Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 634: Ghost Shooting

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Lin Fan was already staring at the Nagato, and once the Nagato used the "mirror assault" to promote the regiment, Lin Fan would copy through the vision of Wang Zhe.

"Mirror Attacker!"

Nagato was immediately hit.

Lin Fan used the mirror attack technique to copy the Nagato's corps. The rest of Nagato's abilities were not good at confrontation. It was the best strategy to use this technique to bury Nagato's troops.

Shen Luo Tian Zheng VS Shen Luo Tian Zheng.

Vientiane Tianyin VS Vientiane Tianyin.

Earth Explosion Star vs Earth Explosion Star.

This technique is Nagato, so Nagato must know how to crack it, and only surpass the original one, otherwise the copy experience will be the ultimate winner.

But even if Nagato can surpass the copy, Chakra will be exhausted, and how much ability can he continue to fight?

Beiluhu is nervous now!

But how could Lin Fan forget about Beiluhu?

"Mirror Attacker."

Beiluhu now faces the same awkward situation as Nagato.

Ningya suction hole VS Lanao Aoyilan ghost dragon.

Underworld evil fights against VS fast.

Swift VS steel reed tempering.

As for the copy made by Nagato for the aberrations, it was ten times worse in strength, and a number of aberrations were siege, and then quickly destroyed.

However, in addition to the copy, Lin Fan also has blade worms, insurgents and aliens to interfere with the strength of Nagato and Beruhu.

the other side.

The ten-tailed had an inestimable Chakra, suppressed by Yae-sen Faming Shenmen, and could not be bombarded by the tail-beast jade, but a large number of splits continued to multiply.

These splits have the ability to change the structure of the body, alienate sharp, sharp or heavy weapons, and have no vital body.

Regardless of the lump's Junmalu form bone fork, or the snake snake's ghost boy pill form bone needle, the resistance to these splits is not excellent.

Wang Zhe's sky photo will be isolated by the split body, discarding these body structures, causing the sky photo to become a useless chicken rib ability.

Uchiha Baba is trying to find a way to regain the freedom of Tomi and split out a large number of wooden avatars. These wooden avatars can be used in full body and sacrifice to destroy Mingshenmen.

Once the seal is released, the ten-tailed map cannon will raz the Qinglong City to the ground.

"Wooden cunt, really thousands of hands."

A large number of wooden avatars were separated between the eight pillars to control the suppression of the Ming Shenmen, personally controlled the Muya Buddha, and went to stop the Uchi wave spot.

This situation is somewhat deadlocked.

However, Lin Fan is preparing a new Zerg, with the participation of medical ninjas such as Tsunei Ji, Mute, Sakura and Ino, and the operation of diagonal dissection is in the final stage.

The secret of Di Yu's grievances was unlocked.

Lin Fan stuffed the grievances into the gene sequence of the decomposer, and gave birth to a new gene slot: the neurosurgeon.

Decomposer is a variant branch of worker bees.

One larva can give birth to 1,000 subtle imperceptible decomposers. This is a whole team that will multiply 10 million after cleaning the corpse.

They can quickly understand the condition on the corpse. As long as there is no energy blocking and no immune system, the decomposer is the king.

It's a pity that so far, nothing like this kind of food has appeared for the disintegrator to attack the hero, and he can only be a scavenger of the corpse silently.

The neuroscientist will give the disintegrator new abilities and effects.

As long as it can be parasitic into the target body, whether it is alive or just dead, the decomposer will transform its nerves.

The dead will rise again, and fully use its physical capabilities. If it is destroyed, it is only collected by the decomposers and becomes a recyclable resource for the zerg.

If alive, the decomposer will parasitize on the nerves, replacing the host's original nerves, thereby achieving the effect of mutiny and surpassing the host's immune system.

However, at this stage, if it is discovered by the host and has the ability to carry energy, the decomposer will be purified.

The Decomposer silently penetrated into the body of the split body.

Then penetrate into its nerves, modify the behavior of these schizonts, and let them fight back on their own. Once the schizoites die, the decomposer will change the corpse into more decomposer children and penetrate into more of the schizont nerves. Go and perform the transformation.

When it reaches 30 million, it is the maximum amount of elite decomposers, but the decomposers can also be imprinted, the maximum amount can be increased to 60 million of the leader-level decomposers, and the speed of neural transformation is greatly increased.

Let the schizont hit the schizont, this move will push the schizoite to death, and then Lin Fan can kill the ten tails.

However, Lin Fan still had to wipe out the soil peeping from the sidelines.

The reincarnation eye has space ability. The kaleidoscope that Lin Fan obtained on Kakashi has the same origin as the soil. Lin Fan forcibly opened the time and space of soil.

"Mirror Attacker."

The space between the pillars and the soil and the copy of Ai Luo were made. Lin Fan blocked the time and space with soil. When these people hit the oil and dried up, they were pulled out and turned into Zerg materials.

the other side.

The Belarus Troops are defeated!

Lin Fan got the skill of Guiya Luo.

With the technical support of the Ghost Shooting Technique, the cockroaches get a maggot, generating gene slots and black holes to protect the wall. Absorbs and reflects energy strikes.

The steel density of elite cockroaches is immune to 30% of physical attacks, and the black hole wall absorbs energy to strike. It can also reflect. As a front-row meat shield, it is already a very comprehensive Zerg army.

If you use curse imprinting, you can upgrade your qualifications to reach the leader-level cockroach, 60% physical immunity, and confront civilizations at the same level. The enemy's long-range strike is exhausted and cannot break this abnormal defense combination.

Then Lin Fan used the technique of Ghost Buddhism to use group possession as a medium, and used the "li Sixiang seal" as a new gene slot for poisonous explosives: the seal was destroyed.

Lin Fan thinks this seal is the most suitable for poisonous insects, because as long as the first explosion, people within the scope of the acid will be sealed into the reshaped poisonous insects.

At this time, the poisonous blast will have new energy for consumption. As long as the person sealed in the body has physical, mental, or any available energy, it will be taken away by the poisonous blast.

Before the sealed person has been drained, the poisonous explosive explodes and reshapes, without even needing to downgrade, which is equal to the immortal body. How many times the explosion is provided by the sealed person for energy.

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