Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 614: Ino captured captive moon reading world

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Now Li Luoke, Ning Ci, and Ding Ci's corps escorted Ino's corps deep into the left wing in an attempt to mentally control the king worm with the writing wheel eye, but there was no resistance on the road, which made people feel strange.

Lee Locke striker, Ding Ci and Ino are in the middle, behind Ning Ci.

Ning Ci doubted: "It is impossible for the other party not to find that we have cut so many troops into the left wing! Why haven't we stopped them?"

"I just received the information from Teacher Xi Rihong, saying that a large number of defending troops have been suppressed by the wind shadow Irael with a sandstorm burial. Probably the defenders have taken their troops to the middle." Ino analysis.

Ding Ci said dullly, "Ah ... the potato chips are finished, the last one!"

"Everyone ... Speaking before you, the giant army," Li Locke reminded.

Ino prepared for the operation, saying, "When I am performing the operation, my body will temporarily lose its ability to perform. If the body is killed, the mind-turning operation will immediately fail."

"Understand." Ning Ci said.

Ding Ci took out the three-color pill and said, "No one can hurt your body."

"This is youth!" Lee Locke said in tears. "Miss Kai ..."

Ino stared at the king worm in the sky, and said cautiously, "The distance is still far away, but you can try ... the heart turn !!"

250,000 cloned Ino fell to tree vines.

the other side.

The spiritual space of the king worm!

Ino has suppressed the spirit of this king worm, but the rest of the cloned Ino did not return anything, causing Ino to worry.

As an SSS-level hero, Ino is sure to be able to suppress King Worm of the B-Class elite, but clone Ino of the B-level boss is not so lucky.

Ino looked out through this king worm. Many eyes let Ino's mental power be quickly evacuated, scaring Ino not to look at it any more, and closed a lot of eyes.

Jing Ye was trapped in the body of Wang Zong, because just looking at the outside world, the King Zong was already far away from the surgery. So Ino could not return now.

"What to do! This is a trap!" While waiting for half a minute, Ino already knew that this must be a trap, and the rest of the cloned Ino had long since disappeared.

Lin Fan's Yuanshen appeared next to Ino and said, "Ino was grown up, really water spirit, don't mind making friends with me."

"Who are you?" Ino asked.

Lin Fan said lightly, "You are not attacking my city."

"You are the defender!" Ino stepped back two steps. Keep a certain distance.

Lin Fan scorned: "Your skills are scarce. Here, you have no more skills to use ... but now I want to borrow your body to use it."

"What are you going to do!" Ino asked, but in this spiritual world, a lot of chains immediately came and bound Ino.

Ino originally thought that his SSS-level spiritual will still had an advantage in Lin Fan's SS-level defense, but he did not expect to be caught immediately and could only watch Lin Fan do the next thing.

Lin Fan faintly explained: "Now your partner thinks you have controlled my king worm, I will count it and use your body to return to the Ninja Alliance, which will be very interesting ... what do you say?"

"You are too despicable! That is my body!" Ino struggled.

The chains that bound Ino were condensed by the Zerg collective consciousness, and the vast ocean of spiritual consciousness was not something that Ino could break free from.

Lin Fan dismissed: "Don't make trouble, obedient ... Anyway, if the siege fails, you still have to return to the vortex of time and space and wait for the next call ... But if I feel good, I can reward you with a fragment of rules to help you resurrect. "

"Are you kidding me? There are older generations of Uchiha and Sentetsu outside, new generations of Uchiha with soil, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, I love Luo ... these ninja heroes. And you Has the military force in the middle been suppressed? "Ino didn't believe that Lin Fan would have fragmented rules.

Lin Fan sneered lightly: "The unknown is the most interesting."

"What?" Ino asked.

At this time, Lin Fan used the Yuanshen to draw 250,000 Zerg ensemble consciousness and put them into the body of Ino's legion.

This requires a very large amount of intelligence processing capabilities, but Lin Fan has more than 20 billion zerg consciousness, and 250,000 bodies are nothing.

However, ordinary masters do not have the ability like Lin Fan, because this requires learning the Heaven and Earth Furnace Treasure Scroll Elixir to use Zerg consciousness in this way.

Lin Fan's Primordial replaced Ino and returned to his body, saying, "These huge regiments are already asleep."

"The eyes are really closed!" Ning Ci still looked at with his white eyes, but the worm in the sky closed the writing round eyes.

There is a huge corps with chakras. Needless to say, they must know that they are scouts, and in the sky, the field of vision is wide, and if they are not blocked, the situation on their side will be known to the enemy.

Even these giant corps have kaleidoscopes, which can use pupils such as Aizhao, without blocking them, it will cause a lot of distress to the next offensive.

Lin Fan saw that no one was in doubt, and while he was unprepared, he immediately controlled the Ino Corps, and said, "Heart turns into a detachment!"

Heart-Turning Avatar

The mind-turning technique is the same, but the mind-turning technique can control the bodies of two targets at the same time without losing its physical ability.

Lin Fan chose to control Li Luoke and Ning Ci's Corps, and used the 64 gossips of Ning Ci Corps to block Ding Ci's acupoint.

Under the control of Lin Fan, Lee Locke seized the three-color pills to avoid Ding Chuang's big move of taking medicine.

Ding Ci was half paralyzed, surprised, "Ino? What happened to you! Why ..."

"Look at my eyes now!" Lin Fan used Ino's body to show writing-wheel eyes in his eyes, and then turned into a kaleidoscope. "Monthly reading."

In the world of moon reading, no matter how long it is, it is only a moment in the outside world, and its quality is determined by the surgeon.

Ding Ci's spirit was destroyed in the world of moon reading, and Lin Fan took over with Yuan Shen's differentiation, and controlled Ning Ci and Li Luoke to return to the Ninja Alliance.

Lin Fan has the ability of all things to form, even if it is Uchi's wave spot and the revolving eye pupil of the Vortex Nagato, don't even want to see through Lin Fan's disguise. ,, ...

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