and death, and will not worry about how many civilizations and how many stars are involved, all for their supreme Lord.

When Lin Fan learned about the Heavenly Emperor’s Treasury, he was very calm. After all, what he has now, if he throws a little bit down, he can let an ant crush the top existence of the Diamond Universe.

"The Plane Store, now, Zhou Shitou, is my spokesperson. He will take over the Plane Store with full authority. You can disagree with all the management rights."

Zhou Shitou, when he met Lin Fan, was just a small person, but he followed Lin Fan, loyal and devoted, and devoted all his efforts to the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven.

The sensibles of the plane store, dare not have any objections to Lin Fan's words, and go through the formalities immediately.

"Also, I'm going to bring Feng Qiuhuang to Honghuang. You make some preparations. This is a two-stage candy from the sky. You are responsible for sending it to Feng Qiuhuang's hands so that she can absorb the medicinal power from above , As soon as the time comes, I will summon her immediately."

On the altar in the main hall, countless divinities were sacrificed, and the upper realm's matter had to break through, and it was still far beyond the universe's matter, which would have to pay a great price.

The divinity condensed on the idols for many years, the belief in spring water, all evaporated at the moment when the channel was opened.

But when the second-stage pill fell, a pervasive medicinal power almost enveloped the entire hall, and just smelling it, I felt that the combat power was constantly soaring.

What Lin Fan left behind was just a trash pill.

But in the lower realm, it is a treasure that can no longer be found in the impoverished diamond universe.

At this moment, the Treasury of the Emperor of Heaven rang loudly again, with the support of the upper echelon, the city was restored immediately, and the Treasure of the Emperor of Heaven was declared the only authentic store in the plane.

The Great God Lin Fan did not fall in the Diamond Universe, but went to the prehistoric...

The people who once supported Lin Fan cried out in tears.

And the rats in secret, hiding quietly, didn't dare to make any more conspiracies at all.

After cutting off the connection with the Nether...

Lin Fan was very satisfied with this call and asked Lin Jian to cut off Jehovah's ransom money in half.

"A monster attack!!"

However, at this time, an alarm sounded from the sentry outside the black mine.

Lin Jian was sweating profusely.

"In the past few days, monsters have attacked black mines more and more times, as if something is urging them."

Lin Fanxin asked, could it have something to do with the ruins of the mosquito man, go out and have a look first.

When I came outside, I saw a three-stage demon tiger king hitting the wooden door outside the wooden fence of the black mine.

On the guard tower, several Lin family guards drew their bows and arrows to attack the demon tiger king.

The Demon Tiger King roared, slapped the arrow with his claws sensitively, then turned around and ran into the bushes again.

Lin Jian was wiping virtual sweat.

"Huh, it's over. Fortunately, there is only one end."

Lin Fan looked carefully and found that a layer of bark had been rubbed off the wooden door, and it seemed that such things had happened more than once.

"That Demon Tiger King is very strange. I'm going to check one or two in the bushes to see if there is anyone who is familiar with the road. Let me be a guide."

The other guards of the Lin family immediately turned pale after hearing this.

Without the protection of this wooden fence, who would dare to go out and die, so many cruel monsters outside were waiting for a big meal.

"I, I am familiar with the situation around here."

When Thanos sees Jehovah being rewarded, he is very greedy, and the chances that he has not expressed his sorrow are more dangerous, but he is right. It is better than staying here and doing hard work.

Lin Fan called Lin Paolao's true Qi clone at this time. The combat power of the nine-duanfenqi realm was almost able to walk sideways in the monster forest. When the guards saw it, their intestines were all regretful. With such a master following, there would be no danger.

Lin Fan felt that it should not be too late, and immediately led Lin Paola and Thanos to the bushes outside the black mine.

It was very strange that he did not see a monster beast after traveling for dozens of kilometers.

Moving forward, a voice appeared, and these people immediately spotted Lin Fan and the three of them.

Judging from his clothes, he is an immortal disciple, with an average combat power of the six-stage soldier aura. The leader has the combat power of the seven-stage beast aura, and distance from the eight-stage Jiaqi state is also a matter of being close to the door.

"This son, we Sword Sect, we are here to do business, please avoid it."

This headed young man is handsome and elegant, dressed in white and snowing, with a sword hanging on his back, not out of his body, but also sharp and sharp. It is a magic weapon.

Lin Fanxin said, it turned out that the immortal gate drove the monster beast, but is this the remains of the mosquito man?

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