Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 607: No god, no god

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The gene sequence of Ghost Electric Dragon is a speed-type thunderbolt. The Leaper and Allosaurus are both strong currents. Both of them are very useful for inlaying this gene slot.

The leap forwarder can get this gene slot. Through the killing, the thunder and lightning on the body will be more and more and the speed will become faster and faster. This is quite an energy shield and a speed booster, which is very suitable for the assault troops like the leap forwarder.

And if the other dragon gets this gene slot, in addition to the blade worm attack method, it can also get the lightning speed and the ability to summon lightning strikes. It is quite possible that the alien dragon can build a cumulus cloud on its own, and it does not need to be guarded by blade worms. It is also a powerful map cannon.

However, after Lin Fan's consideration, the gene sequence of Ghost Electric Dragon was still given to the leapfrog, because how the allosaurus compares is more suitable for Ba Lei. The speed thunder advantage of Ghost Electric Dragon lies in the strange speed and the improvement of physical fitness. It is the most suitable for giving the leap.

"Blast Thunder."

Genesis of the Ascendant!

The Ghost Lanterns were slaughtered.

Hydration is not afraid of physical attacks, but it is afraid of lightning. As long as it is struck by lightning, the body will be paralyzed, and it cannot be changed by hydration.

The leapfrog is charged with electricity, opening the gap of the ghost lantern family, and because of the thunder and lightning of the gene slot ability, the more the kill, the more thunder and lightning is on the body, just as if Liancha was trapped in an excited state.

A large number of white and blue thunder lights flooded and chased the ghost lanterns into an army. They were paralyzed and lay dead, and then bitten by the leaper.

The pharmacist had to wait for a long time and let his medical ninja go to transform the flying segment, mostly by Ye Ye and Jun Malu's regiment.

This is a tide of beasts of time and space. The pharmacist can use the rules here to regenerate the dirty soil and perform a ritual saying: "Regeneration of the dirty soil ... dried persimmon ghosts, Uchiha Itachi, and Tenjigego."

After three rebirths of the filth, only 40% of Chakra is left in the medical ninja in the pharmacist's pocket.

However, Jun Ma Lu's bamboo-taken family has been replaced by Uchiha Itachi, and most of them have also been replaced by dried persimmon ghosts, and the evil deities of the flying section have been replaced by Libra.

Although because of the material, the strength of these people is only B-level elites, but the ability to change blood is great, and the chicken rib corps has become a strong corps.

Million Uchiha Itachi opened the kaleidoscope at the same time, and shouted, "Azuna!"

The so-called inextinguishable fire is bound to burn all things to the fire of the sun: skylight. The terrible flames of black flooded the leapers into the sea of ​​lightning.

However, the energy is conserved. Only Uchiha Itachi, who has the B-level strength, can counteract the leapfroggers who have the B-level strength. It doesn't work.

Of course, these Uchiha ferrets can still be used to spur their energy, but the pharmacist wants Uchiha ferrets to save Chakra and replace the dried persimmon ghosts.

The dried persimmon ghost has a large number of chakras, which is rare. In terms of chakras, it is much more than the full moon of ghost lamps.

"Water Margin, a super-large water cell."

The water under the dark river was drained, and the previous waterfall of the ghostly water moon was counted to change the current terrain into a huge water mass floating in the air.

"Water Margin, Daqian Shizhang!"

The dried persimmon ghost traps the incoming leapfrogs in water, then uses Chakra to create water sharks, and bites them.

The thunder and lightning on the leapfrog will be diverted in the water. Although the action force has not been weakened, but there is no thunder and the speed is returned to its original form.

Compared with the bones and veins of the bamboo-taken family, Tianxian Zhongwu's immortalization is more suitable for the current situation. Yao Shidou stopped the Zerg offensive, and immediately sent these immortals to rebel against Lin Fan.

The strongest defense is offense! !!

the other side.

Jun Malu, Duoyouya, Feiduan, Dilada and Uchiha stopped the water to sneak into Qinglong City, and went to the main city of Qinglong City very smoothly.

These people used transfiguration to disguise themselves as Zerg, but if Lin Fan can be deceived in this way, this master should not be taken into account, and Lin Fan has been staring at these people, let Zerg ignore them, and "invited" them to the city master House.

In the spacious hall, there is no decoration, but everything is simple. There is only one table, two chairs, and a tea cup.

Lin Fan sat on the chair, squinting his eyes, and sneered, "Here it is."

"Don't be a god!" Uchiha stopped the water and immediately opened the kaleidoscope, using another **** on Lin Fan.

But Lin Fan opened his left eye, and the same kaleidoscope as Uchiha stopped the water, and said, "Don't be god."

The two other gods collided, and no one could help but offset each other.

Uchiha's left eye was closed, and she was surprised: "Do you use another god?"

"Is this weird?" After Lin Fan's left eye finished using the other gods, it was only dark and immediately recovered again.

Uchiha stopped the water and was surprised again: "Why your eyes aren't closed, don't use it by gods, it takes a very long reset period."

"Don't be gods." Lin Fan used the other gods again, but the goal was not to stop the water, but to do more.

Duoyou was also controlled by Lin Fan's permanent mind, immediately playing a phantom sound, and summoning three demon ghosts, standing beside Lin Fan. "Magic Rebellion!"

The wrath that is mostly psychic comes out and immediately spit out the terrible worms that can capture Chakra. As long as they are attached, they will bite Chakra in the body.

Come down.

Jun Malu, Uchiha stopped the water, and the flying segment immediately jumped away.

But Dilada failed to escape, and was devoured by Chakra, her left arm, belly, and right leg, and her body was fixed like a stone.

Uchiha Waterway: "Closure your ears!"

The flying segment immediately plugged its ears.

Jun Malu blocked the ear canal with bone buds, shielded the sound, and immune to hearing illusion.

However, Uchiha's first reminder was the second one to hit the illusion.

"Drink! Ha! Ha! Explosion is art, and death is the ultimate art!" At this time, Dilada directly carried out a big move. The remaining chakras in the body gathered together, poured into the heart, and prepared to explode. The entire body swelled immediately. .


At this time, Lin Fan's left eye again used techniques other than the gods to twist Dirada into the unknown space before the explosion.

However, due to Didala, Jun Maru rescued Uchiha to stop the water, and the flying section relied on the immortal body to use the huge sickle to obtain Lin Fan's blood and perform the suicide ceremony. ,, ...

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