Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 615: Apocalypse acts apocalyptic

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When Ino, Ningji, Li Luoke, and Ding Ci led the group back to the Ninja Alliance, Uchiha had no doubts because Wang Zhe's writing wheel eyes were closed.

If Ino's ability, it would not be possible to do such a seamless heart-to-body transformation, after all, Li Luoke and Ning Ci are now SSS-level ninja heroes.

However, Lin Fan ’s Zerg consciousness is very huge. According to the calculation of comprehensive strength, with the B-class Zerg consciousness, 10,000 can calm down an SSS-level spirit.

With 20,000 B-class Zerg consciousness and controlling 2 SSS-level ninja heroes, Lin Fan earned it all.

As for Ding Ji, because of the mental breakdown caused by the monthly reading, Lin Fan only needs the Yuanshen differentiation, and can control at the same time. The powerful deductive calculation ability makes Jing Ye and others look the same as before.

Uchiha spotted looking at Zhu Jian and said, "Jian Jian, now the opponent's scouts have been blocked. It's time for us to attack. You think the first step is that we have to fight from there."

"I always feel restless. There seems to be some miscalculation. The ability to defend the city is weird, so I have to watch out." Zhu Jian reminded.

Uchiha Bana hummed: "Between the pillars, you are too careful. Now the opponent is at a disadvantage. The ambush forces are suppressed by Fengying with a sandstorm. The scouts are controlled by the spirit of Ino. And your tree boundary has come down as a terrain modification. What else are you afraid of ... "

"If you're afraid of fraud, we can be pioneers ... scorpions," Vortex Nagato proposed.

Uchiha Bana answered, "Then you go to be the pioneers."

At this time, the scorpion pulled out a seal scroll and said, "Red secret technique, exercise with hundreds of machines."

Ga La Ga La ...

Immediately in the air, it was covered with scorpion puppets. There were a hundred black ones, all of which were SS-class puppet quality.

The Scorpion Clone Corps is not as powerful as a scorpion, and can only control thirty C-level maggots. But one million scorpion clones, manipulating the mass of these puppets, is 30 million, a terrible force that can cover dozens of kilometers.

Under the control of a scorpion, the Chakra line acts like a spirit snake, driving these crickets, plunging into the tree realm and advancing directly to Qinglong City.

Lin Fan ’s perspective on the Yuanshen is now in the Ninja Coalition, and the strategy inside is clear at a glance, but it is not the time for rebellion, so it will not make any big waves.

The puppet regiment was extremely powerful, and was about to break through the bronze, purple and gold gates of Qinglong City in a torrent situation.

But then the lurkers in the city immediately manipulated the bone fork of Jun Malu form to come out to meet.

The 100,000 lurkers of the B-class elite manipulated the bones of the three million Junmaru form, which was enough to fight the 30 million C-class leader's puppet army.

But the problem is in the scorpion's hundred SS-level bosses.

The gap between the SS level and the B level is about 1,000 times the overall strength. It is more than enough for one SS level to destroy 1,000 B levels.

If these SS-class maggots of the scorpion are disturbed, the lump-shaped Jun Ma Lu bones will become dim.

However, Lin Fan still has some cards to play.

When cutting the world of red pupils, Lin Fan got the mark of resentment, corresponding to the major sins of overeating, anger, sex, laziness, jealousy, and greed.

And because of the close relationship with Lin Fan, the strength has also been upgraded to the SS standard.

Gluttony Blade: Off.

Fist of Fury: Cornelia.

** Tendril: Build Purple.

Lazy muscles: Leoney.

Jealous Whip: Arya.

Claws of Greed: Bonny.

Shield of Pride: Ma Yin.

Lin Fan also reinforced another person for this team: Water Spirit Asdes.

These eight women will fight a hundred tadpoles of the scorpion.

The jealous apostle Alia, with a sweet smile, alienated the jade arm into a whip with spikes, and pierced a scorpion's puppet first. "The host will definitely reward Arya."

The apostle built purple, popped a large number of tendrils, and used a large black hole to spread a large number of tendrils on a cricket, and caught the surrounding crickets and crashed. "The owner likes to build purple."

"Don't fight, execute the master's order, immediately." The Gluttony apostle vanished, wearing a black dragon and phoenix cheongsam, the jade arm alienated into a blade, and turned round and plump, and chopped a dozen or so waists.

The angry apostle Cornelia, the lazy apostle Leoney, the greedy apostle Boni and the arrogant apostle Mayin immediately alienated.

Water Spirit Asdes temporarily enters the battle.

The scorpion's exercise of a hundred machines was blocked in this way.

The bone fork in the form of Jun Ma Lu attacks with the dance of Tsubaki, the dance of Willow, the defense of Tang Song, both offensive and defensive, self-contained, and the whole body is made of bone bud calcium, toughness and hardness.

However, I have no emotions, can't escape, and have the advantages of being poisonous. In the face of Jun Malu's bone, he completely fails.

Even compared to the wooden cricket, Jun Malu's bone fork is extremely hard, dancing in the debris, and a large number of crickets seem to encounter a meat grinder and become broken garbage fragments.

Seeing that there is still such a strong defensive force in the city, Yu Zhibo spotted, "This defender of the city has some meaning. Whoever wants to reinforce the scorpion's puppet strength, I can consider the rules in advance.

The allocation of fragments. "

"I can support it!" Uzumaki Naruto immediately split out a large number of shadow avatars. Although there are only 250,000 troops, a clone Naruto can split 200 shadow avatars, which is considered to be a 50 million C-level strength shadow avatars. .

Lin Fan has scanned Naruto's body through Ino's eyes, and it is speculated that he has not yet learned to control the tail beast Chakra, probably at this stage of the wind-wrapped spiral shuriken.

As the saying goes: Nothing is unpredictable. If there is, then a bigger one.

Naruto's ability is very simple. It is a set of multiple shadows attack, spiral pills, large jade spiral pills, spiral shurikens, and wind shuriken spiral shurikens.

But the simpler the routine, the more powerful it becomes.

I remember Naruto in the original book, but with only a spiral shuriken, I immediately lost the three lives of the horns.

Moreover, Naruto is a family of whirlpools with a large number of chakras. If they are to support the Scorpion Corps of Scorpions, it will definitely cause serious damage to the city walls.

Lin Fan had to let the Zerg evolve again! ,, ...

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