Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 633: Fissile Manipulating Shadows

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The steel cymbals are in front, the cymbals are in the middle, and the rear of the cymbals of the cymbals are pushed forward by a word array.

Beruhu's Thunder Dog can restrain the insurgency, and the miniature chicks cannot enter because it will be coked by lightning and cannot be parasitic before entering. In addition, a large number of thunder and lightning were on the Thunder Dog. The insurgency was difficult to siege, and the formation was opened.

As long as the two-headed snake has a chakra, it can quickly multiply and divide, rotate itself, eject a large number, and break the alien dragon's blade worm cluster.

Here can block the maggots, the steel maggots and the lan corps advance, only the distortion, and the distortion has been modulated by the curse.

The shape of the cursed aberration was degraded again from the basis of the super tyrant.

And the Lin Fan black light virus several major forms of alienation set together.

Whips, blades and tendrils turn into powerful thorn blades.

The claws, heavy punches, and shields have become broad, sharp arms with bear claws.

The muscles swelled to the limit, hardened, horny, and flowing red lines.

A lot of thunder and lightning intertwine and tweet! !!

"Lan Ying, a laser trick !!"

In order to break through the cursed aberrational deformed body, the Lanyu Corps passed the blood and thunder's blood boundaries, and the Lanyu Ninjutsu scattered the powerful laser beam.

Because it is not thunder, not water, but the combination of thunder and water cannot be absorbed by the aberrant body, nor can it be pumped away by the sheep fat jade bottle.

Bombed by a laser stream that can only be described as brilliant, the aberrant body raised the lightning energy on the body to the maximum and advanced forward against this laser flood.

"Mingyu, sucking holes!"

The Underworld Corps assisted the Langao Corps to capture the current from the deformed body and weaken the deformed body, but the effect was not great.

At this time, the deformed body has collided with the Steel Golem Corps!

The steel golem is the blood relay limit that maximizes the density, strength, and hardness of the body, so that it can be immune to physical attacks.

However, the thunder and lightning on these aberrations have been rearranged by the Lei Chakra model, allowing the aberrations to temporarily improve from B-level physical ability to A-level physical ability.

The same arrangement mode is also applicable to leapfrogs who have the ability to blast and thunder.

The B-class Steel Golem Corps couldn't stop the A-level Distorted Corps. It was torn, slashed, cut off, and smashed. There was no one-on-one.

With the exception of the SSS-level steel golem owner Iwa Nishikari, the rest of the steel golem corps was destroyed by the aberrant body corps within minutes.

The Shura Road Corps of Nagato reached the front at this moment, to open the way for the Ningmao and Lanyu Corps of Beiluhu.

Shura Road is a puppet, a machine, an artificial person, with a large number of organs on it, carrying a large number of weapons, which can be transformed into an Asura form, with three heads and six arms, and a blade-like tail behind it.

But even though these Shuluo regiments have a million, they can't stop the deformed body. Even if the shape of Ashura changed into three heads and six arms, it is still difficult to escape the fate of being destroyed by the deformed body.

The deformed body is tall and can reach 8 meters when printed. The physical advantage is one, and the deformed body can control the current. This is the greatest restraint for the robot. It interferes with the circuit and can smash these only 2 meters in an instant. Shura Road.

However, after a few minutes of delay, the Underworld Corps and Lanao Corps have switched lanes to advance to Qinglong City without any wall protection.

However, at this time, the Zerg transformed with new materials, the fissioners with shadow mimicry have finished modulation, and officially conducted the actual combat test phase.

The fissioner is a branch variant of the poisonous detonator. When it explodes, it will split into two secondary poisonous detonators. The fissioning acid of the fissioner has a highly permeable fission factor, which passes air, water, wounds, and even skin. Contact to infect, once the enemy dies, the fission factor will be distorted, and the enemy's body will be split into two secondary poisonous explosives.

However, such a perverted unit of the fissioner will definitely be detonated remotely or dodged far away, causing many opportunities to fail.

Toxic blasts have liquid reconstruction, and can be reshaped again by being blasted from a distance. However, the lethality will be weakened, but the problem of remote weakness is finally solved.

But what do fissioners do?

Lin Fan extracted the Nine Lama's Yincha Chakra, and used the deer pill's body as a medium, and used the shadow ninja as a fissioner's ability to generate a gene slot: shadow manipulation.

The fissioner can now manipulate his shadow to control the enemy's shadow and let the enemy behave the same as himself.

The fissioner ambushing under the fungus blanket has been waiting for a long time. When the Underworld Regiment and Lanxi Regiment entered the city, they immediately settled with shadow manipulation ability, and then drilled out to explode continuously.

Because it is an ambush, the fissioner does not need too much, and tens of thousands are enough, because the enemies that are killed will immediately fission more secondary poisonous explosives, and then explode, spreading more fission factors.

The troops of Lan Ling and Ming Ling totaled 1 million people. In the dense formation, they were caught by the fissioner and detonated. It took less than 20,000 to break them all to death.

The fission-exploded poisonous insects have a lower lethality, but they can manipulate the shadows and force the enemy to do the same behavior as themselves, it seems as if the enemy hit the fissioner himself.

And even SSS-class steel crickets, Arya Troy, and Nakajiri Nakayoshi were also killed by these fissioners.

The Thunder Dog Corps and the Two-Headed Snake Corps of Beruhu were also destroyed under the current of the Insurgency and Blade Worm.

Nagato has lost the Psychic Beast Corps of the Beast Road, leaving only the Beast Road Corps with no beast available. Now Shura Road is completely scrapped and there is no chance of repair. The fragments of Shura Road have been collected and disappeared by worker bees.

Otherwise, collect these fragments and give them to Hell Road. Nagato can repair Shura Road, but it is impossible now.

"Mirror Attacker!"

Nagato now uses a big move. The mirror attacker is a technique that can copy the target. Unless the target can surpass itself, it will be killed by the copied self.

Nagato copied the imprinted distortion, but the funny thing is that the remaining Chakras of the Nagato Corps only copied one tenth of the imprinted distortion.

Because the physical ability is improved by lightning, the deformed body has A-level physical ability, but the Nagato Corps has only B-level Chakra.

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