Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 757: Tower of Dark Thrones

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Lin Fan at this time scattered 100 hydraulic bombs on the wooden board. "I'm not here to hear your story ... Sirissa."

"My children will dance in your screams!" Sirissa lost her patience to persuade, and roared, flashing immediately to Lin Fan's head.

Sirius had three axe, flashing, stabbing and heavy.

The stabs and weights are all built on the basis of flashes, otherwise it is still very easy to escape, but there is a flash of cilia, which makes the stabs and pressures much stranger.

"Time Ball: Slow."

Quickly falling, Sirissa became as if frozen in space.

"Time Ball: Speed ​​up."

Lin Fan used his armour to accumulate power. The thunder light flashed above him, and the dragon fist hit him, hitting Sirissa's armored belly.

Suddenly the slow time was over, Sirissa was blasted to the ceiling, then fell down and rolled into a hydraulic bomb.

Sirissa was surprised: "What are these things !!!"

Hydraulic bombs are biological bombs modulated by poisonous bombs. Once they lock and hit the target in various forms, they will immediately produce a slight stab.

"Burst!" Lin Fan yelled.

Sirissa was startled and flashed into the distance, but dozens of hydraulic explosive shells clasped and exploded together at the same time, its lethality was enough to blow up the firm shell of Sirissa.

The Zerg force dispels the spider monster of Silesa.

Lin Fan came to Silesa and said, "Do you have any last words?"

"You will end like us ... hahaha." Sirissa sneered.

"When killing Tiamet, this was already said ... it's really nourishing." Lin Fan used the scabbard of heaven to open the flesh and blood of Silesa and dug out the heart inside.

At the same time, Siris also dropped a complete life stone.

Losing the iron canopy of Sirissa, being quickly searched by Lin Fan's insurgency ...

There are now eight skulls on the blood strip! !!

And the anger below the blood bar increased to six.

After a few hours ...

Lin Fan teleported through Walgreen's Serpent Cave to Messar's cage altar.

Messar is waiting anxiously ...

"I thought you wouldn't live to the end of this deal ... give me your heart!" Maisal surprised.

Lin Fan threw his heart to the ground and said, "You are too underestimating your partner ... now open the way to the tower."

The power of Mysal who ate the fourth heart exploded. When the fragment becomes complete, Mysal will have power beyond the current Lin Fan. "Now that my strength is restored, I will become a godlike existence! I can drain your bone marrow in an instant without giving you any chance ..."

"Okay, don't brag, just work." Lin Fan said disdainfully.

Messar concealed his embarrassment and said, "... I can! But I do business in principle ... I will open the tower's teleportation array."

Not far away, a golden magic circle appeared, which no longer oozes the dark smoke at all times, and I don't know what realm it leads to.

"Do you really believe in this demon? Lin Fan! Who knows what ghost place this teleportation team will take us to ... You have taught Mesal before you!" The watchman reminded at this moment.

Lin Fan said faintly: "A transaction is a transaction, a private matter is a private matter, and Mesal will not be a ghost here."

"Ha ha ha ... yes, my credibility has always been good." Mesal stared at the watcher coldly.

Lin Fan stepped into the teleportation ...

The tower is named the Dark Throne!

Coming here, Lin Fan saw Azir, the angel of death, but the higher angel of this heaven was trapped by three seals.

"Blessing of heaven! The seventh seal has not been broken!" A look of gladness appeared in Azir's expression.

Lin Fan said lightly, "Maybe you can tell me what's next."

"If you don't plan to kill me! Maybe you will help me?" Azirel asked.

Lin Fan said lightly, "I have no other choice."

"Listen to me, the gate must be closed, and the connection between the tower and the well must be cut off ... the destroyer will get strength from the well." Azriel nervously said.

"The Well of Soul!" Lin Fan said.

Azirir explained: "Yes, millions of souls are enslaved, and fallen forces feed the army of the Destroyer!"

"You are the high-level angel who controls death, the manager of the well, and no soul can escape your vision ... unless it is the door you opened yourself." Lin Fan said lightly.

Azriel stunned: "Yes ... the Destroyer sent the strongest callee to guard this tower ... we are in the same situation and we need to face Stagala ..."

Stagala was the skeleton general who first killed Lin Fan once. Also the strongest guardian on this tower!

Lin Fan needs to return this account.

And to liberate Azir, you can close the well and open the stairway to Stagala.

Lin Fan summoned the Queen, and ordered: "Hatch a Decomposer

, Spread out, to lock out the roots of the three seals. "

Immediately after the worm lay eggs in the tail, a large skull worm egg was born, and then was filled with a large number of green souls, expanding and growing ... From the cocoons, 1,000 decomposers were born, they were so small that they were not detectable by the eyes.

These things are divided into three groups. Like the net, they quickly expand the positions of the three seal roots.

After half an hour ...

Three seals have been locked.

Just need to refract the three skull seals here at the altar through the light mirror at the root of the seal to unlock the power of Aziril.

But this also requires an important piece of equipment: Voidwalker.

The time ball is the power of time.

Then the void walker is the power of space.

Under the scan of the Decomposer's net, Lin Fan has obtained the treasure chest containing the Voidwalker and ordered the Insurgency to bring it back.

Voidwalker can open two space channels, blue will be repulsive, and red will be attractive, but the two space doors do not affect shuttle back and forth.

The next thing to do is to remove the three guardians at the root of the seal.

The root of the first seal, because it is very simple, will not use the Voidwalker, so it is guarded by heavy soldiers. One of the magic stone robots is very powerful.

However, the magic stone robot was weak against the air and was attacked by an alien dragon.

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