Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 628: More spots than eyes

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The psychic beasts summoned by the beast, the most famous of which are crabs, lobsters, split dogs and chameleons.

Crabs and lobsters use foam waves to purify flames and oils, which can clear all the effects of ninjutsu.

However, restrained by the goat fat jade net bottle, this technique will be sucked out when used, don't try to use this technique to purify the bacteria blanket.

A split dog will be split one head at a time when it is attacked. This is a very difficult ability. The more attacks, the more you can't kill, and even later, the more heads, the more difficult it is to hit.

However, the Zerg are good at swallowing, and can solve this problem very well. After eating these split dogs, under the balance of conserved energy, the amplification psychic will fail, because this is not a blow, but seizure, and there will be no chance for the split dog. Become more.

Chameleons can hide their whereabouts by stealth and create shadow avatars for death. If they do not have anti-hidden ability and want to fight strategic-level psychic beasts like chameleon, it will take a bit of effort.

However, Lin Fan ’s watchers are anti-hermit soldiers, mixed with Wang Zhe, and can easily see the stealth capabilities of these chameleons.

And as soon as these chameleons stepped on the fungus blanket, the traces were all exposed, and there was no difficulty at all. These chameleons are now leading Xiaonan into the city.

Crabs, lobsters, tadpoles, rhinos, eight-footed birds, and split-dogs form an arcuate queue, guarding the chameleons.

Crabs, lobsters, and cormorants are all psychic beasts with powerful carapace.

The Rhinos focus.

Split dogs share damage.

The eight-foot bird burst into the air.

There are one million people in Nagato ’s clone corps, summoning one million beasts, and one million psychic beasts summoned together. It is really a little pressure on Lin Fan.

And these are B-level psychic beasts!

For these psychic beasts, Lin Fan has to make a big move. He summons four Zhou Tianlong magpies, grows thousands of miles, is super big, and glides quickly on the fungus blanket. The horns on both sides are sharp, and millions of pairs of spiked feet The thousand-handed Buddha between the pillars was torn to pieces in an instant.

Don't look at these four Zhou Tianlong magpies, but they are huge enough to stop millions of psychic beasts.

Crab, lobster, cricket, which is a fart, was smashed by Zhou Tianlong cricket's heavy stab chaser, and immediately fell apart.

The rhinoceros with a sharp machete also wanted to hit Zhou Tianlong's carapace, scoop out a white pit, and then be trampled by an unknown number of stabbed feet.

When the eight-footed bird wanted to cross the border, the two whip beasts on Zhou Tianlong's forehead were caught, and these eight-footed birds were caught and chewed in their mouths.

The split dog was not enough to look at. He was squashed by Zhou Tianlong's body, and tens of millions of splitters under the fungus blanket awakened and came up to **** the body of the split dog.

Nagato's first offensive was a failure! !!

"Spell of the paper god!"

More than 600 billion initiation marks were summoned by Xiao Nan's psychic skills, and they were affixed to the bodies of four Zhou Tianlong magpies, wrapping Zhou Tianlong maggots like seals.


Bang Bang Bang ...

600 billion high-level detonation symbols, instantaneous detonation, the explosive shock wave has the potential to destroy everything ... This was originally the detonation symbol prepared by Xiao Nan for breaking the city, but now if the Psychic Beast Legion is completely destroyed, why use these detonation symbols The walls exploded.

Zhou Tianlongyan was killed ... 600 billion high-level detonation marks, lethality is force majeure, if Zhou Tianlongyan evolved a little more and got the ability of space leaps, it would not be killed like this.

However, as long as the Zerg is dead, as long as it is not a secondary derivative arm, a suicide arm, or a sidearm, it can recall the recyclable resources through the quantum channel of the insect grave, refill the missing mass, and resurrect it.

So now Zhou Tianlongyan just exited temporarily.

But Xiao Nan's detonation sign is gone. The bomber can only be used to blow up the walls of the clone.

The Beast Road once again reformed the Psychic Beast Legion.

Crabs, lobsters, badgers, and rhinos are all gone.

Only a few hundred thousand split dogs and hundreds of thousands of eight-footed birds remain.

However, the chameleon is back, and it is still intact. There are still one million.

The beastly way summoned flower bears and buffalo to fill the vacancy of the lost psychic beast.

the other side.

Uchiha's corps has less than 100,000 people, and the complete body must be re-elevated to the ultimate body must be able to support the king's pupil.

But now Uchiha Spots can already penetrate into the King Worm formation, and the 100,000 extreme body must be able to rise from the B-level to the A-level strength, which can easily destroy these troublesome King Worm Corps.

But Wang Zhe is the second one to perform spell printing.

The king worm opened the curse, and the body swelled and the keratinogenesis increased. The eyes increased from 300 to 600, and the curse also improved the pupillary ability.

At this time, the king worm can control 60 suzunenghu at a time, and in the state of curse printing, these suzunenghu are still complete.

Even though these kingworms are only 100,000, Uchiha's spot is the ultimate body Susanobu, but the kingworm has six times as much as Uchiha's complete body, Susanobujo, there is a gap in overall strength, but the king has 600 Only eyes can use the forbidden technique Izanagi, and then look at Uchiha

How many more eyes are there in the Corps?

Uchiha Spot did not know that Wang Zhe would use Uchiha to ban surgery, but when he penetrated an invisible shield and killed a king bug, Uchi spot found that the king bug was not dead, it was just a kaleidoscope of one eye. Turns off-white.

The moment Uchiha spotted it, she lost her mind and was sieged by the complete body of hundreds of king worms. If she had not struggled with the high level, she might have been killed.

"Tuanzang, come here to support, I need your eyes," Uchiha spotted.

Tuanzangjing air ventilating ninja technique, a large number of writing eye and primary cells were transplanted on the body.

If Uchiha-ban wants to kill these king worms, he must let Tuanzang sacrifice to write round eyes and use Izanagi. This is a skillless fight.

Tuanzang knew that unity was needed now, but there was no objection. He came with Uchiha-ban and was always ready for Izanagi with a writing wheel.

But this still won't win the king worm! !!

"Tuanzang, I teach you to use Ixanamy, seize the opportunity, and use Ixanamy to seal off these king worms and turn the enemy into a friend." Uchihaban solemnly.

But Uchiha has no idea what Zerg is.

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