Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 627: Spellprint Zerg

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The million-day falling **** stone is falling, and once dropped, the whole city will be turned into ruins.

However, Lin Fan ’s king worm opened the kaleidoscope at this time and used the power of God directly, so that these heavenly **** stones were sent to other spaces.

The king worm has three hundred eyes. If the power of a single eye is too weak, then ten eyes and one hundred eyes are used together. And these kaleidoscopes have been evolved by Lin Fan to the eternal kaleidoscope, and will not be blinded by excessive pupil strength.

Not only the heavenly descending **** stone was decomposed by the mighty god, but even the complete body of Yu Zhibo's spot was digged piece by piece.

Uchiha's Clone Corps has not reached the Left Wing Corps. Its strength has been reduced from 1 million to 400,000. It suffered heavy losses and was bombed by a crossbow vehicle.

And only Uchiha ’s pupil can see the king worms in the invisible shield.

The army of wooden people between the pillars has been slaughtered. Once the wooden people weaken, the fungus blanket will intensify and let the wooden people die.

"Immortal law, wooden cymbals, really thousands of hands!"

At this time, the remaining chakras were used to create the figures of millions and thousands of large Buddhas and wooden figures, but the heads of these big Buddhas were so large that their shapes were beyond the mundane.

However, in order to create such a large battle, the clone corps between the pillars had dried up, and it was considered as exhausted.

"The technique of light and heavy rocks!" The technique of Onoki assisted Iro's floating sand body, reducing its weight and improving the utilization rate of Chakra.

I love Luo's sand body, which contains a lot of high hardness minerals, mixed with chakras, enough to withstand the huge and dense vehicle crossbow bombardment.

The fusion of Zhao Meiming and Black Earth is afraid that it will be sucked away by the sheep fat jade bottle, and only the solidification of lime can be promoted in the sand.

Tsunade Ji opened a creative rebirth to deliver chakras for everyone, so that the entire formation has sufficient chakras.

At the same time, a large number of puppet regiments struck, and the crossbow had little effect on these flexible puppets, and they could dodge immediately.

Lin Fan ordered again: "The second wave, guarding equipment, arrow cage."

Flutter ... Flutter ...

A large number of arrows form a void-free array in density, leaving the Puppet Legion nowhere to hide and be destroyed. They pierce through the wooden body, and the sawdust is broken like slag.

At the same time, the first batch of allosaurs transformed by cursing appeared.

The imprint of the spell changed the shape of the alien dragon fundamentally, the two wings became four wings, the speed increased, and the hatching speed of the blade worm was also increased.

And the Blade Worm also has the imprint.

Spell-printed blade worms are more powerful, sharper and sharper in shape, grouped together, spin down, and, like the dragon, strangle the puppet army.

Spell imprinting allows the Zerg to enhance a fully qualified ability.

Letting the elite Zerg temporarily become the leader Zerg and temporarily turning the leader Zerg into the heroic Zerg is a huge leap for the entire Zerg.

Because of the cannon fodder Zerg, the highest level can only be upgraded to the boss level, but now, Lin Fan has allowed the elite Zerg to temporarily possess the strength of the leader Zerg, and in the future will also allow the leader Zerg to have the strength of the heroic Zerg.

In the attack of the cursed immortal dragon, the puppet army was quickly destroyed, and this time the scorpion had no other spare puppets.

At this time, the blade worms rushed to my Ailuo formation. These blade worms cooperated with each other highly. They were individuals, but also groups, turning into spiral sawtooths, drill bits, and blasting into the sand dunes.

The two wings of the Allosaurus turned into four wings, the speed was strange, and they could not be locked at all. A large number of blade worms were hatched, which made more and more blade worms everywhere.

Seeing that I love Luo, the defense of Black Earth and Zhao Meiming can not be carried. Ohnogi came up and shouted, "You must live in the city ... Black Earth, you must live."

Ohnogi is still very useful as a shield. The stripping of the realm transforms a large amount of blade insects into atomic form, but eventually Chakra consumes it too fast. And interrupted the delivery of Chakra to everyone.

Ohnoki blocked this wave of worms and was shattered by the worms. They all died, allowing everyone to survive.

But losing the light and heavy rock technique of Onoki, and losing the Chakra transport of Tsunaji, Iroro's floating sand fortress is falling.

Had I not borrowed Chakra from the guardian in my body, now everyone can only fall on the fungus blanket, but the floating sand fortress is now less than 10 centimeters high, and it will take millions of people to cross it. Not average big.

And another wave of blade worms has come, but thanks to the help of a thousand-handed giant Buddha, otherwise, I will be defeated by the Allied army.

Zhu Jian said: "I love Luo, I use wooden structures to tie you to the back of the Buddha, gather our strength to pass together, you use sand as a protective shield."

"Well, that's all there is now. Black soil, Zhao Meiming, transport your chakras." I love Luo Road.

Now Tsunade Ji has lost the ability to provide Chakra, and the technique of Zhaomeiming and Black Earth is not suitable for this situation, and can only be used as Chakra's supplier.

Back to heights, Ai Luo et al. Did not have to bear the huge amount of chakras to move, they only needed to provide sand protection for the thousand-handed Buddha.

Xiao Nan opened up

The wings of angels lined up in paper, and at the same time scattered a large number of detonation symbols, swarming at the swarming blade worms.

These detonating symbols are made by Xiaonan, which is much more lethal than ordinary detonating symbols. One piece may not blow up the Blade Worm, but hundreds of millions of pieces together, the destructive force caused by continuous explosions is the wave of the Blade Worm. Will break up.

"Hot fire, hard work."

"Winds and pressure."

The horns separated the fire urn mask monster and the wind urn mask monster, and cooperated with the army to create a large fire urn, turning these broken blade worms into ashes.

Nagato said: "Come on ... beast way, psychic, split dog, crab, lobster, chameleon, eight-footed bird, rhino, badger."

Nagato's Corps first summoned the beastly ways of Penn's six ways, and then used the beastly ways to perform psychicism, releasing a large number of psychic beasts, which were to be advanced as a powerful formation. ,, ...

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