Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 608: New aliens and new lurkers

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In the eyes of Uchiha's water stop and Jun Malu's attack, the flight was to kill, but the flight was successful, and even some blood was found on Lin Fan's body.

The flying segment was immediately surprised, got out of the way, and hid behind Uchiha Sumizu and Jun Malu, arrogantly, "Give me time, and I can kill this person and end it all right away."

Fei Duan ate some of the blood on the sickle, and then wiped some more on his face. It was considered that the preparation ceremony was completed, but the result was not what Fei Duan wanted.

Fei Duan and others saw Lin Fan's illusion. In fact, the Fei Duan ate the special-shaped eggs. Now they have to become the ripper and come out of the Fei Duan body.

Uchiha stopped the water because of a kaleidoscope that was blind for the time being, her pupil strength could not keep up with Lin Fan, and she was interfered by the illusion of hearing system, so she failed to discover this illusion in time.

The ripper broke out from the body of the flying segment, the internal organs of the flying segment were eaten, and the entire body was paralyzed and fell to the ground. And because of the undead body, the flying segment was not dead to this point, but it was also used for immortality, and the ripper would devour the entire flying segment.

"Dance of Tsubaki!" Jun Malu wanted to kill the ripper who had hatched from the flying body, and an unknown hunch made Jun Malu's body move.

However, at the first confrontation, Jun Malu immediately felt wrong because the alien body had the same characteristics as the flying segment.

Jun Malu changed his stab into a throw, smashed the bone blade, but was hidden by the alien flexibly, still desperately devouring Fei Duan's body.

Lin Fan allowed the aliens to incubate during the flying segment ritual, and copied the ritual of the evil gods in the flying segment. In this way, even if the assassination is unsuccessful, as long as the target is injured, and then suicide, the target can be killed.

This is the Assassin Alien after the Alien.

The Ripper's molting speed is fast, and the skeleton shape is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a two-meter-high assassin alien.

The Assassin Alien is more flexible and better at hiding than the Soldier Alien. It does not have a strong physique, but it is more explosive. The inner molars hidden in the mouth have been mutated. It is a prolonged tongue like the creeper. It is used to capture the blood of the enemy. Evolved.

"The curse is printed." Jun Malu unlocked the curse, and the amount of Chakra increased greatly, and his strength was improving.

This Jun Malu is not a patient in the original. In the tide of space and time, Jun Maru has a healthy body, and the strength is SS level, far beyond the original level.

"Bone buds."

Bone fluid exuded from Jun Malu's skin, then hardened, turning into a white bone armor, protecting himself.

"Dance of Clematis!"

This is a gorgeous dance that uses the spine as a bone whip.

Uchiha stopped the water and drank, "Suzano can be, ninety-nine."

Susano, who was burning green flames, turned the city's main mansion into ruins. The armor in front of him opened and a large number of green spiral arrows popped up.

Flutter ...

"Suzunenghu, shield." Lin Fan's suzunenghu burned the black flame, turned his arm into a shield, and bounced his arrows.

Uchiha has another chance to stop the gods, but once used, her eyes will be temporarily blinded, and Susano will no longer be able to use it. "I'll deal with this person ..."

"I'll deal with the aliens." Jun Maru drew his bone whip to the assassin aliens.

Uchiha's water-stopping Susano Noh is equipped with a spiral sword. This is a sword that can rotate continuously. It has an unrivalled breakthrough force and hits Lin Fan's Susano Noh.

boom! !!

There was a rivalry between the two Suzunos.

The spiral sword pierced the shield and opened the gap. Uchiha stopped the water and immediately went in, using the most powerful move.

"Don't god: light."

The light is similar to the ability to read on the moon, but the light is more powerful. It can turn the spirit of the recruit into ashes. In the world of the light, it is subject to the greatest control of the user, causing serious damage to the recruit. There is no power to counteract.

But Uchiha used the wrong method to stop the water!

The light is compulsory and preemptive, but for the time being, Lin Fan has more than 20 billion Zerg spiritual support, that is, the life currency in the dead stream, I don't know how many lives can be used to fill it. Not afraid of Uchiha's big move.

Moreover, Lin Fan's abilities are real. Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and even speculating can all be directly changed and copied.

When he was pulled into the light by Yu Zhibo's water stop, Lin Fan had already copied it, which was quite a connection between the two light worlds. So in it, it depends on who has the stronger mental power.

But this is nonsense!

Lin Fan has the Zerg consciousness body, Yu Zhibo can only be swallowed by Lin Fan's primordial gods, and become a spiritual nourishment.

Except for the evil **** ritual and immortal body, the flying section has nothing to praise, but the assassin aliens hatched from the flying section have said otherwise.

The Assassin Alien is good at speed, and Jun Malu is also good at speed. For Jun Malu's bone armor, the Assassin Alien can't be broken, but Jun Malu hurts the Assassin Alien, and its acid blood will corrode and soften the bone armor on his body.

The Assassin Alien took the opportunity to pierce Jun Malu's body with his tail and lifted it into the air. Although Jun Malu is now fully cursed and used to dance Tang Song, this pair of assassin aliens is useless.

But alien

Assassin receives Jun Malu's blood, Jun Malu's damage to the alien attack will be invalid, and Jun Maru can only be injured.

It's not that Jun Malu is too wasteful, but Lin Fan is too strong. In addition, now that Jun Malu has blocked his ears due to the sounds of Youyue and lost his hearing, he also needs to carefully avoid Lin Fan ’s pupils, and at the same time deal with the assassin in a different shape, which is really difficult.

Lin Fan summoned a lurker, intending to cause Jun Malu to mutate with the lurker, and the Tianzhu Zhongwu outside the city is advancing. The newly mutated lurker must be very interesting.

Jun Maru was wrapped in lurking steel with lurkers, and assassin alienally cut the brainstem nerve connection, so he would not suddenly make the dance of grass fern.

Then the lurker crushed Jun Ma Lu, absorbed the gene sequence, generated mutations, and generated a second gene slot ability.

"Vein bones."

The lurker has the ability to manipulate the bone buds, but now the corpse bone veinization is not a repetition. Instead, it strengthens the bone buds and enhances the shape of the bone fork, turning the bone fork into a Jun Ma Lu. Think about it, a lurker can divide How many bone forks are out? Lurker's bone fork is equal to Jun Malu's clone! ,, ...

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