Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1333: The horror deep in the tunnel

This sword gate is the first of the four immortal gates. The disciples of the disciples mostly use magic weapons and sharp weapons to close their bodies, use Qi to raise weapons, attack and practice the techniques of killing and cutting, and are among the best.

In order to cultivate one's moral integrity, disciples of the swordsman must exercise strict self-discipline, righteousness, Xiu Haoran righteousness, and have no guilt.

Therefore, when the ruins of the mosquito man was born, he immediately sent a doorman to rush, one is to clear the vampire horse thief from cholera, and the other is to prevent the culprit from getting the inheritance of the man.

Just as Lin Fan was thinking of an excuse to stay, the ground trembled suddenly.

Within a few kilometers, it seemed as if a bite had been dug out, and it fell straight down.

Dozens of swordsmen disciples, Lin Fan, Lin Paopao and Thanos, disappeared together.

In a few minutes...

Puffs and puffs, a lot of sounds of falling into the water, sounded one after another.

Lin Fan popped his head and looked to the side. Thanos was already dead because of his weak physique. After all, he was a new ascendant who was dissatisfied with the power of a beast.

Lin Paolao's Zhenqi clone was safe and sound, floating on the water like a corpse.

Lin Fan climbed up and sat on Lin Paopao's belly, using it as driftwood.

If you look around, there is water and natural ores that glow naturally.

Looking at the top of the head, there should be a few kilometers of pit opening, but no light can be seen. I am afraid that it must be 10,000 meters at this depth!

Puff puff puff...

Dozens of disciples of the swordsman, drilled out of the water, very vigilant.

"Be careful, this should be the entrance to the mosquitoes' relics. There are many traps inside. We must unite as one."

The leading disciple is a leader among the disciples of the outer door of the sword and sword. His name is Haoran. He is also a master of swordsmanship. The power of the beast is the bee, and he is best at killing with one blow.

Not far away, on the land near the water, hundreds of huge red-eyed dogs with interlaced teeth approached the people in the water.

"Put out the sword, split the light and glimpse, and form a sword formation with my true energy."

All of a sudden, those disciples of the sword gate, regardless of whether it was a sword or a sword, followed the awe-inspiring sword together. The innocence of dozens of people became one whole body. Within a hundred steps, they whirled and fell and swept toward the shore.

The red-eyed giant dog was beheaded and killed nearly a hundred, and the rest of the birds and beasts dispersed, everyone was relieved.

Haoran hurriedly greeted the other disciples, went ashore to make a fire, and temporarily explored the reality of this place before making plans.

The ruins of the ancient evil **** mosquitoes are in danger.

Lin Fan stayed there naturally, because now no one knows how to get out, so he can only take a look at it for the time being.

"This son, I am very guilty for putting you in a dangerous situation. I hope you can follow us closely. Don't lose your life."

"I came here to check it because you drove away monsters. The monsters will go to my family's mine."

Lin Fan pretended that he didn't know the remains of the mosquito person.

Haoran was even more guilty.


There was a fire on the shore, and the cave was bright. This is a huge mountain lake with a tunnel. I don't know where to go.

Those big red-eyed dogs that escaped also went in this direction.

Everyone is really angry, and drying clothes couldn't be easier.

The two disciples of the sword gate also salvaged Thanos, dug a stone pit, and buried it hastily.

It's better than the corpse lake.

"Brother Haoran, we sent Yujian, but it doesn't work here. I can't contact the sect."

"What can I do about this? The vampire horse thief is rampant. It has already launched riots in dozens of cities around Fulong City. We are here, I am afraid that it will not be noticed by the sect seniors for a while."

"I also heard that there are more and more vampire horse thieves, and they are even making a lot of noise in the city, and the people are not living."

"Once you are bitten and poisoned with blood, it is one of the four immortal gates, the metaplasia gate, and it can't be cured. You can only remove the roots from the source to prevent the blood poison from spreading again."

Trapped in the underground cave, everyone is very anxious, and now they have not been able to fly because of their cultivation skills.

The technique of flying, that is the privilege of the ten-stage sect, is also a half-step heavenly being, and the next step can be Dao Chengxian.

"Senior brothers and sisters, don't panic. Our swordsman has a strong righteousness. No matter what evil we are, we can definitely defeat it. The many seniors in the sect will definitely discover our situation in the first time. Let's not mess with ourselves."

Haoran has the highest cultivation base among this group of brothers, and his prestige is naturally the same in the seven-stage beast aura.

A few words calmed a lot of emotions, but the depths of the tunnel behind him became more and more disturbing.

And Lin Fan heard other meanings in the words of these swordsmen disciples. The vampire horse thief was not only committing crimes on the official road, but even in the city.

If there are vampire horse thieves who enter the city, the number will increase exponentially if they won't get out for a few days.

Isn't this the original version of Resident Evil?

Lin Fan also noticed that there seemed to be something weird lurking in the depths of the tunnel. It was so powerful that it could kill him.

Although the characteristics of the black light virus, it will not really die because of the death of the body.

But this thing can really threaten Lin Fan.

Even Lin Paao's Zhenqi clone stared at that side vigilantly, looking very nervous.

Originally, a trip to the Black Mine, not far from Los Angeles, had a nine-stage avatar of True Qi, which was more than enough.

But who would think that Lin Fan was involved in the ruins of the ancient fierce gods, no one can tell here.

This depressed atmosphere is spreading on the nerves of everyone.

Hula la la...

A large group of vampire bats, who didn't know where they came from, gushed out of the tunnel, but they just passed over everyone's heads and rushed straight into the sinkhole where they fell.

At this time, the sky outside was already dark, and there were only patches of burning clouds in the direction of the setting sun.

The vampire bats gushed out of the sinkhole and immediately flew in the direction of Los Angeles, allowing the miniature king insects that Lin Fan had left outside to see.

When the vampire bat came out, Haoran also used the power of the beast aura to transform the beast and let a lightning bee follow the vampire bat.

But it can only follow a thousand steps before it collapses, that is the limit of the True Qi Transformation Beast, and it will disperse on its own when it goes out of range.

"It's at least a few kilometers from above. Unless we can fly, we can only go to the tunnel and find a way."

Haoran also knew that this was not the way to go, the brothers and sisters were all frightened by the legend of the ancient fierce gods.

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