Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 613: Sandstorm funeral death

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Lin Fan can only say that there is no one playing insects in front of the Zerg.

Ordinary bugs, such as worms, have strong adaptability, and can reproduce worms with corresponding conditions through different situations.

However, in the eyes of the Zerg, this is the way the axe is trying to kill himself.

Lin Fan let the disintegrators infiltrate the parasites, and then the parasites brought back the information they saw. If they had no time to report, their hosts would be infected by the zerg virus and then mutated into alienated species.

The Decomposer is a zombie-specialized collection of corpses. An elite decomposer from the original 10 million saturation to 30 million saturation, they will decompose the corpses into resources at a very fast speed.

But apart from this ability, there is no other use, so it doesn't play much.

But the Zerg virus is on any Zerg unit!

Even arms that do not have the ability to attack positively like the Decomposer.

Through the modulation of Pim particles, these decomposers become more subtle, even reaching sub-atomic levels.

Isolate some and infiltrate the parasite. As long as the parasite's immune system is not touched, these decomposers can survive and be brought back to the host.

Shino ’s Bad Worm Corps, Sakai's Phantom Painting Corps, Asma's Ninjutsu Corps, Tooth's Psychic Beast Corps, Sakura's Strange Corps, a total of 1.2 million cloned ninjas, were defeated in a few minutes Area infection is a foreign body.

These aliens have no fear of magic and can only be suppressed by force, but these people's eyes are not blind, and the injured people will immediately mutate and become another alien to attack the surrounding living people.

Kay, Lee Locke, Ning Ci, come here every day.

Asma said: "Sikaru, using shadow mimicry, first settle these people, and they can no longer be infected, otherwise it is unthinkable."

"Shadow imitation!" Lumaru connects these aliens through the shadows of aliens, but there are only 250,000 clones of Lulu, and it is undoubtedly difficult to deal with 1.25 million aliens. "Mr. Asma, I can only stand for 20 seconds, and I will be taken away for as long as possible."

In addition to Sakura ’s side, Sakura herself was cloned from other B-level bosses and mutated into aliens with huge punches and super muscles. "How could this be!"

"Multiple shadow avatars!" Naruto then ordered his army to create millions of shadow avatars to serve as shields. "Let's help!"

Lin Fan saw the alienated body under siege from the perspective of the king worm, and ordered it to lurk temporarily into the soil layer for dormancy.

For a time, Kay, Xi Rihong and Asma lost their goals.

There are only 4 million clones here, and now Lin Fan has pitted 1.25 million, causing heavy losses.

The corps of Sakai, Asma, Sakura, Toya, and Shino were all destroyed, and Shino was even infected. Thanks to Tsunai Hime and Chiyo's mother-in-law, the Zerg virus-linked blood was removed.

After this trouble, Uchiha Bana and Zhu Jian had to re-examine the strength of the defender and strengthen their strategy. After all, everyone could understand what happened just after the dismissal.

Uchiha spotted his eyes and said, "Lend your magic to these younger generations. This war is harder than expected and requires more chakras to cope."

"Ha ha ha ha ... no problem, my magic power, endless, these maggots, let's absorb them." Temporary is still human form, use a scalpel to plan the belly, and slide out many worm-like purple from it ** . "These are special gifts from me, the magic quality SSS level, which can be used by you heroes."

"When necessary ... I will use it." Uchiha's kaleidoscope turned into reincarnation. "Li Luoke, Ning Ci, Ding Ci, cover Ino to the left and take the opportunity to control the giant corps over there."

Uchiha's spotlight still pays great attention to the king insects, because these kingworms have the pupil power of writing chakras. This is a force belonging to the Uchiha family, how can they flow to outsiders. "Unforgivable !!"

Ningji, Ino, Dingci, and Li Luoke, a total of 1 million clone corps, leaned to the left and darted into the dense forest of tree boundaries.

After Wang Zhe had the writing eye, the insight was strengthened, and the density of the trees could not stop Wang Zhe's pupil penetration.


Black flames burned above the tree realm.

This is a radius of several hundred kilometers! !!

Immediately between the pillars said: "Broken."

A large number of trees were bombed directly into the sky and separated from the trunk, which temporarily isolated the inexhaustible fire of the sky.

Uchiha Bana was surprised: "Even a kaleidoscope! Hate!"

The other side.

Zhao Meiming lazily said: "Feng Ying, Uchiha Baba just said that there are many arms below, even if there is a tree boundary coming, I am afraid it is still unstable."

"I see." Iroro immediately ordered: "Preparing for a sandstorm burial."

However, the pressure of the earth does not kill the Zerg, at most it traps the Zerg below.

But Lin Fan plans to please these ninja coalitions first.

Show weakness!

Otherwise, the strategy between the spot and the column is impossible to attack easily, fearing that other strategies will be developed.

The soil layer below the tree boundary is sandy


Boom, settling down, huge pressure tightly the quality of the soil layer.

The root system of the tree boundary is tied to the fungus blanket, and the strong vitality and corrosive force are being balanced, which temporarily makes the terrain modification ability of the fungus blanket ineffective.

Now the sandstorm burial appears, the density of the soil layer increases, and it turns into steel. The insurgency and alienation body below are solidified in the soil layer.

Lin Fan ordered these Zerg forces to directly sham, so that the root system between the pillars could not detect life, and the pupil power of the spot could also be mixed in.

The Zerg state can remain for millions of years. During this period, there is no need to consume any resources. Like dead fossils, this is a way for the Zerg to save resources in the absence of war.

And this method must be done to the extent that life is completely extinguished. Otherwise, if there is life in the alien civilization, they will be on alert, but if they can't detect it, they will be caught off guard by the awakening zerg.

Yu Zhibo spot praised: "You did a good job. The descendants of Sandy Village.", ...

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